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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. So, what resolution are you trying to play at, what video card/cpu do you have?
  2. Doesn't deacon change his face randomly in any event??
  3. Feedback, suggestions and questions ... how are you doing Hey? Has it been warm enough for you on your side of the crick? Warm enough? :smile: One way of putting it..... I was stupid enough to say "Yes" when a friend asked me to help him with 'some tree work'....... I thought, a couple hours..... in reality, it was a couple days. In the 90+ degree heat, and high humidity... That was fun. :smile: At least it paid well. Cooler today, as we are having thunderstorms roll though. So, it's alternating between HOT and humid, and merely warm and humid. :smile: At least I have central air in the house. :D Here's hopin' life is treatin' ya well. :D If they'd let me cross the border I'd take home a bucket or two of your ACed air ... there are no such conveniences here at the Striker Manor. Weather Network claims it's down to 22C (72F on your side of the crick). Maybe they're sticking the thermometer into the lake. I watched the radar picture you had overhead earlier, we got our turn with it just a while ago. Life ... it's a box of chocolates isn't it? Never know what's inside 'til you take a bite. When we went house shopping, central air was one of the requirements, due to both of us having various health issues. (we don't deal well with heat. :) ) That, and a two car garage, any outbuildings would just be bonuses. :) It's expensive to run it, so, it doesn't see a lot of use...... but, in conditions like this? Yep. You betcha. It cools off acceptably at night, so, we open windows, and run a couple fans once it cools off outside. It's downright NICE out this morning. Temps in the low 70's. I don't expect that to last though....... seems the storms have passed, and it is a cloudless blue sky out there. So, HOT today. :D
  4. Feedback, suggestions and questions ... how are you doing Hey? Has it been warm enough for you on your side of the crick? Warm enough? :) One way of putting it..... I was stupid enough to say "Yes" when a friend asked me to help him with 'some tree work'....... I thought, a couple hours..... in reality, it was a couple days. In the 90+ degree heat, and high humidity... That was fun. :) At least it paid well. Cooler today, as we are having thunderstorms roll though. So, it's alternating between HOT and humid, and merely warm and humid. :) At least I have central air in the house. :D Here's hopin' life is treatin' ya well. :D
  5. Does it do the same if you start new game?
  6. The thought it certainly worth while, but, you would indeed need documented permission from every author included in your compilation, if even one said "no", that's it, you are done. The problem I see with it is, a fair few mod authors include in their permission, that their mod is NOT to be used in a compilation.... Not to mention so of the authors are likely no longer available to even ask permission. :) That certainly throws a wrench into the works.....
  7. Have you tried "ReSaver", to clean up your save game? Worked great for me. (cleaned out orphaned scripts, and various other things.)
  8. Find your NMM mods folder, (in windows explorer) then, right click, select new, then Folder, Name is something like "Mods Downloads", or something similar, and when you click the manual download link, (or, the Download with manager...) point it at that folder. When it is done downloading, click on the "add file from archive" button in NMM, navigate to that folder, and select the archive you just downloaded. I also have it sorted by date, most recent at the top..... that way, the mod(s) I want to install, are right there.
  9. You should post this in the Site Issues forum... I know Nexus has some troubleshooting steps for just such problems.
  10. Are you editing the correct file? That seems really strange.....
  11. Yeah, I got that one too a while back. I just created a new, empty directory to download my mods to, and then pointed NMM there when I "install mod from archive". Works fine.
  12. Can you open the config files in notepad, edit them directly, and the settings actually stick?
  13. I'm willing to bet he clicked on the column header in one of the columns and they're being sorted according to that column. This has happened a few times before I've never done that....... :geek:
  14. What are you running for an anti-virus? Maybe add an exception for the game install folder?
  15. Vortex doesn't care. What is the problem with the load order?
  16. Well, everything I find simply says the command does exactly that, but, no one expounds on just HOW it exports it, or where it puts it.... or what you can do with it........
  17. Is the file where configuration settings are stored set as Read Only?
  18. What hardware are you running the game on?
  19. Are you referring to the scaling options from the dropdown menu or the one where you can type in a custom scaling size in 'advanced saling settings'? Because I'm referring to the latter. The former 'works' but has issues with blurry text and the like. If you get too far from your native resolution, yeah, that's gonna be a problem. I think Win 10 also has a setting to help correct that.... Have a read here. That *might* help.
  20. Start a new game, with your new load order, see if things are any better.
  21. Put 10 experts in a room, and ask them for advice on any particular issues, and you will get 10 different opinions. Why you think Obama was doing so well, because he 'listened to experts' is beyond me. A fair few of his policies did absolutely nothing for the economy. (shovel ready jobs? Uh huh....) The ACA was a boondoggle, written by insurance companies, that fell FAR short of what it was supposed to accomplish. Sure, a bunch of folks actually had insurance, that didn't have it before, but, in reality, the 'insurance' they had cost them more than it was worth. A fair few of them only got the insurance because it was federally mandated they buy a product from a private company. (which, one could argue, in and of itself is unconstitutional.....) and they were no better off than when they didn't have insurance at all. Huge deductibles, limited coverage, requiring coverage for conditions they would NEVER have to deal with...... His foreign policy was amazingly similar to the republican administrations before him. Except he would apologize for everything under the sun..... Nope. Obama wasn't that good of a president.
  22. According to theory, Windows 10 natively supports custom scaling on a per-monitor basis....... Is that not working for you?
  23. Consistently? Or randomly? If the former, likely a missing master crash.
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