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Posts posted by speedynl

  1. Even manually edit my plugins.txt file by hand.

    i made the list manual, it have to be this order or some things don't work(override each other)

    i do the same thing with skirym se, manual is my way, i know wat i do, and wat the esp's do

    so no need for crappy s#*! :laugh:


    and if i make someting i just add it to the list, check it out, and most of the time remove it again, wat you see is my main(perma) mod list

    oww i just changed(editing) the cabin esp and ck updated the version, and still works fine



    Heyas Speedy! yeah, I'd kinda forgotten about the new CK will automatically update the header info in an older mod. Makes sense tho. Thanks for the reminder on that! :smile:

    That's interesting. We've had a bunch of users having troubles with the game not loading some of the older mods. I rolled back to the older version of .130 from the install backups that I have on my external drive. So the plugin is a must for me, if I don't wanna go through and change the headers.

    This is out of personal curiosity. Most of the users coming in with that problem are using Vortex. What mod manager do you use, if you use one?



    i don't need any of those crap things, for the esp's i use, i made most myself, so i know wat they do, only the last 2 are not mine

    my super mod list



    *FO4 Seasons - Summer - AllDLC.esp

    for the record, all are old version, and work fine
  3. the esp need the folders(without you get your problem), best way back up any esp you work on, before making precombines/vis, if not good delete folders put back the backup esp


    when doing concord museum, after finishing my work, save'd the esp, copy/paste the esp, runned combined/vis, check the place, not good

    deletd folders, placed back the esp, start again

  4. settlement = full working workbench

    player home = interior workbench

    the difrent is, the int workbench don't have the settlement build options, like a beacon


    a simple player home= a int workbench and a build box, location/encounter/mapmarker/heading marker, its all you need, no fancy stuff

    you don't even have to navmesh the place player will move fine without navmesh

  5. Wario - You should be able to download the update through steam by doing a file verification thru steam. It will download the latest version of the client.

    Since the updates in November, if you are not already, you will need to download and install this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42497

    as the newer version of the game are not fully compatible with older mods. The patch that I linked gets rid of the version checker that causes the problems. It does run off of f4se tho, so you will need that too if you don't already use it.

    Tho, if you update the game you'll have to update all of your version dependent mods like f4se, looksmenu, etc.

    i run 163, and all my own old version mods run fine with the game, and when changing things in ck(last version), ck will update the old versions, works fine to

    so i don't see any problem and or compatible issues

  6. In response to post #77560588. #77574198, #77575033, #77578333, #77580593, #77583373, #77671558, #77722673, #77839473, #77891083, #77912353, #78016148 are all replies on the same post.

    HadToRegister wrote: Welcome to the internet, where people will complain, attack, and argue over a formerly $69.99 game (Now $39.99), being offered for FREE.

    Ridiculousness like this make me look forward to the next K-T Boundary event.

    elpuertorro wrote: Welcome to the Internet where people learned that NOTHING IS FREE and there is ALWAYS a catch. ;)

    ps: If someone misses this or wants the game DRM free and cheaper (when not free) GOG has it on sale $14.99 of their $29.99 "DRM FREE as games should be" normal price.
    LegendM2 wrote: really thought that was gonna be an assassins creed quote
    HadToRegister wrote:
    Welcome to the Internet where people learned that NOTHING IS FREE and there is ALWAYS a catch. ;)

    And what, pray tell, is the "catch"?
    Explain without donning a Foil Hat.
    elpuertorro wrote: No need to explain, first line it's my opinion and like you... we all have one.
    Second one it's well letting everyone know where they can get it with no DRM.
    Keep throwing the fish line eventually someone will get the bait and keep you entertained. Enjoy your sunday ;)
    HadToRegister wrote:
    No need to explain

    Ah, well, keep casting lines, maybe you'll get someone else to bite, but I'm done, as I'm not wasting my time with somebody who makes assertions without anything to back it up. Bye.
    Redargetlam5 wrote: The catch is having to make an account with Epic Games Store, which has had many data leaks, and is run by a company with close ties to- via investment meaning they have little chance of complaining if push comes to shove- a large Chinese corporation, which all have huge influences from their dictatorial government. No tinfoil hat needed, simply a little bit of research.
    TheBottomhoodofSteel wrote: Steam had a massive security bug that lived from 2008 to 2018...
    Lerne wrote: Just an fyi, did a bit of research on Epic Games. There's been literally no good evidence supporting several claims people say about the service. I haven't had any issues and I've used them for at least a year now--do some more research instead of spilling non-sense. However, if any of these claims are true as you have said; please show some supporting evidence. Because I'm pretty sure everyone would want to avoid losing anything from a potential scam. But so far, there's nothing that has led me, or several others, to believe that it is what you claim it is.
    Arthmoor wrote: Yep, I've seen no reliable evidence about any of these claims. Just angry reddit posts going on about why bother because Steam.
    setdead wrote: When i see another copied from cheatsheet complain about EG and Tencent i realize that this person in net another idiot.
    Tencent ALSO have some part of Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Paradox Interactive, Mail.ru, Riot Games, Platinum Games and few others that work for PC/console platforms. I'm 10000000000% sure and can bet a life of myself that you and many others stupid people like you, whos complain about that, have played games from those companies and have an account in Battle.net and Uplay.

    The truth is- EVERYONE collecting information about you in net, welcome to the 21st century. The Search engine that you use to serfing net is collecting data about you(Google, Yahoo, Yandex, etc). a STEAM has always collect data, even your PC specs, since he became a multi-sale platform for other publishers. A Battle.net is owned by one of the most greed company of the gamedev- Activision, and trust me, they're collecting all info about everyone even beyond of their launcher. In fact, there exist a companies that offering a collecting data about specific groups of people, potential customers, they are collecting/buying/re-selling data about market and provides an analyzes of anything, providing a better information what to sell and how to sell it. Thats how WORKS MARKETING in 21st century.

    And so what a problem? it's like, idk : "Oh NoOoOoOo a China collecting information about me, WhEn ThEy StArT WaR AnD InVaDe My CoUnTrY ThEy GoNnA kNow EvErYtHiNg AbOuT My GaMiNg InTeReStS and WheRe i'm LivInG and My CrEdIt CaRd, It'S goNnA bE lEaKeD"

    Like Steam had no data leaks about personal info of users, he HAD, and not only login and passwords of users database, but also personal ifo aka credit cards.
    Cyberpunk79 wrote: this comment was sponsored by: NordVPN

    i don't know how long i have a epic account, must be pretty long, because i don't remember how long
    i also never had any problem with epic, and the game is/was free so i don't see any problem
    got the hd packs(free) installed mods(manual) tweaked the user file and i'm a happy player

    you don't like epic fine, just don't cry about it, you like/dislike steam fine, you like/dislike gog fine to, i don't care, free is free no strings attached :P


    Its not third party crap, its on the driver suite on the dvd, Asus really knows what they are doing.


    Check online





    even so, i use asus boards for ages but never looked at the stuff on the cd, exept stuff realy needed

    first thing i always do was go to the webpage for updated drivers/bios/ect

    current using a cheap board https://www.asus.com/nl/Motherboards/PRIME-H370-A/HelpDesk_Download/

    same for a gpu board (always asus to) i never look at the stuff that comes with it(cd), i always go strait to nvidia for the latest driver

    its all i need, i don't need other stuff like nvidia experiance(sp) just the drivers


    for me my sys is fast enough, i5 8400, asus gtx 1660 ti, 16gb(ddr4) ram, nvme main drive, 2th drive ssd (both samsung)

    and 4 or 20 sec it don't matter for me, when turning on my sys, or any game

  8. i'm with jimmy here, i don't use 3th party crap, well i do but they are pretty much needed(kis, hitman.pro.alert) and gaming software for my 7.1 headset/mouse

    removed almost all crap from win 10 so its more a lite versie now :laugh:


    as for mods, well i never use many of those not in se and or fo4, infact i don't play any of the 2 atm, found someting new that i like a bit( Kingdom Come Deliverance )

    but i like being a a'sshole on the forums so i visit the place from time to time :devil:

  9. mm dawnguard, if i remember right the fasttravel point change when you join them, at the start you end up hafway the valley, but later on closer to the castle


    maybe there are 2 landing points, but connected(scripted) to the quest


    if so you have to check if 1 is disable by default and the other not, change them then(swap)

    never did much with se(ck) but it prolly works like fo4

  10. find the (red)heading marker thats belong to the mapmarker, its under 1 of the mapmarker tabs, move the heading marker to where you want to land after fast travel

    moving the mapmarker itself will do nothing


    or the yellow line will show you where the heading marker is

  11. i think he means, some mods say all scanned (save) but some say not all scanned, ques he think the none scanned contains(or can contain) viruses


    if OP got any virus its not from this place and or mods, also there is no need to rescan mods from here

  12. if setup correct it will work, no matter where you put your settlement

    this is not a real island, but it works fine https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41792


    my quess is if any 1 make a (new)island they forget to navmesh the hole cell(s) again(inc water)

    meaning the surounding cell are not correct connected, means settlers/provisiors cant get there

    and or the surrounding cell's don't have navmesh



    But now I found that in your mod, you do have "world location radius as 0 in location, but I did follow the guide and set value as 3000... Now I change it to 0 and map marker's radius to 1350 (same as in your mod), and now my Fens settlement activates showing correct name on pip-boy's list.


    But... I need to activate workshop with console/mod, as it keeps saying there's enemies within build area... I guess But that's a small problem if I finally got this my settlement working! =)


    I keep testing more...




    What sets the distance from how far to workbench, I can turn on the workshop mode?..



    there is a thing called ( setownedtrigger) its a lil box(put it infront of your wb), link it to your wb(no keyword) set in the wb script, playerowned to no) walk up to your wb and boom, you can build


    or you can make the setowned trigger bigger(like you do with a buildbox), but i never did that

  14. you say, you changed the wilderness name, but did you edit the cell ?, or did you just slow click and changed the name(without editing the cell) ?


    normal way is, right click on the cell(name) and pick edit, then you can set the cell to the right location/zone


    if you slow click only on the (cell) name and change it, that don't work then



    Now I have studied the guide thru, and Im mostly able to make well functioning settlement mods. Guide sure did teach me lot of new details, what few other guides totally had missing or explained differently.


    But still with some locations like Fens outside of DC, Im not able to get settlement name show correctly on pip-boy's workshop list. On list the settlement keeps being listed as "Commonwealth", but on map view the name is showing correctly.



    maybe i'm wrong, but i can remember fens have his own location/mapmarker, now when you change things there, it prolly f'up things


    if any location have alreay a working mapmarker, and or the location have already a name, use those then instead of making new 1's



    Hi folks.


    I'm working on a Vault 111 settlement mod. SpeedyNL told me that would cause the game to not be finishable, and I have full confidence in him in this regard.


    What I'm asking for is for you good folks to let me know what issues you've had in-game due to Vault 111 cell changes (or things you suspect are due to this), and / or any ideas for workarounds for this issue.


    Looking forward to your input.



    i din't say that you could finish the game, but stuck in the gyro pod

    i did 1 time v111 as a settlement, and got stuck in that damn pod, adding a wb and marker f'ed up the hole thing

    there are some mods for v111 look them up, and you will see/read that all f'ed up the vault


    My experience is that the Nukaworld DLC can have a few problems here and there.

    While it's not relevant to your issue, I'll also just throw in, that sometimes the entire map for it will not show up if you install this particular DLC during a playthrough.

    The quest will start, if you have already rescued Nick. But the map doesn't adjust, so you can't ever follow up on the quest, because the map boundaries block you from traveling to the house.

    The fix for that, is to uninstall the dlc, reinstall it and then start a new playthrough.



    sorry stormie are you asleep or drunk ? :laugh:

    thats not nuka you talking about, but far harbor(nick/house) have nothing to do with nuka :ohmy:



    I read once that when creating a location you don't have to use








    but instead replace some with custom keywords, is that true?



    i don't know anyting about custom keywords(never heared about it eighter), or you must refer to loctype


    as for any location, wel it depends wat you wana do with it, if its just a location no keyword is needed, or you can give it a loctype keyword(think they had tons of them), not sure wat they all do, my quess is nothing speciaal)


    if playerhouse, no keyword needed


    if settlement just look at abernaty(sp), if using a setowned trigger you dont need clearable

    i don't remember the right script name, but when looking for the raid able solution, there was a script that contained xx keywords, if 1 is missing the script will fail

    to register the settlement correct, in the case of raid able it was the locationedge marker

  19. sse/fo4 is stable even without the artmoor crap

    the solution is simple, know wat you instal(and or how), and don't use to much(speciaal mods that use alot of scrips)

    as for mod installers the only 1 i ever used was for new vegas, oldrim/sse/fo4 always manual, but my load order is always pretty simple maybe 10 mods as highest count

    and most of them are made by myself

    its the same story as for fo4, peeps f*#@ up there own game, install install damn not working anymore

    then they come to the forums crying

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