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Everything posted by cyronarxes

  1. >:( >:( >:( >:( I have had it. What Bethesda has done has sicken me to the core. I say all who agree with I and everyone on this post that we should commit ourselves to write a petition to Bethesda. tell your friends, family, whomever agrees with you to join the petition. Any who Agree with me say I
  2. 8) 8) 8) You are 100% correct. i give you kudos. Anyways as mustardboy said, oblivion was more focused on action and graphics while morrowind was more focused on free roaming and variety. Since i prefer variety over graphics, I prefer morrowind. I mean the inconssitincies in oblivion were enormous. I dont know abot you people but it seemed bethesda was playing on popular pop culture in oblivion and ripped off lord of the rings in numerous aspects. for example, the imperial city was supposed to be something like venice but in the game was made to look like minas tirith. Also cyrodil was supposed to be a jungle while in the game it was something more like medevil europe. The worst however was the leveled scripting where everyone leveled up with you. This was on bethesda part bowing down to the console junkies who wanted a quick and easy game without a lot of hard detail. In rpg's I want it where my character is like a god at the end of the game. Not when im level 100 and Im struggling against a level 100 wolf. NNow the reason why bethesda did this was simple. To more open their game up to a wider aduience who in general get confused with detail and game length. All in all, i lost respect for bethesda for not staying loyal to their fan community and giving in to the mass audience's opinion. Also perhaps since consoles dont have a great deal of memory, oblivion was cut back on detail so it could function normally on the consoles without overloading its memory.
  3. destroy the last major holiday which would enable them to create a uber holiday celebrating the keebler Elf. this would be bad because the keebler elf was very...
  4. He came across the easter bunny :ohmy:. This Santa knew was bad because the easter bunny was laden with lactose choculate goodness. Since santa was lactose intolerant, he was poisened by the easter bunnies chocolate goodies. Now that Santa was dead, christmas no longer existed. desperate for new jobs, santa's elves turned to a life of crime. Some of the elves then formed a gang called the chocolateers. This gang was very dangerous because they...
  5. By not angering the methane producing halobacterium who are the true rulers of Betelgeuse who get annoyed by all things moving in the right direction. However little did Potty Harrer know that the evil munchkin empire of chocula :ohmy: had sabatauged Potty Harrer's Tylenol medicine in order to prevent him from creating the screwdriver and ending the constant smelly greenhouse gas emisions from the angry halobacterium . Without this, Potty Harrer was doomed to the ever increasing migranes resulting from his overexposure to magic :wacko:. Before dying due to his ever increasing headaches, Potty Harrer flushed his screwdriver down his toilet into the smelly and poopy abyss of the sewers in order to ensure the survuval of the screwdriver for he knew that the one thing munchkins avoid is feces. in his dying breath, he flushed the screwdriver down the toilet and then fell from his killer headaches. Meanwhile, George Bush was walking besides a polluted River which the sewers flooded into when he saw Potty Harrer's magic screwdriver. in this instance he....
  6. 8) Are you sure? There were no ranged meshes in morrowind other than bows and crossbows. Yet there was a mod that added a mesh for throwing a spear realistically. if it can be done in morrowind, Im pretty sure it can be acomplished in oblivion.
  7. Ok, there should definitly be some throwing spears in oblivion. The two i have in mind would be a Atlatl which is this Atlatl 1 and this Atlatl 2. Also, it would be cool to include a roman Pila which could instantly render most shields useless . Finally I wish you could use a macuahuitl Macuahuitl
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