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Everything posted by kesabelus

  1. I was about to link to that exact tutorial. There's also a Companion Template esp on the Nexus that has all the basic mechanics set up already. But if you want to learn how Creation Kit works I definitely recommend watching Seddon4494's tutorials.
  2. Have you tried recast-based generation? That's always worked for me, although you do have to tweak a few things afterward. I use the settings listed in Bethesda's navmeshing tutorial.
  3. My impression is that a greeting is the dialogue used in the start phase of a scene, so if an actor says a greeting it will pull the player into conversation. A hello is dialogue an actor will say as you walk by them. Hellos are also used by NPCs when talking to them brings up a default dialogue menu instead of a scene, like when you select your active companion and it brings up the talk/trade/etc menu (eg the player selects Nick and says 'Hey Valentine' then Nick uses his hello 'You need something?' as the menu pops up). You don't need to add greetings into the Misc tab of a quest because it will be added automatically when you make scenes. Hellos have to be manually added.
  4. Hi all, I'm making a quest that 1) requires you to kill all the enemies in an area before setting the next quest stage and 2) the player has to find an object, but there are multiple objects and activating any one of them will set the next stage. I looked at MQ102 for how it handles objectives to kill all the raiders and MQ101PlayerComments for activating a particular object. Both quests have a quest alias that uses a location alias reference with a particular loc ref type attached to the object references. I made custom loc ref types and attached them to the relevant object references, made my quest aliases for the foe and the object, but they don't work. What have I missed? Adding individual aliases for each object like in Seddon4494's kill counter tutorial works, but when you have a large number of objects it's clunky and time-consuming.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some code somewhere that's messing it up. Earlier I found that when you board the Cambridge vertibird there's scripting to kill Glory again and disable her. Thanks for the suggestion of where to look!
  6. My impression was that SetAvailableToBeCompanion() was to make an actor available as a companion for the first time and AllowCompanion() was for any other scenario (eg they'd been disallowed earlier), but I’ve hit an interesting situation. I'm making a Glory companion mod and after the church attack (which she now survives) she’s somehow no longer available as a companion. AllowCompanion() doesn't work but SetAvailableToBeCompanion() does re-enable her as a companion. The only thing is the message ‘Glory is now available as a companion’ pops up which irks me. I looked through the scripting for RR302, RR303 and RR304 but couldn't find anything that might interfere. Honestly my issue is cosmetic but I’m curious why Glory is somehow prevented from being a potential companion after the HQ attack. It also happens again after Rockets Red Glare. Anyone have any ideas what's happening?
  7. The CompanionAffinityEventQuestScript is attached to a quest called CompanionAffinity. That script handles affinity bumps for quests. Event-based affinity bumps (drinking alcohol, stealing, murder etc) are handled in the actor's companionactorscript under the EventData_Array.
  8. Thank you! I always forget about the DLC companions but that's an excellent method. I'll try this out when I get a moment.
  9. I've edited CompanionAffinityEventQuestScript and added all the properties and functions for my companion, but it doesn't work in-game. I've seen a few topics like this floating around the internet but none with an answer. Is there anyone out there who has managed to get quest affinity working for a custom companion? If it matters, I only added Companion_Likes() to a few quests in the script because that thing is massive and I wasn't going to waste hours adding affinity bumps to all of them only to discover it doesn't work.
  10. You have an excellent sense of timing. I was about to finalise my update, minus this script, but that worked like a charm. Thanks!
  11. Thank you both for your answers. I quickly tried Event Quest.OnStageSet(int stageID, int auiItemID) but when compiling it had these errors: C:\Users\Ellaine\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\NateHolotapeSpawnScript.psc(17,0): First parameter must match the object type the event is coming from, which is quest C:\Users\Ellaine\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\NateHolotapeSpawnScript.psc(17,0): the parameter types of function quest.onstageset in the empty state on script nateholotapespawnscript do not match the original script quest
  12. Hey everyone, I'd like a holotape to enable after a quest stage has been set. Normally I'd just use a quest fragment at the stage I want, but the stage in question is from a vanilla quest and I don't want to mess with vanilla quests unless I have to. So I attached this script to my custom quest: Scriptname HolotapeSpawnScript extends Quest Quest Property MQ102 Auto Const ReferenceAlias Property HolotapeAlias Auto Const Function Startup() If (MQ102.GetStageDone(50) == 1) HolotapeAlias.GetRef().Enable() Else RegisterForRemoteEvent(MQ102, "OnStageSet") EndIf EndFunction Event OnStageSet(int stageID, int auiItemID) If (stageID == 50) HolotapeAlias.GetRef().Enable() UnRegisterForRemoteEvent(MQ102, "OnStageSet") EndIf EndEvent It compiles just fine, but only the first part works. If I load a save that's already reached stage 50 of MQ102, the holotape spawns. If I load a save before stage 50 and play through that stage, nothing happens. Anyone know what's going on? Or an alternative way to get this to work?
  13. I did the same with Nick's quest open, constantly double checking my work against his, and I've just started making placeholder dialogue to test with. Then loading from a clean save every time I wanted to test changes I've made. To test affinity I'd set his affinity just below the threshold then mod a weapon and earn the last affinity bump to trigger his next scene. I've gone over everything multiple times, so I think I have to restart from scratch. It won't take as long this time because I know what I'm doing, but I am not looking forward to implementing all his dialogue again haha. Thanks for your input!
  14. Thanks, I'll try all those. It's usually something small I've missed haha. As a test, I quickly mocked up a new companion and his affinity scenes didn't break his talk scene. As far as I could tell I didn't do anything differently to how I did it on my proper companion, so I'm worried I might have to restart. And affinity was the last thing I had to do, so darn. Edit: For tutorials I used Seddon4494's Youtube tutorials but I haven't found any guides on how to implement companion affinity, so I've been looking at vanilla companions for reference.
  15. After playing certain affinity scenes, I lose the ability to bring up the talk scene (relationship/dismiss/your thoughts) with my custom companion. He'll just blurt out an idle topic when I hit the talk option and end the conversation. His friendship scene is the only affinity conversation that doesn't break his talk scene and I can't figure out why. I've redone all the scripting for his quest, even rolled back to a previous version and remade his affinity scenes but encountered the same problem. Does anyone know what's happening?
  16. Whoops I was a little vague, apologies! I'm assuming this script is a papyrus fragment for a quest stage? So at the bottom of the papyrus fragment window there's a button that says Properties--you've clicked on it and made a property that points to your companion's quest alias?
  17. Apologies if this is a stupid question, but did you make a property for your companion?
  18. Yeah, I am fully expecting this to be a missed checkmark somewhere or something equally small. It's just a matter of finding it, haha. I've been working on this companion in stages and testing as I go so at first he was pretty basic, and now I'm adding in more complexity since everything else works. But yeah the vanilla companions have a lot to them! Edit: Reread your message, think I better understand what you mean now. I wasn't sure what the etiquette is on opening up other people's mods in CK to see how they work, but I'll download a simpler companion mod and take a look. Yeah, I remembered about the "you have to earn an affinity change the normal way" after using the console to modify affinity, but no dice. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me! Guess I'll have to pour over everything again and see if I can find what I missed. Second Edit: Fixed it! It was a stupid error on my part. I forgot to finish filling out the variables for ThresholdData_Array in companionactorscript.
  19. Yeah, I've got affinityscenehandlerscript attached to COMCompanion quest and comtalkquestscript attached to COMCompanionTalk quest.
  20. Hey all, I've set up the companionactorscript for my custom companion and his quest which handles his affinity conversations. For his quest, I copied the quest stages and papyrus fragments from the vanilla companions. And yet when I hit the affinity threshold in-game, his affinity conversation won't start. What have I missed? Any help is appreciated!
  21. @montky Glad you're enthusiastic about the idea! I'll PM you the details. Right now my focus is on Nate, because Synthetic Love already exists to add Nora as a companion. I'll give a Nora version a solid maybe. Depends on how many people ask for it and if I have time (plus I really like Synthetic Love so idk if I want to compete with it). This will work with a vanilla game; no DLC or other mods required. If you can test with several different installs and other companion mods, that would be great.
  22. Hey guys, I'm making a mod that adds Nate as a companion and I'm looking for testers. He currently has a recruitment quest, idle remarks, and commentary on the main questline. He's fully functional as a companion and fully voiced. Right now I just want to double check that his recruitment quest triggers properly, which won't take long to play. Once I know for sure that works I can implement his affinity. If anyone's interested, leave a comment or PM me!
  23. Did some research and this seems to be a known issue: https://community.bethesda.net/message/97644#97644
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