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About Doon1

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    United States
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  1. Don’t be lonely. I love SkyrimVR. Hell, I love VR period. Can’t even play pancake games anymore. If your thinking about VR then get the Samsung Odyssey. Highest resolution amoled screens and best lenses of anything else out there. I tried the Rift and Vive; was very disappointed by both. Thought about just passing on VR for a couple of more years until I tried the Odyssey. you need a fairly powerful machine to drive it but for the price of a decent monitor you can be in the game instead of watching a 2D picture.
  2. Hi All, New to mod editing. I've gathered up some of my stand alone followers and a addling the to another ESP. I've done 2 thus far with TES5edit but it is quite the chore. Lots of copy and past work. I open 2 TES5edit windows with the hope of drag and dropping the data but doesn't work. I downloaded CK and did the LokirTomb walk-through to gain an understanding of what I'm doing. Yet when I try to load my ESP (which requires multiple masters) into CK I keep getting string errors and the likes. I did the multiple master add to the pref file. I tried loading up just the Skyrim and hearthfire ESMs and received string errors. Is there a spreadsheet type editor that I can D&D the data in?
  3. Hello Guys. Love this place. I am looking into building a new player abode. Unfortunately The category search under the files drop-down is gone. I use that feature to search or browse files regularly. Will the category's feature be returning or is it gone forever. EDIT: Wow that was fast. 30 seconds and it's back. You guys rock!!! ;)
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