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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Delete, or rename, you skyrim.ini files in your My Documents\My games\Skyrim folder. Try the game again. That error is really generic.... it supposedly points to a hardware issue, but, if the game ran fine before moving it, it's likely windows 'best guess' as to what happened.
  2. For the first problem, I would simply make sure there was a gap between whatever method I used to get up to the correct level, and the floor of that level, so the navmesh was not contiguous. That prevented them from walking in, but, I still haven't found a decent way of preventing them from spawning inside...... I had Preston as a room mate for quite a while, as he couldn't get out of the building while I was there, and he seemed to constantly spawn inside. Just another aspect of Preston that annoys me. :D
  3. I can get there, go down the elevator with no problem. However, if I shoot one specific gunner there, or, even if it don't, the game will crash to desktop. Instantly if I kill the wrong gunner, might take a minute or two if I just stand there, and hide from them. I have searched out this problem, found a couple mentions of it, (from 2016......) but, no one appears to have ever come up with a solution. I figured it was just a bad spawn, so, left for several weeks in-game time, then went back. Same issue. I checked with FO4Edit, and I don't have any mods that directly affect Vault 95, other than the official bethesda stuff. (not CC content, base game, and DLC) I had hoped I could simply disable the one gunner, and be done with it, but, identifying WHICH gunner it is, in the limited time I get, has proven problematic...... Anyone ever come up with a solution for this? Something obvious that I missed?
  4. I dump them in sanctuary, and then avoid the place like its radioactive. :D I stop in to visit now and then, and make sure things are still golden..... (and chat with preston) and that's about it. I have them both assigned to food production. :D and gave marcy a 'clean blue dress', that I added ballistic weave to, so it's MUCH better armor than the rags she was wearing.
  5. Go here. and wander thru the mods that are available. There are various search options you can use, most endorsed, most downloads, trending, uploaded today, etc. Most endorsed will be the more 'popular' mods. (bear in mind, a fair few of them will be classed as 'adult content'..... which I think is turned off by default in your nexus mods profile. (which is separate from your nexus forums profile.) Download the mods you want, (remember where you put them.....) Also download and install Vortex, (get it here.) and use it to install your mods. It will automagically set your load order for you. Makes life a bit easier. :) Don't get real weird with the mods though. :) Just start with a few. Think about which aspects of the game you would REALLY like to change, and then look for mods that do so. I will warn you in advance though, modding your game can be addicting, and you end up spending more time adding mods, than you do playing..... :D
  6. what soul ? between the anit-semites the looney radicals, the Fabians and the "celebrities" I would challenge you to find one soul combined.. Labour, like most Social-Democratic Parties in Europe sold their soul (and their base) in the seventies when they were swamped with Students and radical "intellectuals".. since then It has been a race to the left and now they are at the extreme end of the line where they have joined up with the extreme Right.. Labour is now reminiscent of Herr. Hynkels Party in words and deeds (see Antifa and so forth) there are no workers, there are no shopkeepers and no "average income" representatives or members of the leadership, only University slobs and fanatical Communists.. no wonder their voters left them, imagine being in the same club as those slovenly blobs of hysterical tantrums and greedy Climate-Cultists ? I would revoke my membership too... The left in the US hasn't quite figured out yet that all these programs they are advocating, which they have no idea how they are going to pay for, (mainly because, there IS no way for them to pay for them) and all their talking about taking away our rights, (that are protected by the constitution....) is WHY folks are abandoning them. Of course, the folks they are promising money to, will still vote for them, but, I seriously doubt that is going to help them much. (as those folks generally vote dem anyway.) What they don't seem to understand is, only the extremists agree with them, even the majority of their own party don't want most of the stuff they are blathering on about. Anyone with a smart to fold over and rub on itself, should understand that their 'economic plans' are simply not possible. Then we get into the whole 'green new deal', and its various iterations...... and there is another HUGE pile of money that the dems don't know where it will come from........ because there simply isn't that much money to be had, anywhere. It is simply too expensive to be workable. I suspect come election time, the dems are going to get spanked. The republicans will re-take the house, and retain the senate, and the oval office. Not really a scene I am looking forward to, but, no way on god's little green acre am I even considering voting dem. Not just no......
  7. Wouldn't it be easier to have the game think you are one sex, but, use the meshes/textures/etc, of the opposite sex?
  8. That's your opinion. I do not agree. We can have just about any other "pride" mod, but, if folks disagree with it, they are labeled bigots, or somethingorother-phobic. In my view, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander. If EVERYONE else can have their 'pride' mod, why are straight people being discriminated against here?
  9. I hate companions in general. I only use them when they are forced upon me. They are constantly getting in the way, giving away my position, or rushing in when I am trying to avoid an encounter. Quite frankly, they are FAR more trouble than they are worth. :D I usually end up carry tons of ammo anyway. I have a habit of just plinking, in areas that aren't populated. IE- boring. It's an IRL habit actually. I used to do it a lot when I lived on a farm, with my .22. Shooting up cans, paint cans, bottles, pretty much anything in the game that will move, when it's hit. You might try out Amazing Follower Tweaks. It's got a lot of settings that takes care of a lot of the complaints about followers. The constant nagging about picking up junk, setting them up so that they only attack if you the player get under fire, making it so that if you bump them, they get outta your way, limiting idle banter, making it so they can heal themselves, or each other, all kinds of great stuff. Granted, I still let mine make the comments about picking up junk. But I also carry a pistol that I made, that does an insanely small amount of damage. Color me a sadist, but I love hearing Cait cuss when I shoot her in the butt for her snide remarks. :D But, for the most part, my 3 companions are just window dressing that can be load bearers. But occasionally they'll wander off into a room on their own, and end up wiping it out, before I can find where they got off to. Another of my habits is that almost all of my firearms are silenced. I like the whole sneaky bit. Plus the bonuses to recoil are nice as well. All of mine are silenced as well. I usually carry a pistol, for individual targets, a full-auto rifle of some description, for when there are multiple targets, and a sniper rifle, for taking folks out at a distance. (I also run modern firearms, so I can actually HIT those targets at a distance.... stock weapons simply don't have the range.) Also, if you have a lighter weapon in hand, you can move faster. Fastest with your weapon holstered. I just don't care for companions. I much prefer to adventure alone. I have "strong back" maxed out, so I can still run and fast travel while over encumbered, just can't sprint. With the right perks, you can pretty much just keep going as long as you like while over weight, just don't get your self into a situation where you NEED to sprint away. :D
  10. Move that workbench allows you to move the workbench anywhere within your construction area, as often as you like. Been using this one for quite some time, and it works perfectly.
  11. There are sites that track politicians campaign promises. They are at least reasonably accurate. (which is where I got the info from. "independently verified".) I don't trust any politician. Just because they say they will do something, does not necessarily imply they actually will. More often than not, they don't. They tend to make promises they KNOW they cannot keep, just to get into office. Once in office, all those promises seem to evaporate. Of course, there ARE those that WILL do exactly they say, at least, in some instances. Then you get to decide if that is something you actually want to see happen, and vote accordingly. :)
  12. What leads you to believe that UK will actually leave the EU? It's already been many years, and UK is no closer to leaving, than they were when these conversations first started. oh,just that Britain leaves on 31 January 2020 and then have a year to negotiate a deal with the fourth reich.. and mr johnson has previously stated that the negotiations will be ended in 2020, with or without a deal..He just got rid of the rubbish remainers and it should be clear sailng from here... but I hesitate to trust him fully I will revisit this thread in February then, after we see if he actually does it, or not. :D I have a rather strong distrust of politicians in general, regardless of what country they are in.
  13. I love it, though, it is VERY easy to bump things up to the point that you better carry a LOT of ammo..... :) I tweaked two settings, dealing with random patrols a LITTLE bit, and it made construction impossible. Every few minutes someone was showing up, and shooting at me. :) I turned them back down..... I hate companions in general. I only use them when they are forced upon me. They are constantly getting in the way, giving away my position, or rushing in when I am trying to avoid an encounter. Quite frankly, they are FAR more trouble than they are worth. :D
  14. Get a mod that allows you to move the work bench, then you can scrap the junk under it. :)
  15. I remember those..... fondly, and this thread is rapidly dissolving into a trip down memory lane! :smile: Thanks StormWolf01, and we are probably gonna get nuked by the hammer of the ban, this is going way off-topic.....fast. Oddly enough, on EVERY forum I have participated in, threads ALWAYS go off topic. I had begun to think that it was an unwritten rule somewhere. :D Or, maybe it's just human nature.
  16. What leads you to believe that UK will actually leave the EU? It's already been many years, and UK is no closer to leaving, than they were when these conversations first started.
  17. Trump isn't taking a salary for being president. That's one of the campaign promises he made, that he actually kept.
  18. I see you are indeed a Supporter... I was under the impression that supporters don't get ads. One of the major motivations for buying supporter, is to NOT see them, yet, you are still getting banner ads?? Real curious why. What is the point of paying for supporter, to remove the ads, if it doesn't actually remove the ads?? I'm sorry I was unclear for you. I no longer get ads since buying supporter status. (side note: I did use an adblocker, while I just had 'member' status, after awhile when the unintentionally obtrusive ads were sneaking into the ad rotation that occurred. As soon as it was corrected by switching to a different ad provider, I disabled my adblocker again. I was even clicking on a few about once a week.) Ah, ok. Thank You for clearing that up. (I don't see any ads, but, haven't downloaded anything for a few days either....) :)
  19. They are having some issues at the moment. Manual downloads should still work though.
  20. I see you are indeed a Supporter... I was under the impression that supporters don't get ads. One of the major motivations for buying supporter, is to NOT see them, yet, you are still getting banner ads?? Real curious why. What is the point of paying for supporter, to remove the ads, if it doesn't actually remove the ads??
  21. I use the load accelerator mod. It uncaps framerate while in loading screens. Actually works pretty good. (game loading is tied to frame rate.) It has dramatically reduced the frequency of infinite load screens. I have also noticed that the game just essentially stops loading anything during the ILS.... I used task manager to monitor RAM/HDD usage, and noticed the game simply was not reading ANYTHING from the disk. No clue WHY it does that.....
  22. I have played all of the fallout games. At least, the ones actually classified as "games"..... (never bother with tactics, and there was another one that I think never got completed.....) In FO4, the BoS are arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic,wannabe overlords of the commonwealth. That attitude is reflected in the response you get when you try and talk to them out in the field. (random encounters with them after offing Kellogg.) They ALL just rub me the wrong way...... To the point that I tend to make rocket launchers, with the fire-and-forget siting system, and the Never Ending legendary effect, JUST so I can blow verti-birds out of the sky. I may actually put some perks into pick-pocket, so I can steal fusion cores from knights, and then steal their armor when they leave it. (IF they leave it.... I see a lot of knights in PA, that don't even HAVE a fusion core....... game bug? Intentional???) Danse is fun for one mission, but, I still don't care for his attitude, towards me, or the rest of us 'civilians' in general. I don't mind making the BoS my enemy. I actually rather enjoy it. :D
  23. I do a lot of building too.... Just because it's fun. I think about 30% of my mods are for adding settlement stuff to the build menus..... :) Sneaky Sniper myself as well. Although, I use the Pack Attack mod, which DRAMATICALLY changes combat. Generally, after the first one or two NPC mysteriously drop dead, the rest kinda figure out that someone has a hand in that, with somewhat less than good intentions for the rest of them. :) And they start looking for me. One of the reasons I installed Modern Firearms, was so I could get a weapon with REALLY long range. :) (I play with Ugrids set to 7, so, it is easy to find NPC's that are impossible to hit with the vanilla weapons. And even impossible to hit with some of the 'long range' weapons from MF......) Granted, NPC's still tend to be a bit stupid, and come at me in ones or twos, making them easy pickings, I cleared quicy ruins without a single one of the gunners ever having taken a shot at me. :) Took some moving around to get angles on them, but, a fair few of them just came running out the doors after I dropped the first two. Then it was just hold my aim on the gates, and pick them off as they came out. :D
  24. Even loading from a RAM drive didn't make that much difference? That's disappointing.... Guess I won't spend the money to upgrade to 128 gb of Ram then. :D If you are playing a single player game, and have nothing else running, then your anti-virus is irrelevant. Back in the day, when the game engine REALLY beat the crap out of hardware, disabling the a/v would actually make a performance difference. On todays hardware, probably not so much. I just leave defender running, as it really doesn't have any impact on game performance at all. i7 9700KF 16 gb ram GTX 1060 6gb vid card. Game runs from a 500gb Crucial Solid State drive. O/S is installed on the 500gb m2 drive. And yeah, the game engine has not caught up with modern hardware. It can barely make use of two CPU cores...... so, for these games, clock speed is more important than the number of cores.
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