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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. This political philosophy is a good philosophy that would work on a small Island or an extremely small country with a small enough population where everyone who lives there shares the same cultural values. The problem with Anarcho-capitalism is it could not possibly work in any large nation or anywhere that is extremely populated. With more people there is always more problems, conflicting beliefs, values, etc... The more people in a nation the more complex things are and simply trying to have a system where everything is privatized only one can imagine all the things that could go wrong when just looking at how things are in every large nation around the world now. This is just my own opinion about it, although I will admit I am no where close to being some scholar on this political philosophy. I gotta agree with this sentiment. For small communities, that weren't real technologically advanced (very little required infrastructure), it might work, but, get beyond a certain population point, and/or a certain level of technology, and it all goes out the window. Too much 'stuff' that needs to be paid for, and maintained, that not every individual is going to have a vested interest in. Schools for those with no children.... Health care facilities for those that are healthy, etc.
  2. What kind of games do you like? I know the TES games, you can change the font size in an ini file.....
  3. HeyYou


    it was and it is irrelevant what the dems promise or promised. biden was not voted because of his brilliance (but that does not exclude that he is). the high rate of votes ruled the latest elections. reps have not lost too many votes but the number of people not accepting trump, and this is the majority in the u.s., was aware that these elections are very important to save democracy, not the dems. i don't know why reps trusted and supported trump so long and why some still do. this was their biggest mistake. simply the negative influence of trump switched a red state into a blue state. i hope reps will do better next time and they will learn from that and chose a capable candidate instead of a narcissist even if they will have to live without the qanon and racists and some other extremists votes. if reps are unable to win their internal fight for independence against trump they will accelerate their own destruction and we will see instead a pure trump and friends party which will continue the fight for the destruction of the republic. I will grant you that Trumps behavior most certainly played a role in his defeat...... But, that is not the only factor in the elections. Highly likely we will never know folks motivation for voting the way they did. A wouldn't trust a poll on the topic. Too many folks with vested interests in making sure that their perspective is seen as 'the truth'..... When in reality, there is no truth here. I also don't see the dems, or votes for them, 'saving' democracy. I find it much more likely that the results will be an acceleration of the degradation of our society, and further division in this nation. The events at the captiol a few days ago are indicative of a much deeper divide that is apparent on the surface. I don't see that changing, I only see it getting worse, and even more evident. The dems are essentially going to have a free hand in determining policy for at least the next two years. Only time will tell if that is good/bad/indifferent....
  4. HeyYou


    Of course not. It's the nature of the beast. Once the people figure out they can vote themselves free money, it's pretty much the beginning of the end. The dems promise exactly that, and they got elected. (didn't help the republicans any that Trump isn't exactly a fine example of a human being....)
  5. Get the 10700KF instead. Only difference between the 2 is that the KF has a disabled GPU. Which you won't be needing with a dedicated graphics card. It's also cheaper. (around 30 bucks here) Does the KF still do hyper-threading though? I know my 9700KF doesn't.... But, an eight core is still an eight core. :D
  6. Well, it IS technically considered "hazardous materials", and if you lived in California, it would be carcinogenic. :) So, supposedly, you can't just throw it in the trash....... If there is a battery wholesale, or similar store near you, they should be able to take it off your hands.
  7. Yep, that's a dead cmos battery. They are less than five bucks, and you can get them just about everywhere. Even the local drug store. :) Quick and easy to replace, reset your bios, and the problem is gone for a couple more years. :D
  8. HeyYou


    Are we going to start doing this every election though? We can go all the way back to the 2000 elections, when George Bush was accused of 'stealing the election'. And ever since then, there is a hue and cry from the losers after EVERY election. It's getting kinda old... Of course, I don't think we have actually had an honest election for a couple decades in any event. Nor do I expect to see one again in the foreseeable future.
  9. HeyYou


    We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Trump did OK, for the most part, right up until it was pointed out to him that he did NOT win the election. Then, he just lost it. The last few weeks have shown that he really isn't a 'good' candidate for president. Not any more. Folks are still supporting him because he is still president, and quite likely, some of those folks in DC are still hoping to get something from him for their support. What that would be, I have no idea. He is a Lame Duck at this point, and it seems the most he can hope to accomplish is executing some folks on the federal death row. For the most part, he is done. He isn't going to be able to retain power after the 20th....... and as it begins to appear that the dems won the run-off elections in Georgia, the dems will have the presidency, and a majority in both houses of congress. Promises to be an interesting next four years. I am not looking forward to it. You think Trump did some damage? Biden has the potential to do a great deal more.
  10. Processor is great, ram is good, as is the vid card. I think you will want more ram for streaming, and maybe a meaner vid card.... (2070? 2080?) As it sits, it will run the games GREAT. :D
  11. HeyYou


    Mine showed up. Rumor has it though, that Biden is calling this a 'down payment', and his priority will be to get us the rest of it once he is in office. I find it counter-intuitive to say "No" to free money. :D
  12. PC Part Picker is a good resource. Of course, the problem is, the NVidia 30 series cards don't seem to be available anywhere at all....... One would think they would restock at some point, but, so far, I haven't seen that happen....... The 20 series cards still seem to be out there, and are decent performance..... but, if you wanna do streaming, you are going to need a pretty mean card/processor/lots of ram.
  13. i think i have not missed anything :wink:. no hate is good. why trump ? there were better and more capable rep candidates in in the last decades like mccain i would have voted for. you voted for trump just to learn that plain populism does not qualify for presidency ? the good thing: at least trump opened the eyes of many rep voters and even many people in the rep party. the only good thing about this presidency. but my question "why do you prefer a rep agenda full of trump populism in favor of the dem agenda?" is still not answered. some arguments would really help here. Nope, wasn't going to vote for McCain, he would have had us in a war with Iran in pretty short order. We didn't need any more wars at that point. (and we don't need any more now either......) I have detailed why I won't vote democrat numerous times throughout this thread. I voted for Trump, (well, really, I voted AGAINST hillary.....) because he was the republican candidate at the time. I didn't get to choose whom they ran, I was given a choice between two candidates for president, and I picked the one I disliked the least. I really didn't care for Hilary's platform/vision for america either. This time around, I had a choice of Biden, and the dem agenda, or Trump, and the republican agenda. I still prefer the republican agenda... so, I voted for trump. Quite likely, in 24, I will still prefer the republican agenda, and will vote for whomever runs on the republican ticket. Even if it is Trump, as distasteful as that will be. And yes, if Trump runs again, I expect he will lose. I'll still vote for him, as I really do NOT want the dems in charge. We'll see what damage Biden/Harris does to the country over the next four years.....
  14. Not to mention they are just as likely to kill you, as whomever is attacking..... It seems NPCs and the AI just don't seem to understand "Area of Effect" weapons. (to include grenades.....)
  15. Just scrapping stuff shouldn't cause any trouble. If you use a scrapping mod though, that *might* be problematic. (some moreso than others....) If you are crashing consistently in one area..... check and see what mods you are running that affect that area. Go from there.
  16. Are you sure? :) Aside from that, I don't know that anyone has nailed down another cause... except maybe a failing HDD....
  17. LOLOLOL Swing and a miss. :) I voted Democrat for decades, until they started getting stupid, and progressed to stupider. Trump was the first time I voted republican in 30 years or more. So, no, not a 'hater'. You must have missed the sarcasm associated with my previous statement...... :) Yes, Trump is NOT a good person. He is a power mad narcissist. That is a given. Is he doing stupid stuff? Yep. Sure is. Have others done the same before him? Yep, sure have. This isn't the first time a president has handed out controversial pardons. Won't be the last either. Trump keeps making noise about running again in 24, I sincerely hope he does NOT. His behavior of late has pretty much assured he will be unelectable in the future. Let's hope once he is out of office, the republican party can get its stuff back in one sock again.
  18. How many mods are you running? Most of the time, when I see these kinds of problems, it's because you have too many mods attempting to load. The limit is 255 esp/esm files, go over that, and strange things happen.
  19. Trump abusing his power? Oh... say it ain't so. (I will pretend to act like I am surprised here..... after all, he is the FIRST president to EVER do such a thing......) Look at what the dems ran on, 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, advocating for reparations for slavery, tax the rich, more programs for the poor, etc, etc, etc. Essentially, what their entire platform was all about, was redistribution of wealth. Take from the rich, give to the poor. (not to mention borrow a significant portion of the federal budget from various other foreign entities to pay for some of those programs) The flip side of that is, their ideas for driving the country even deeper into debt, at an alarming rate. Rejoin the Paris accord? (take money from rich countries, give it to poorer countries.....) Not to mention that the Paris accords are a blatant waste of breath. Even if EVERYONE does EVERYTHING they said they would, (and that is simply not going to happen, many countries are already not meeting goals.....) projections show that it would only limit temperature rise by a whopping .2 degrees over the rest of the century..... Yeah, lets thoroughly trash the world economy to make no significant difference at all.... And the Iran nuclear deal? Do you really want them to have nuclear weapons?? Iran won't nuke anyone, (probably....) but, they sure as heck wouldn't mind giving one to some of their terrorist buddies, and have THEM nuke Israel......) What do you think Israels response would be to that??? (hint, it would go BOOM! and hundreds of thousands would die in a millisecond.) Nope. I really, truly, vehemently, willfully, despise the democrats ideas for what we should be doing. I think they are dangerous, and are going to drive us to ruin, war, revolution, or a combination of the above. I am hopeful I am wrong... (not like that hasn't happened before.....) But, not gonna hold my breath that anything comes from a Kamala Harris presidency. (as I don't expect Biden to last very long. He has health issues manifesting themselves currently, and for some time, according to some folks.....) That should be fun... eh?
  20. Which side of the lake? Could it possibly have been just a mod that expands the settlement area, to include some of the lake?
  21. I am not sure how you would track that one down. Maybe look at disk access as well, and see if some program or other is attempting to do something with the GPU at that point. Might try running some malware scans as well, maybe it's some hackers bitcoin mining hack..... Disk access at the crash point may tell the tale. Need to know which program is doing the access though.... just seeing a spike won't help.
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