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Everything posted by Ziegslavric

  1. Still need feedback. Should be updating with wings soon when they are finished.
  2. Updated horns, made them curve back instead of sticking out.
  3. Succubus race will look like a normal human but will have a spell that brings out the horns, wings, and tail when she uses it. In addition to that she will get buffed. They are not meant to use weapons as they have claws and have a bonus to unarmed damage. Spells are what he/she is best at since she would rather have people fight over her instead of getting her hands dirty. Of course you can do whatever you want with her.
  4. I changed the tail to more of a spear shape, I didn't want it to be a cross spear like an x shape so I just made it flat. It looks better that way when you are running in 3rd person compared to an up and down spear shape. Check the new pics and let me know how it looks. Think I might tweak the horns some more so they are more curved at the base so they are not slicking out so much.
  5. Right now I just have the female model. Going to make it using the CBBE model for now, with future releases compatible with other body mods. Once I get the rest of the parts done I will put them on the male model as well. Tail is still a WIP, not sure if I should make the end like a spear or an arrowhead. That's why I made this thread is to get feedback before it goes live basically. All feedback is appreciated and helps to make it that much better.
  6. Still need input, decided not to do claws.
  7. I was looking for a mod that makes 2 handed weapons 1 handed. I used to play a game what made it so you could equip 2 handed weapons in a single hand with a certain spec, not talking about WoW, talking about Dark Alliance or something like that. Wondering if it is possible to add a perk to the 2 handed tree or if that's not possible just make them all 1 handed weapons.
  8. I am working on a succubus race for skyrim and we will have wings, horn, and tail. I will most likely release the horns, and wings in a separate mod so people can have those without making a succubus character. I have pictures on the mod talk forum about it with pics. Another person is working on the wings for me and hoping to get an update soon about them.
  9. You could possibly make a new world space and put all the pokemon into it. It would be a massive overhaul and would take along time to do since you would have to do a 3d model for each pokemon as we can't import other models on the nexus. I do know of a mod on another site that adds pikachu into it for a summon. He throws lightning bolts and stuff like that. As I said a massive undertaking and no idea if anyone would be willing to do that.
  10. Don't get me wrong I love the idea, was just pointing out that was the wrong section.
  11. This is not the section for mod requests.
  12. I think the next phase is adding some claws to her hands. Keep in mind the succubus will have a spell that unleashes her true form. The wings, horn, claws, and tail will come out and it gives her a buff.
  13. Added the horns and tail to a body to give an idea of how it would look in game so far, feedback appreciated.
  14. Modified the tail to look more like that photo. Didn't want to do too much editing as I think I got the tail shape figured out. Might change the tail again with a arrow head design on it so it looks more demonic. i wont add wings for now. Later on I will make a ring or something that adds the wings and the ability to fly. That way the Succubus can hide her wings at will.
  15. I modified the horns a little bit and added some screens of different angles so you can get a feel for how they look. They look big now but I plan to make them smaller for the females and keep the large ones for the males.
  16. Yeah, one look at her and you would be hooked.
  17. Not really sure I want to add wings to it. For skin tones I was considering white, blue, purple, red, and black. As for customization I would be just happy to get this thing done and released. Still looking for a partner to help me finish it so I can release it faster.
  18. As far as I know I am done with this. Need a modder who can model/texture to get it imported into the game so I can do the finishing touches.
  19. The body would probably use the big bottom mesh. For the picture I was just going on the design of the horns. Picture was a little out of my taste as well but it had the best horns I could find.
  20. I was thinking of blue/purple skin. As for the textures already on it that is subject to change depending if I can find a modder willing to get it finished so it can be released. As far as wings go, I think I might just leave them out. I don't really like those horns on that succubus though, I wanted them to be small and swing back. Almost like a ram but not as curled. You can't see from the picture but the horns go out and start swinging back, not so far to make the ends point forward though. Later when I wake up I might upload some move pics from the top and angled so you can see the whole shape of the horns. I was thinking I could just have a modder texture the horns and tail and the horns can just be attached to the hair. I think that would make it much easier to work with. I have all the race info finished, only thing left is to have it make so it works ingame and added to the race. Still no idea how to make the tail follow the Kajiit tail animations though. I know the succubus will have nails and will be given additional unarmed damage with a claw animation for unarmed combat. Succubus are spell casters anyways so its whatever people want to do, its completely possible to be a warrior and get by with just the powers.
  21. Added some textures to the horns, also added to tail.
  22. It also depends if your IP is static or dynamic. I had the same problem but I got the message shortly after an IP switch. I got someones IP who did download something and they notified me because I currently had the IP that was downloading. If the files are not on your computer then it's nothing and go about your business,
  23. There was a mod on youtube where someone made a tiger companion. No idea how its done though but I would love to know how as well.
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