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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What did you do with the original launcher? Do you have the correct version of FOSE for your game version? Have you tried launching directly from FOSE loader??
  2. History of the World? That was Mel Brooks, wasn't it?
  3. But she did consider herself to be half of the president when her husband was the inhabitant of the Oval Office. Ya know why they banned short skirts in the Whitehouse? Folks were tired of seeing Hilarys balls. :D
  4. HeyYou


    I will miss him though. He was the gift that keeps on giving for memes. At least he was good for something, eh? :D
  5. The press does not decide who wins. That is for the electoral college, and we likely won't get a verdict until monday, at the earliest. Remember Hilary? She won the popular vote too.... Please note, she is NOT president.
  6. HeyYou


    Why can't Trump go into the Whitehouse anymore? 'Cos it's for biden. Bada bom, ching! Oh BOOO! HISSSSSss. That was bad. But it was funny. :D
  7. HeyYou


    It's been broken a lot longer than four years. You just haven't been here to see it, and it hasn't been that big of news. Its basically "situation normal". I live here. I see it with my own eyes. It started going down hill 20 years ago, when Bush supposedly 'stole' the election. It's only gotten worse. And yeah, it appears that Biden has the votes he needs, but, will the Electoral College actually put him in office? As I recall, Hilary won the popular vote as well, but still lost the election. I ain't heard the fat lady yet. And I am most certainly NOT looking forward to four years of Biden. Wave bye bye to a selection of my constitutional rights.... Republicans seem to have held the senate though, so, hopefully, he won't be able to do too much damage.
  8. Need to post in the Site Issues forum for that.
  9. HeyYou


    I am awake, and 'what is broken' is the american political system. Has been for quite some time. Each side has their own agenda, and feels the other side is insane, because they don't agree with them. It has become more important to prevent whatever current administration is in power from doing anything at all that might be considered 'good' for the country. Obstructionist politics is the rule of the day. We aren't going to fix it with our votes though, as we simply cannot replace enough of the 'old guard' to change their direction. What's even worse is, Congress hasn't seen an approval rate over 30% for decades, yet we keep putting the same people back in office. Why? Because those are our only choices. We need campaign finance reform, a repeal of the citizens united decision, term limits for congress, just to make a start on 'fixing' it. The only problem is, the only folks that can implement those changes, are the very same people that benefit the most from NOT changing them. Therefore, nothing is going to change, short of a revolution.
  10. Did you install a mod, and accidentally get the Russian translation of it instead?
  11. HeyYou


    We haven't been "United" for decades. But then, you don't live here, so, you wouldn't know. Biden is NOT going to be a 'better' president. He will be different, but, I seriously doubt he will be 'better'. Too many of his programs/policies are detrimental to the US, both economically, and for our long-term security. Not to mention unconstitutional....... But once again, we have been over all that before, and once again, you just gloss over it. (or completely ignore it.) You accuse Trump supporters of being deluded/mentally deranged.... I would invite you to look in a mirror. Your rabid hatred of Trump really doesn't prompt me to want to take you seriously.
  12. That information is going to be contained in your save file, and the editor can't do anything with it. So far as I know, you are stuck.... There *might* be a way to get the dialog topic to get Brandis to re-join, but, I don't know what it is. Maybe there is a mod for it??
  13. HeyYou


    I see what ya did there. :D I am not trying to excuse anyones behavior. I have already flatly stated that Trump is an idiot. (I have another word for it, that is more accurate, but, can't use that one here..... :) ) If you are considering electing someone, their behavior/honesty is most certainly relevant. Of course, I don't expect ANY politician to be 'honest'. For the most part, we are only given the choice of the lesser of several evils. Whomever you vote for, is still 'evil'. Problem is, for the last (far too) many election cycles, the candidates we are offered just suck. So, you don't vote for the person that's running, you vote on their positions on the issues.
  14. Removing mods mid-game can lead to that kind of behavior..... Did this behavior start out of the blue, or did you change anything, and then it started happening?
  15. Then check your plugins tab in Vortex, and make sure dawnguard is enabled.
  16. Does the game load if you tell it to ignore the error? If it does, just play.
  17. HeyYou


    Show me ONE honest politician. Just one. You won't be able to, because they are ALL indeed dishonest. They will tell you what they think you want to hear, then do whatever is best for THEM. All of them. Without exception. Maybe I am just jaded by the american political system, but, so far, no one has proven me wrong.
  18. LOLOL. I hear ya there brother. :D There was more than one occasion where I was walking thru an area I thought I had cleared, only to be surprised by getting hit from behind by a couple ferals that were stashed away....... Might have a look at the perk in FO4Edit, and see if anything obvious presents itself for that. I tend to agree with you. If they are there, I would just as soon they come out and play. :D
  19. HeyYou


    If you trust ANY politician, you are delusional.
  20. You can shoot them anyway..... They are still feral ghouls, they just won't attack you. (until you shoot them.... then they will. :) )
  21. There are several that do that. I use HUD Framework, it highlight NPC's by friend/foe/dead status, but, only when sneaking, or, you have your weapon out. Works great. :D
  22. Vortex isn't the problem. :) It's the number of mods you are trying to run. Just getting that number below the hard limit of 255 should solve the issue.
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