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Posts posted by speedynl

  1. it depends on what kind of mods you use, and what kind of res you run, if you use a lot of 2/4 k textures mods and try to run on 4k res then you need a big pc


    if you run the game like me, with almost no 2/4k mods then a 9700k + 1660 ti + ssd is more then enough to run the game on 2k res maxed out(4k res start to lagging its to high even with out 2/4k mods)

  2. long time ago i changed the cooking stove to add 50 food, it read




    WorkshopParent "Workshop Parent Quest" [QUST:0002058E]



    WorkshopWorkObject [KYWD:00020592]

    AO_Type_WorkshopResourceObject [KYWD:000A56F5]



    Food [AVIF:00000331]

    WorkshopRatingFoodTypeMutfruit [AVIF:000A4703]

    WorkshopResourceObject [AVIF:00129A8C]


    look otherwise to any of the vanilla stuf where you can assing settlers to

    ques you can find out easely wat the package do, make duplicate, remove package, see how that works, or maybe there is a setting in the script that prevent assanging

  3. long time ago i changed the cooking stove to add 50 food, it read




    WorkshopParent "Workshop Parent Quest" [QUST:0002058E]



    WorkshopWorkObject [KYWD:00020592]

    AO_Type_WorkshopResourceObject [KYWD:000A56F5]



    Food [AVIF:00000331]

    WorkshopRatingFoodTypeMutfruit [AVIF:000A4703]

    WorkshopResourceObject [AVIF:00129A8C]


    look otherwise to any of the vanilla stuf where you can assing settlers to

  4. lets see if i get it right

    you have a interior settlement with his own location/encounter the mapmarker for the interior is linked to the location for the interior

    but where is the mapmarker located ?, do it share the same cell as the concord mapmarker ?


    i can remember salem had difrent mapmarkers 1 very hight in the sky for salem it self, but barny was way lower

    maybe if you move the concord mapmarker higher and or to another cell, it seems they conflict with each other

    just a thought

  5. mm player owned you say, remove that, any settlement shoud not be player owned by default, setowned trigger will do, just a hunch not sure if it helps

    but i never used player owned by default


    also did you gave the mapmarker the right name ?


    just a n00b who try to help, but don't know much

  6. when i did some moding i had this sometimes, most of the time i just forgot someting, things i did to fix it


    set encounter zone in mapmarker, set encounterzone in the belonging heading marker, set encounterzone to center, make sure location is linked to the rigt mapmarker

    make sure the show interior is disable in location


    later on i made it a habbid to set encounter zone on all markers + wb, exept the 2 spam markers that shoud outside the cell(settlers spam true beacon)

  7. 2 unfinish houses, a stair, some lights in the water, floating tree's(but thats prolly 1 of my mods that cause it, but seems to work for me



    did you enable the esp in your plugin.txt file, or if you use a mod manager

    also 1.10.138 is old think my say 63


    also welcome back :dance:

  8. Hello. The only ..solution is not to delete you browser history or delete it with CCleaner. Then, you don't have to ask to login again. The only problem is that this cost a lot of GB to your hard disk. That's all. Thanks.

    not true, i did that ages ago, but from today it do the same thing over and over


    not logged in, then try login, it say you already logged in continue yes, site prolly fúd up again

  9. if you think you click to much finalize, you don't have to do that, just go out the mode save the esp, next time you mod again, you can work on the navmesh again where you stopped, finalizing have only to be done when its complete, just in case you don't/din't know alt+f if i remember right bring up a navmesh check window


    wel its the way i always did that, but remember i'm still a n00b :laugh:

  10. @skk50

    for so far i can remember it don't work, even if both int/ext have the same name,loc/zone and both build boxes are linked to the ext workshop

    if wb is in ext it works there or the otherway around, but the moment you go inside/outside you can get the menu to show

    believe me i have tryed that ages ago, but maybe some 1 smarter then me figure it out how it can work, because i don't know much of that settlement stuf

  11. CK

    you want to now a name from someting, you head to cell xx and click the thing for the name, CK will add the hole cell to your esp because you where there


    you click a npc change someting, CK will add everyting from that npc to your esp


    you head to nuake world to check someting, CK will add the worldspace/cell to your esp


    ect ect ect


    its a typical CK thing, you touch anything CK will add it

  12. the only mods that get endorsments are those with insane big b00bs, so called goddes body's, perfect body ect ect ect

    and all the xxxxx zillion weapon mods


    the modders that pour xx hours into a mod get nothing, well they get someting if you count the do this, add this, change this, bugged, mod sucks, or comments that have nothing to do with the mod itself


    80+% of the nexus users are just a bunch of greedy/ungradeful/crying kids

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