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Posts posted by Sharlikran

  1. I downloaded fo4edit and it didn't come with any files just a photo that I can't open. Can anybody help me?

    It is a 7Zip file not a Photo. You would use 7Zip to unpack it. Make sure you go to the link above. If the file still seems questionable then go to another computer. If it's still not getting you a 7zip file named FO4Edit 3.2-2737-3-2.7z then you are not on the files tab and haven't clicked where it says "download manually" in your browser.

  2. I am kind of having a somewhat similar issue... I am trying to add ranks to the army uniform from the vanilla portion but when I load the game and put it on my body becomes invisible/see through... I am very puzzled by this... Any clues or hints that may lead me down the correcting path???


    I believe the original poster (or the OP) is saying that he has missing textures or meshes and things don't show up in game. However, there is no simple answer for that except that the Mod Manager (NMM or MO2) didn't install the mod correctly, the INI files are not altered properly, you the user didn't install the mod correctly, or the game (installed by you) isn't installed correctly.


    There is basically no reason for something to not show up in game unless the files are not in the data folder. That's it and the mod author has provided all the files in the mod, supposedly. Which leaves you in the same position as the OP. No there are no simple, easy clues or hints. You will have to figure it out yourself by trying to edit the INI files like the OP did (I link a video in step 7 above), uninstall and reinstall mods, check the authors install instructions for the mod because there may be required files you didn't install. As a last resort you may have or reinstall Fallout 4 if you think you need to do that.


    Lastly don't forget to run the Fallout 4 Launcher when you have issues because Steam may not have added (or it was reset and removed by Steam) all the configuration information that 3rd party tools need to function properly.


    Not trying to be disrespectful just that the constant posts of missing files and things not showing up in game has to be caused by something. Users aren't doing anything wrong or on purpose. So if you install something with NMM then it should work so what's causing so many posts of things not working all the time. I don't experience issues because I use Wrye Flash and the files are copied physically and directly to the Data folder. However, there is nothing wrong with MO2 and NMM that is so broken that nothing works. So people shouldn't have so many issues.

  3. If you make a merge patch and it's empty or doesn't include what you think should be there then it wasn't needed at all. Only you think there is a conflict that needs to be resolved. The Merge patch logic knows when to do nothing. It will only patch the following records: 'LVLI', 'LVLC', 'LVLN', 'LVSP', 'CONT', 'FACT', 'RACE', 'FLST', 'CREA', 'NPC_' and nothing else because it's not a Bash Patch for Oblivion. It was made for FO3/FNV when there was no Wrye Flash but Valda's version works fine and that's what is used now for FO3/FNV. For Fallout 4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Skyrim SE, the option is there and people are using it but you need to know how and when to manually edit them.


    If you need to patch leveled lists for Fallout 4 then know when to add Delev and Relev and manually apply them to the mod in Wrye Bash/Flash.

  4. You can't clean masters from files that are no longer installed. You also can't use clean masters to remove masters from a Merge Patch or any other file. Clean masters only works when nothing depends on the masters. A merge Patch isn't supported but it's like a Bash Patch. After you install a mod you make a merge patch. If you uninstall a mod you make a merge patch. If you are going to uninstall and install several files wait until you are all done and make a merge patch. It should always be the last thing you do.

  5. So look at it this way. MO (if it has no 64 bit support don't use it with Fallout 4), MO2 (which has 64 bit support), and now NMM all use some kind of Symlink or virtual folder. Meaning the information or files never physically exist in your Data folder. I suggest you pick a way to install your mods and stick with it or you will be pulling your hair out trying to solve a situation that isn't going to resolve itself and a situation you can't fix because too many things are controlling your data folder in ways you can't control.


    When troubleshooting something you should preform one step and view the results, if you make 10 changes how do you know what's going on. I normally do not feel reinstalling Fallout 4 is a viable option because you never know what fixed your error. However, I don't really see what you can do to fix things because as you have stated, some things are not showing up that ware there previously, and you have two programs now adding things to your data folder using links or virtual folders.


    Don't start this hopping somehow it will magically work. Don't do this unless you are comfortable doing it and until you read it multiple times and are okay doing it. if you mess up half way through and have to start over I can't help! Nothing should ever be missing in game unless the mod manager didn't install it correctly, the mod has missing files, you didn't install the required files. If you don't want to do it at all that's fine.




    1. Uninstall all mods using Mod Organizer.

    2. Uninstall all mods showing in NMM

    3. Uninstall Fallout 4 using Steam which in steam is called "Delete Local game Content" which is under properties, local files for Fallout 4.

    4. Manually delete the old Fallout 4 folder.

    5. Go into Steam and make sure you have a location to install Fallout 4 in the Library Folders.

    6. Install Fallout 4 where you want it as long as it's one of the configured Library Folders you set up in Steam and is outside of Program Files.

    7. Make your INI changes for Loose Files.

    8. Test in game that everything works with a new save game. DLC Only! No F4SE! Use the provided Official Launcher![2]

    9. Get your mod manager of choice, MO2 or NMM configured to use the location you installed Fallout 4.[1] [Pick only one method to install files.]

    10. Install F4SE.

    11. Activate one mod at a time or mods that are all required to run together.[3][4]


    Keep testing until something is as you claim, missing. Then contact the author of the mod causing the issue.



    [1] In my opinion MO2 and NMM shouldn't be used together because one uses links (NMM AFAIK) and the other uses virtual folders (MO2). Each has their own issues but they are both maintained. (MO2 by LePresidente) Only have one installed so they aren't fighting for control over your windows file system.

    [2] Make a new save game with only the DLC active and installed. At least talk to the robot in sanctuary to get access to settlement building. You can't name your save games but try to remember this save game. Give it the virtual name in your head of "My Starting Point" and never save a new save game after that while testing. After you activate mods use this new save game each time so you know it was made with only the DLC active. Never save past this spot until you are 100000% certain everything works perfectly.

    [3] Only install or activate one mod. However, if you need to install AWKCR along with an armor mod do so because the armor mod won't work without it. Just only what is required for the one mod you are going to test. Adding texture replacers isn't required that should be a separate step.

    [4] Do not install any kind of Scraping Mod. It requires you to disable combined objects which causes graphical errors. If you want to use scrap mods do this very, very, last thing so you know everything was working prior to doing this. Then you aren't blaming mods for causing the issue.

  6. For these you only need the SKE versions:


    Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp <- Get rid of this from your data folder

    Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler SKE.esp
    Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power SKE.esp
    Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp <- Get rid of this from your data folder


    For this check the version:


    Northland Diggers.esp <- Old version, uninstall it - If SKE patch note I post the version the patch is for

    Northland Diggers New.esp <- New version, uses independent menu no SKE patch required - Keep this installed

  7. I have contacted doodaboom before but I doubt he would respond now. I have tried to contact Jaysus before and he didn't respond either. Most of those old authors aren't around anymore. So in the end unless they indicate on the description page or in the perms section that the mod can be updated then you simply can't unfortunately.

  8. At this point, all this discussion about what is happening and what should happen is moot. Bethesda is changing what it does in 1.2.39. Once WrinklyNinja has time to do his own tests, then he will decide what he wants to do with LOOT. I'm going to ask Wrye Bash and SSEEdit follow what LOOT does. For consistency NMM might want to do what LOOT does as well. Then that way there won't be any confusion for users when they sort their mods and use the various tools.

  9. I bet some people could convert the original mod he gives permission to anyone. Problem is that not all the nif files will work in game and I don't know how to edit Nif files. All I would do if I ported it was save the ESP with the CK. Then if someone said a weapon didn't work I'd just remove it from the ESP. You could do that for personal use. I bet most of the meshes would work. The original has all loose files so you don't have to unpack any BSA files. Just load the ESP in the CK and save it to update it for SSE.

  10. The LOOT version listed on the description page for Wrye Bash is a bit newer and one of the old versions was altering the load order for the old Skyrim and adding the asterisks like it would for Skyrim SE. I'd get the version I have listed.

  11. The BSAManager can't extract BSA file?


    Did anyone say that BSAManager couldn't open BSA files? I know I didn't say that. I know BSAManager will open Skyrim SE BSA files.


    What are you asking, can you clarify that please?

  12. I don't want to defame anyone's mod without some technical evidence, but in general ApachiiSkyHair hair has so many Polygons that it required a Pre-Cache killer for the Race Menu to keep Skyrim from crashing. After a while that was built into the Race menu I think. It doesn't matter that this is a 64 bit program. I wouldn't think, although we would expect it, that Bethesda addressed every glitch the game had. I didn't get to use many mods during the Beta but it just doesn't make sense for them to invest much money in this. They didn't even fix archive.exe so it could extract files from their own BSA files.


    Personally, I'm not going to use hair mods for now. If the hair has a different skeleton to make a few of the hairs have Physics then that's going to be an issue because all that has to be updated first.

  13. I know my post is long and doesn't directly address specific mods but it does list some definitive things. BSA files, Skeletons, and Nif files have all changed. I have a weapon mod that shows the axe when I'm zoomed in. I had this happen once I left Bleak Falls barrow. If I Zoom out I can't see the Axe at all. Which is why I started my post.


    I'm probably going to have to become a Nif expert to fix that Axe for my own personal use.

  14. yay Loot you should give this it own thread it to important




    Not one Dirty Edit it perfect & nothing got moved yay again

    but I use Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires Sorting Rules

    The Skyrim SE LOOT masterlist is empty. So it doesn't have any data in it about whether or not to clean a mod. All plugins from Skyrim need to be updated with the Skyrim SE CK and then cleaned with SSEEdit before those results can be posted to the Skyrim SE LOOT masterlist.

  15. As mentioned in my post, Older Skyrim Mods mods don't just port over to Skyrim SE. After you read that post a bit, what things apply to the mesh mod you are talking about. Does your mod have a BSA file? If it does have a BSA file, did you unpack the files and create a new Zip file to install with NMM since the old BSA files don't work with Skyrim SE?

  16. Older Skyrim Mods I'm not sure how to categorize this in my post. I think I have to download that and look.


    EDIT: After downloading this mod it is mostly scripts which don't have to be recompiled if they are just vanilla scripts. If the scripts, sorry I didn't get to look at them closely yet, but if the scripts require SKSE then that's why this might be crashing Skyrim SE.

  17. It is recommended to only use updated scripts for mods. I am starting to see issues where authors can't load or update mods in the CK if they used old outdated Skyrim scripts and Skyrim Merge Plugins utilities. Mator has updated his standalone Merge Plugins tool for Fallout 4 I suggest trying it and reporting issues.

  18. Scripts don't have to be recompiled. However, I can see skeletons being an issue. You won't be able to use HDT or Breat Physics skeletons with Skyrim SE until new upgraded skeletons are available.

  19. You are welcome but it's really just general information. I just posted this to "hopefully" keep repeat posts of people saying their game froze, or the head and shoulders are gone from the NPC once they equip "someMod" Armor.


    I am not a Nif expert, I can't even use Nifskope, and while I share your curiosity there is really only one way to know whats going to happen.

    1. Download old Skyrim Mod
    2. If the mod had a BSA file extract the files into a temp folder
    3. Load the ESP into the CK and save the plugin
    4. make sure the loose files and the ESP file are in the same temp folder with the correct directory structure
    5. Install the mod

    If at that point the head or shoulders are missing then you my friend are out of luck until the mod author updates the mod. Well, that or you have to suddenly become a Nif Expert.

  20. A few things I think are important to know about Skyrim SE and existing Skyrim mods.

    The Creating Kit is now live! : [skyrim SE] Things to know when converting standard mods to SSE

    **NOTE** Skyrim SE mods are not backwards compatible. There are changes to the ESP/ESM files, Nif Files, Animation Files, and Texture files. Because of those changes mod authors should keep separate folders for Skyrim or Skyrim SE versions of their mods.

    • The BSA format changed. If you are experiencing issues or you game seems frozen then check the mods you have installed. If any of them had a BSA file then that's what's causing your issue. You will have to unpack the BSA file using something like BSAOpt which was made for the original Skyrim and will extract the old BSA format. I'd recommend you unpack the files to a temp folder so you can make a zip file out of them to install with Wrye Bash SSE or NMM 63.8.
    • Bethesda Archive Extractor supports the new BSA format for Skyrim SE.

    You would have to go in on each NIF, convert every NiTriStrips block to NiTriShape (right-click -> Mesh -> Triangulate) and run a "Spells -> Batch -> Make All Skin Partitions" (unchecking Stripify is important here).

    • Meshes have changed so older mods may not work right. It's not the .esp file it's the meshes. If you are a mod author you will need the latest NifSkope. NiTriStrips are one example of something that won't work. BodySlide can be used to make minor corrections to meshes but I don't know the details.
    • False flagged files are files that end in .esp like a regular plugin but the mod author set the ESM flag to make it act like a Master file or ESM file. It is confirmed that those are loading as indicated by plugins.txt. They may load before all the DLC which will not work. Bethesda is aware of it and is looking into it but no ETA on when they will make a change or what the change will be.
    • Old Skyrim mods using a different skeleton such as Breast Physics and HDT Skeletons will not work with Skryim SE unless you are using the current skeleton. Groovtama's XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended is now available.
    • Mods with Scripts are compatible with Skyrim SE. The scripting language didn't change and the scripts do not need to be recompiled.
    • If an NPC has a Black Face then the Face Gen information isn't present. The Skyrim SE CK will automatically build that information. Load the plugin and save it then add the generated files to your installer archive.
    • The current version of LOOT can be downloaded here.


    For auto updating textures to meet the Skyrim SE format use NifScan by Zilav. I usually extract the old Skyrim files to a folder. At that point I then copy nifscan.exe to the folder and run it with nifscan -fixdds which will properly update textures that will otherwise cause your game to crash.


    For auto updating meshes use SSE NIF Optimizer by ousnius. This can run from anywhere as it has a GUI so browse to the meshes folder for your mod and run it with the default settings. I have found that on occasion it will not address some issues so when you load your game you will have textures that look black or dark. To address that use the NIF Optimizer but choose Smooth Normals. I suggest only updating the meshes that need this extra feature one at a time or one folder at a time if they are in the same folder.

    Facegen data is an option in the NIF Optimizer but I find that the CK will update the files better. While updating Saturalia for Christmas the game crashed until I saved the ESP with the CK, which rebuilt the FaceGen Data.

    ESM/ESP Files:

    Records to pay attention to:

    SPGD, 'Shader Particle Geometry' this record was originally broken by previous versions of the CK. The latest CK with ESL support no longer breaks SPGD. If you are a mod author and converted a mod for Skyrim SE and the old CK broke the records, copy the old format from an older version of your mod and save with the CK to properly update them to Form Version 44.

    Records Added:

    VOLI, 'Volumetric Lighting'
    LENS, 'Lens Flare'

    Records Changed:

    MATO, 'Material Object'
    LTEX, 'Landscape Texture'
    STAT, 'Static'
    WATR, 'Water'
    WEAP, 'Weapon'
    WTHR, 'Weather'

    Not many records changed between Skyrim and Skyrim SE. Skyrim SE can read both formats by using a version number in the plugin. Mod authors should load their mod in the Skyrim SE CK and save it at least once. Many people avoid the CK like the plague and while everyone is entitled to their own choices xEdit, in this case SSEEdit does not have any internal update or conversion routines for any game. It has never had any update or conversion routines and that will not be changing for Skyrim SE. It has never been a replacement for the CK but is constantly used that way. SSEEdit will expect the data to be formatted the way we have decoded it from the Skyrim CK. So please do not be a stubborn mod author and load your plugin into the CK.

  21. In your original post you said you want to play the game in English with German text. Which means, and I'm not being disrespectful only emphasizing to answer your question...


    DO NOT unpack ANY files (sound or whatever) and rename them except the STRINGS files! Set your game to English in Steam and let it update all the files from German to English. They are all the BA2 files. If you already tried to do what you want by unpacking everything you could find and renaming it, then delete all that. You only need to set the language in steam to English.

    Then unpack the German strings files for Fallout 4 and all the DLC. Then change the _de to _en because to the game you are in "English" so it will only look for the _en files.

    What I have suggested should make all voice, movies, and everything possible be in English. The only thing that will be in German is the text. However, if Bethesda did anything that makes what you are trying to do not work the way I feel it should, then it's not possible.


    The strings files are in the Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 or from [Name Of DLC] - Main.ba2 and you extract them with a 3rd party tool or archive2.exe that comes with the CK.

  22. In response to post #43594655. #43594905, #43595235, #43597165 are all replies on the same post.

    Pixeldust wrote: Wish they did this with Oblivion or Morrowind instead. If one plays Skyrim on Windows 7, this special edition doesn't bring much new to the table, assuming they're using ENBboost and the memory fix among other things. Though due to the memory issue with all directx9 games on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, them re-releasing it on Directx11 is nice. I'm more worried that Skyrim will go wonky on SE if you have higher than 60 FPS, (unless you use NVIDIA Inspector, V-sync doesn't fix this.) The 60fps thing is also an issue on Fallout 4, to which I had to fix it by setting my FPS to 90, even then some of the computer terminals had issues. (It's like they don't even care that some pc gamers have monitors with 144hz, which makes 60FPS limiting rather noticeable and irritating.) There's also the issue of SLI, some people use multiple graphics cards, theres not too many issues with it in Skyrim, but it does cause the water to glitch with random ripples. Skyrim plays like a console port rather than a PC game.

    I hope someone comes out with a script cleaner for this version of Skyrim as well, otherwise orphan scripts cause issues if you got enough of them.(This wasn't an issue in Oblivion as it never saved them like Skyrim does. Guess you'll just have to always make a save before adding in a mod, like you already should do just incase.)

    Going to stick with playing Oblivion or Morrowind until all the mods and issues are fixed, which will probably take a couple of months. I'm glad the Nexus already has things setup in advance. Thank you for all your hard work.
    pokenar wrote: The fact is making Skyrim Remastered takes a lot less effort than making Oblivion or Morrowind remastered, since half the work was already done due to using Skyrim to test FO4's engine.
    Tanner811 wrote: its no that bethesda doesnt care about 144hz pc games, its that the engine doesn't play well with anything above 60fps. If you look closely with fo4 the physics on object actually speed up wityh higher that 60fps. Its an engine limitation and I hope they make a new engine for there next fo or elder scrolls gam
    PeterMartyr wrote: I think your confusing Havok with Beth, new flash Bethesda don't own the Skyrim Game Physic. It rented, complain to Havok, not Bethesda.

    Morrowind plugin format is so entirely different it would take quite the program to convert it. The big difference is no FormIDs which is what all Bethesda games after Morrowind rely on. A Morrowind reboot would be complicated but not impossible.
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