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Posts posted by Skagens

  1. They are changing the site layout for a number of reasons. As Qwerty stated, the old layout had several issues and has been that way for several years. It's due for an update. I agree with the fact that I prefer the old layout but that's because I'm used to it. Give it a couple of weeks. The only reason you're negative about it is because it's new and unfamiliar.

  2. I will grant you that Winter CAN be beautiful...... but, of late, we haven't even been getting much snow. (I blame that on the snowblower that I bought for my tractor four years ago, and have used a grand total of three times since then.... as we just don't get much snow......) I just hate the cold in general. :smile: I got out of the automotive field, and went in to computers, simply so that I could work in a climate controlled environment. Now I am retired, and just kinda 'poke at' stuff that people are willing to throw money at me for. (It was plumbing on sunday...... that was fun.) Yep, I am quite mercenary, I'll do damn near anything if the money/benefits are right. (and sometimes, all it requires is a good meal. :smile: )

    Hey, we're in mid November and I live in Scandinavia, not one instance of snow. Ah, but the cold is here. I wake up getting ready for my day and when I open the front door, there's frost on the railing. Inhaling the cold fresh air in the morning when the sun is shining has to be the best part of the day.


    Summer and warmth can be nice to, since I also have fond memories of running barefoot on the dewy grass in my backyard. I just really hate sweating, even if it's a small amount.

  3. The internet is safety, and anonymity is a big part of that. I have the opinions that I have but if I were to voice some of them in public or to a coworker, I could have the risk of getting fired or publicly shamed. People always rant about how there is no wrong opinion or that voicing you concerns and thoughts are never a bad thing but that's not entirely true. Many topics are controversial, and for many, there are "right" opinions and "wrong" opinions. If you have the wrong opinion, some people see you as an enemy and need to be defeated. This may cause you to get bullied, harassed, publicly shamed etc. just for voicing you opinions. That is, if they know who you are.


    With the internet, I can relatively safely voice my opinions without much risk. I know myself that I am a different person in real life than I am online. The reason being is that being judged or ridiculed online doesn't even compare to being so in real life. I also struggle with being social. I can say something that I may mean in the best intentions but someone can interpret what I say as an insult, because I don't really know how to communicate properly. In real life, I tend to be very selective of what I say so as to not offend or hurt anyone, but mistakes happen. Online, I don't have that fear. I could care less if I offend anyone on here, because the face-to-face element isn't present, but also because I don't actually go out of my way with the intent of offending anyone. People decide themselves if they want to be offended or not.


    I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, the internet is a place where I can be who I am.

  4. I had to work today..... cuttin' trees..... outside..... in the COLD...... Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE winter?


    But winter is the most amazing season! You can prevent the cold by wearing thicker layer of clothing, or chug some of that hot chocolate. There's not much you can do against the heat.

    I would assume cutting trees alone would keep you warm enough.

  5. I'm confused. From reading this post, you seem to have experienced everything bad imaginable, but also not? Do you feel you were not in control of your own body? Do you believe your actions up to this point has been at the hand of someone else? Are you talking about god or something else? This post is a mess.

  6. I believe it's mostly caused by people not being enough physically active. People who eat foods with lots of fat or just unhealthy foods in general and spend most of their time sitting still will get fat while people who eats the same stuff but are more active tend to keep their weight at an acceptable level. It's a matter of line of work and interests too. Road workers or plumbers does more on-hand work and are more active than say a cubicle worker who only spends time at their desk at the computer.


    Stress could also be a factor. With tight work-schedules people can find it difficult to find the time to actually cook proper food themselves and fast food tends to be a lot quicker. This coupled with a stressfull work environment in general can cause all sorts of health problems. Some people can better manage their lives than others I guess.

  7. My teammates and I tend to figure out where the fire is coming from and then pinpoint the enemies location. Once we know where they are, we fight it out. Once we either kill or down someone, we know we're at an advantage and tend to then move in and pressure them.


    The only scenario I can imagine where rushing like an idiot can be productive, is when you and your teammates are split up and can attack the enemy from multiple angles.

  8. All I see when people directly compare anyone to Hitler, personally shows the hate withing themselves. Hate is a dead end street that leads to misery for all involved, including the hater. Hitler was more diabolical than evil and what made him twice as dangerous is he surrounded himself with slavish minions that competed for his favor. Himmler was the worst and He was in charge of the Gestapo.



    As far as the Ottomans. My take on that would be that the west would be slowed down by their inability to get oil under their own terms and would have allowed much of what is known as the third world countries to advance industrially. That might have had a cooling effect on colonialism, which to me is a nice way of invading another country and effecting their society. I don't think their would be as much turmoil in the world if the West hadn't thought themselves so benevolent that they could positivly effect another culture by supplanting it with their own. Industrialization and technology enabled a great many wrongs in this world.


    I would have liked to see the native Americans greet the pilgrims on Plymouth rock with Gatling guns and see home far the white man would have conquered the contenient.


    Agreed. However, I don't think diabolical is the right word. Hitler was without a doubt a disgusting human being and what he did is unforgivable but he didn't go around being evil for the sake of it, no person does. He was capable of compassion and kindness, same as everyone else.


    I believe you might be right here. Had the Ottoman Empire survived and not been so open to the western powers, it might've blossomed into on of the wealthiest and most powerful empires in the world. With the territory held, they would have had access to incredible amounts of oil and natural resources. And with industrialization and mechanized warfare closing in, their army might've been the biggest and most well supplied army in the world. What isn't to say an industrially advanced third world country would invade and act like the west has? People are still people and there a rotten ones in every government, in every country and every civilization. There always has and always will be.


    America and Russia has a tendency to meddle in affairs of state of other countries. America having replaced several functioning governments with ones to suit their own needs only to have the same people turn on them, creating a cycle of instability and chaos for the country in question. This in turn displace a large number of inhabitants with nowhere to go, thus creating a large number of refugees.

    This might be going a bit off topic but one cannot help but feel a sense of uncertainty and worry about how the world is developing today.

  9. Please re-read what I said about Trump and Hitler. What I said was that I don't think Hitler or Trump could have rose to power without the situation being right. Neither of them could have achieved the office they did if they had tried at any other time.




    I still can't wrap my head around a French Hitler. I don't think, with the German penchant for militarism that they would let anyone even close to being Hitlerisk rise to power in France. Indeed, both the English or the French could have stopped Hitler if they would have reacted to Hitlers occupation of Rhineland. I read The Rise and fall of the Third Reich and it states that Hitler was on pins and needles and would have pulled German troops out if anyone reacted. Him withdrawing, I i'm pretty sure would have ended him before he even got started.


    I will let the union go as I haven't really thought that out very much, but I would suggest that some form of economic and political influence over the conquered country's, including England. I don't know if it would reach the level that France and England put on Germany, but I am almost certain that there would be some face slapping going on.


    What I was talking about the Ottoman empire is that the West could not have set up their little puppet regimes in the Ottomans still had control of that area. The oil would not have been so cheaply paid for and the petro dollars would have went to Constantinople instead of the Capital cites of the countries that were set up after WWI.

    I understand that it was crumbling from inside out. My God the thing, I think outlasted any other empire except ancient Egypt.



    Apologies, whenever someone mentions Trump and Hitler in the same sentence it feels like they're being compared.


    Now, France could have had some nationalistic parties and there might've been some people with the same mindset as Hitler, to find a group of people to point finger to and call the culprit. But as you say, Germany would have been highly militaristic at the time so the threat could have been contained. Some resistance movements would also have been formed but I think the germans would've contained them as well.

    Had Hitler withdrawn troops, it would only be a question of time imo until he tried something again. He had to, his own position depended on him living up to his ideology of expansion, otherwise the people would quickly lose faith in him. And without the majority of the people behind him, he was nothing. It might also be as you say, his reign might've ended then and there, had he only withdrawn troops.


    I would assume the west would have entered into some sort of bargain or agreement to have some access to the oil. Mechanized warfare was only starting to come into fruition with countries being more and more dependent on the oil. Get access to the oil either by partnership or through force. Yep, the Ottoman Empire had been around for quite some time. A little over 700 years and to think it's demise came at the hand of themselves, greed and corruption.

  10. I thank you very much for the information of the Germany ruler. I was not aware of this. It makes me rethink my attitude on this. It's hard to believe that these European leaders were all related to each other, seeing how some were so eager to prove themselves to each other


    I never thought about the rising of a French Hitler, I would supose that anyone, with the right mind could come up with a convincing argument of internal betrayl of country. It seems, all it takes is scarcity and those unwilling to keep things in perspective will convinces themselves of just about any diabolic conspiracy All we have to do is look at the Japanese interment camps of WWII to see that. . I would suggest though that Hitler was a highly apt charismatic political showman. Even at that, I don't think he could have rose to power and more than Donald Trump could have risen to power at any other time than they both did.


    I would ask if you think that a European union of some sort would have come out in the 1920, since the German King was so overbearing and would that have become an economic powerhouse that would have rivaled America.


    I would also like to hear about peoples thoughts about The Ottoman Empire. Would it have collapsed and if the Western powers could not have swooped in and organized the Middle East, would the West be even a shadow of what it is today without the cheep oil it extracted from the puppet states they created to serve their interests? Would there have ever been a need to them to look to terrorism as a way to have a voice in this world.?



    Wilhelm II, Germany's ruler at the time, had a british mother and inherited her love of the British Royal Navy. He had a project to construct his own massive naval army to rival the british because he was apparently quite envious of them. Arranged marriages between royal houses was big back then which often resulted in children being of two worlds. I do think it's silly they all the world leaders basically played a worldwide pissing contest to show who was the biggest and strongest.


    Had the war ended in favor of the germans, there's a good chance all of France would become oppressed and many of the french would seek for answers as to why. Had Germany imposed the same reparations as the french did, the country and the people would have suffered immensely. Part of the reason Hitler had such a large backing was because he was indeed a charismatic and strong willed person. For him, the jews were to blame. Had we seen a french Hitler, who knows which minority would have been targeted. One has to understand that when you push people to the brink and leave them with no options or opportunities, these people will seek any help and answers they can, leaving many of them becoming somewhat radicalized. I think comparing Trump to Hitler is a mistake. Hitler wanted to create and expand living room for the german people east, and also exterminate Judaism and Communism which was, to him, the german people's worst enemy. Trump is not looking to expand America nor do I believe he wants war for the sake of it.


    It is plausible some form of union could have been formed in the 1920's. However, rule and leadership was not elected by vote back then, it was inherited, and I believe that to be one of the main causes to the world not seeing a lasting union. Otto von Bismarck was actually chancellor to Wilhelms father and he believed another war would be devastating and therefore, engaged in a policy of diplomatically maintaining cordial relations with other nations in Europe. Had Otto been in power rather than Wilhelm, who knows what might've happened. Tensions was still relatively high and Otto was no great fan of France either.


    I believe the Ottoman Empire would have collapsed either way, with my opinions being that many of the problems coming internally rather than being foreign. Many of the empire's military reforms resulted in it's army engaging in multiple wars, with World War 1 being one of them. It's also my opinion that the west was not dependent on the Ottoman Empire. The west would most assuredly be doing well, but perhaps not in the same capacity.

  11. One could wonder how France would have looked if Ludendorff's offensive on Paris had succeeded. Germany would probably have shaped all of France and considering Erich was influential and also one of the leaders of the german war efforts, a lot if not all of France would most likely be very militaristic. Either way, had Germany won the war and imposed peace on the allies, Germany would not have suffered the reparations imposed by the treaty of Versailles. And the treaty was without a doubt one of the leading causes to Hitler rising to power and initiating the devastating World War II. This in turn would have prevented the holocaust and a second war. It's likely a german victory would also have prevented the cold war. The question is, would history had repeated itself from the other side? Would Germany force the french to sign a treaty of their own, causing France's economy to collapse and give rise to fascism? Would we later on see a french Hitler?


    Speculating about 'What if' is often very interesting no matter the topic. Europe would certainly have looked very differently under Wilhelm II's regime. Since America's involvement in the war would have been avoided with a german victory, would it still be the enforcer of international order as we see it today, or would Germany take it's place? Would Germany still invade the Soviet Union like they did in the second world war or would the Soviets invade Germany in fear of having such a powerful neighbor? Would Japan ever partner with Germany and would they ever initiate war with America? So many questions and one can only speculate on what the answers to these would be.


    No one can say exactly how the world would look today had Germany won the first war. Would the world be a better place? If you take into account how it was like in Germany before the war, the world might've looked more repressed and grim than it does today. Before World War I, Germany was ruled by Wilhelm II. He was the son of the previous ruler, Frederick III. Wilhelm II was brash, ambitious and full of grand designs for building German prestige and expanding it's empire and foreign influence. He believed in force, and the 'survival of the fittest' in domestic as well as foreign politics. He was also not so much concerned with gaining specific objectives, as he was to asserting his will. With these qualities in mind, one could argue that he was not a good or wise ruler. Had Wilhelm II stayed in power after a german victory, World War II might not have been avoided after all, only delayed.


    To answer one of your questions, I don't believe Israel would exist, at least not as it does today. Had the Holocaust never happened, Zionism might not have had the international moral force that it rightly claimed after Hitler's defeat, thus limiting it's influence. This is at least how I see it. Topics like these are very interesting to me and I look forward to reading your thoughts on the matter.

  12. Wrong forum. This is the Newbie forum, where you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about you. What you want is post this question in the specific game forum, which can be found here.

  13. Just wondering if there are any super-genius modders out there who can make a script or something that will take all your Regular Skyrim mods and mod settings (and maybe even savegames) and port all of that stuff over to Skyrim Special Edition. So you can continue your modded play in the new graphics. Otherwise, meh, who cares about the special edition. Waste of space, right? Tall order I guess (perhaps impossible even, I'm not a techy). Anything out there?



    Unfortunately, this is more or less impossible, since lots of mods depend on other mods or SKSE to work. Furthermore, the majority of mods for Oldrim won't work right out the bat for SE. Meshes need to be adapted using certain software, esp's need to be re-saved in the new CK etc. If you can't go through the hassle in starting over with SE, stick with Oldrim.

  14. Since the problem seems to be the same, I suggest you go through the whole procedure and try the solutions listed. Did the same problem pop up on the new character you tried? I assume you created a new character without the mod in question and progressed through the questline. If this is the case, try progressing further with this character and see if the same problem pops up there. If it does, there might be some underlining cause other than the "For the Stormcloaks" mod. If not, then you know for sure it's the mod that causes the problem, and might also mean that the problem is rooted deep in your original save.

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