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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Ok, so before I start, please let me just say that I'm mostly quoting you because you brought up something that I wanted to talk about. I'm not quoting it to argue with you, Ethreon. Truth is, I've got a lot of respect, and you've helped me out with some of the questions that I've had in some of the other parts of the board. That said. There's truth to this, whether we like to admit it or not. And not just so much in games or modding, but for pretty much everything. Social media is a very, very prime example of what Ethreon is talking about. But back to mods, and the people that make them, and the people that "want". And to the original intent of the post. A really good example of the MA's perspective, and the normie's perspective...for me...is displayed in the mod request section of every gaming section of the forums. "I have a small request" or "I have a really simple request" made by a normie, who really doesn't understand the game mechanics, or the skill/time requirements needed to make their idea happen. In some of these cases that "small" or "simple" idea, is absolutely NOTHING simple or small! Especially for Bethesda games where the tools they give us to work with get less and less user friendly with each one they the make. I'm not going to fault them for that, as they well....dunno what they're talking about in most cases. If I didn't know anything at all about the mechanics of a car, I could say "Hey! It'd be an awesome idea if you guys could build a car that gets 85 miles to the gallon." Yeah, that sounds really easy, but it's definitely NOT. But back to the request sections. There's stuff in there, that people really, really want to see in this game. While I'm not typing this to belittle anybody, I see a lot of them on there that just makes me think "That's way too much work" or "I couldn't give two shakes about that". So while yeah, it's important to them...it doesn't matter at all to me. And who would be doing the work and research, and putting in the time to make it? Them...or...me? Now, that said. There's two sides to MA criticism. If you're gonna publish something, and make it available to anybody and everybody, a person is doing that, and they're drawing a target on their forehead when they do it. You can't please everybody, all the time. There is always somebody who thinks you could have done it this way. Or that way. Or this could be better. As MA's, we Have to know that we're making ourselves a target for that, when we release something. That's the choice that we are making. That's the reason why I personally don't publish anything that takes any time, anymore. As the new saying goes "I ain't got time for all that!" But the point of it is, that it's a choice. If a person chooses to publish, they choose to put that target on their forehead. They threw it out there, they can deal with what comes along with it. And that's why mod authors were given the ability to moderate their own comments threads. But, even so, there are some authors out there that respond poorly to ANY criticism/suggestions at all, and will ban anyone from all their content for even suggesting the possibility that their mod isn't perfect.... And that includes verified bug reports...... I suppose, given the volume of "hey, you shoulda done x instead of y' comments, it shouldn't really come as a surprise...... Folks can only take so much grief before their cup runneth over, and the banhammer comes out. :) I suppose everything under the sun has its good and bad points. :) That said, Stormwolf: I would LOVE to see some of your more 'complex' mods. :) You can always turn off the comments altogether. :D
  2. Wow, that's just weird....... Just out of idle curiosity, why do your settlers show up in red? They sure aren't acting hostile....... That's gotta be a mod interaction.... There was another member that had modified two vaults, in two separate plugins. He could load one, or the other, but not both, if he loaded both, he would see mix and match vaults. Parts of one, would show up in the other, and scrapped items, would show up in the other vault..... So far as I know, he has not found a solution to that. I didn't peruse your load list especially carefully, but, are you loading any mods that change the workshop scripts at all??
  3. XBox makes a HUGE difference..... I don't really have a problem with the meshes/textures. They look fine in-game to me.
  4. HeyYou


    Doesn't come as a surprise...... After all, the Senate has a Republican majority. The dems HAD to know this was going to be the final outcome. But, they went ahead anyway, wasted thousands of hours, and millions of dollars, on an investigation, and 'trial' that did absolutely nothing. (aside from wasting time and money. did a FINE job of that.) And now the dems are saying they are going to continue their investigations, even though they have come to essentially nothing. This is partisanship at its worst. And they think this is going to help them get more dems elected??? I hardly think so. I fully expect to see trump win in 2020, and the republicans pick up more seats in the senate, and re-take the house. It's truly sad what our political system has come to...
  5. No no lol. That's for normal robots around the Commonwealth. I mean the robots you can create yourself with the Automatron DLC. You can't hack them or, yep, disable them. That seems like rather an oversight..... Of course, I suspect their reasoning would be "you built it, why would you WANT to deactivate it?"..... I think you can scrap them though, can't you?
  6. Modern Firearms does all that already. Don't think there are gloves though.....
  7. Oh wonderful... down there with all the Supermutants....... The dealership (if it is the building I think you are suggesting) is a GREAT place to find cover, and take out the SM's that are outside there..... Are these cars going to be as prone to 'going nuclear' as the rest of the cars in FO???? :D That could get REAL exciting with a bunch of 'em all in one place, and combined with SM's penchant for spraying lead EVERYWHERE....... you are pretty much guaranteed to see the show. :D I may have to go sample that when .2b comes out, and see what happens. :D I haven't been reduced to my component atoms in-game for some time now. :D
  8. That is patently false, and I wish you would stop passing that disinformation. If you are having problems, and corrupted saves, F4SE is NOT the cause. It is a script extender, it adds scripting functions, that's it. Poorly written mods/scripts will give you problems. F4SE will not.
  9. Check your data folder, anything starting with cc_ is going to be creation club content. Likely just a bunch of bsa files, one would hope. According to theory, without a corresponding esp/esl file, those assets shouldn't load...... Shouldn't. :)
  10. That's awesome. Are you going to clue us in to the location of the Dealership? :D
  11. I think that has happened a couple times, but, more often than not, I can take what I need there, and no one cares.....
  12. What? Who? Me????? Come on now, you know I would never drag a thread off-topic......... :D
  13. You get the freedoms your government decides to grant you. That's it. There is no such thing as "god given rights". It sounded good at the time it was written, but, its a snow job. The government in the US has been taking away our 'god given rights' since its inception. That process has only accelerated these last couple decades. It's getting to the point that there is no freedom of speech, and it seems the left wants to revoke the 2nd amendment as well.
  14. I sometimes have issues with the flashlight, if my weapon has one on it. It turns on, rather than the pip-boy light.
  15. I can steal keys in covenant without the whole place going hostile. Break into the house nearest the gate, lift the key for the office, and so long as I am not detected, no one seems to care.
  16. LOL Yeah, a lot of us around here, are like that :wink: No we aren't........
  17. Isn't Plugins.txt in the AppData folder? Which is a hidden folder in the Users\username folder.
  18. No, just nuke all the CC content that gets loaded in there by default. :D
  19. If you install the FOSE plugin, then you just need to start the game with FOSE_launcher. (run it as admin) The plugin will take care of the rest. Before you try that though, make sure your mod manager put the plugin in the right place. Should be in Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins
  20. So remove all that content from the data folder. Are you running any mods that list any CC content as requirements?
  21. I have real issues giving companions area of effect weapons, particularly grenades, molotovs, and missile launchers.... They invariably kill me. :D
  22. The author shows last active as TODAY...... Send him/her a PM. :)
  23. Personally, I fail to see how it is even possible to "cheat" in a single-player game. :D
  24. So, roll back a few saves before you got back to sanctuary, and see if the bug is still present. (or at least, before you went into the bunker.)
  25. Are you using any CC content? If not, just nuke that stuff right out of the data folder.
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