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Posts posted by Skagens


    This will be a bit of an off-topic question regarding Skyrim. I realize you're more focused on Fallout 4 modding but a couple of months ago, you posted a comment here where you said you were working on repairing the bridge in the College of Winterhold. Have you made any progress or did you scrap the idea?

    I actually released it for special edition I don't remember if I did a of Skyrim version I can send you links when I get home



    Ah, I just noticed you actually did release it, both for Oldrim and SE. Sorry for being stupid.

  2. This will be a bit of an off-topic question regarding Skyrim. I realize you're more focused on Fallout 4 modding but a couple of months ago, you posted a comment here where you said you were working on repairing the bridge in the College of Winterhold. Have you made any progress or did you scrap the idea?



    races dont exist too say other wise is racist


    I would consider this thread on the subject to be finished. Seems unnecessary to revive a fairly old thread, so if you'd wish to debate the matter further, I'd be happy to do so via PM.


    What fun would that be?



    Well, it wouldn't, since I would just repeat everything I've posted on this thread. But it would probably look better than posting the same things over and over on a 2 month old thread.

  4. races dont exist too say other wise is racist


    I would consider this thread on the subject to be finished. Seems unnecessary to revive a fairly old thread, so if you'd wish to debate the matter further, I'd be happy to do so via PM.

  5. There won't be, because the "Empire" is already a puppet of the Thalmor. Otherwise the legion would protect Hamerfall from it. If the Legion wins, then the Thalmor get a second chance to regroup, and prepare to invade Hamerfall again with the Legion's help this time. If Stormcloaks wins, and Ulfric decide, then combined with Hamerfall's forces they can kick out the Thalmor back to the Summerset Isles. Valenwood WILL rebel as soon as possible against the Dominion.


    The Empire doesn't have much choice other than being in the Aldmeri Dominions pocket for the moment. They lost the last war, and faced heavy losses. They're not a real threat to the Thalmor, yet. Which is why they have to play ball. If the Empire would show any sign of resistance or disobedience, it would mean another war.


    Besides, just because the Redguards are against the Thalmor doesn't mean they will automatically join Ulfric's cause, much less accept him as the face and leader of that cause. There might be some form co-operation if Ulfric send troops over to Hammerfell to assist them, but he wouldn't have that many troops to spare to begin with. Establishing communications takes time, which is exactly what Ulfric would lack should he declare Skyrim independent.

  6. Maybe. The Empire would have to use desperate measures, such as recruiting as many as possible. Farmers, Blacksmiths, Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Pot makers, what have you. As many as possible in order to appear strong and have a force large enough to stand up to them. I don't imagine recruitment would be difficult, since the Thalmor hasn't exactly been very nice in the provinces during the time of the White-Gold Concordat.


    Furthermore, it would be beneficial if they could somehow establish communication with the Dunmer, as they would be very helpful in the fight against the Thalmor. This would be difficult though, since the Dunmer and the houses of Morrowind thoroughly dislike the Empire because of the events during the Oblivion Crisis.


    I certainly believe they stand a chance, but whatever the outcome, the losses on both sides would be astronomical, even more so than the last war.

  7. Another thing I am wondering about this is will they have proper technical support for the mods that are behind a paywall?


    I mean, it's one thing if a free mod messed up your game, but when one you paid for does it, shouldn't you get some kind of support from Bethesda?


    What Bethesda is doing is licensing the mods that are created. They will legally own the IP, which means they are legally required to support it.

  8. Excerpt from uesp.net:

    "The Dwemer purportedly possessed an ability that was known as "The Calling", which seems to have been similar to telepathy. It allowed the Dwemer to communicate with each other over great distances. It has been suggested that, in the last moments before they disappeared, Lord Kagrenac used The Calling to summon all of the Dwemer people and rally them to carry out his plans to transcend the Mortal Plane. Whether this was related to their demise or not is uncertain."


    One theory as to why there are no records or documentation of the technology of the dwemer could be that they only shared the knowledge among themselves. I'm not sure how strong the dwemer were psychologically, but perhaps they had greater memory and a greater ability to store information than the other races. The dwemer were known to be distrustful of the other races, so it would make sense for them not wanting to share their technology. Just a thought.

  9. As with any major news, people are freaking out and speculating without even having all the information at hand. The way it has been said the Creation Club is to be handled is miles better than what they tried last time but it's still not, imo, perfect. I posted my opinion in a previous post about this topic, and I'll reply the same as I posted there, with some added sentences. Mods, for me, has always been about the love of said game. It's something done by the community for the community for a better experience and overall enjoyment of the game they love. It's in my opinion something to be shared for all to enjoy, for free. It's not something you expect to make a career out of and it's not something you do as a source of income. There are some really talented people in the community, and the fact they can get paid is not something I'm against, but I would rather they be paid in the form of a donation.


    This thing their doing now has the potential to be really good. Quality content made by mod makers you know and like. But it might also flop like last time, though I doubt in the same colossal manner. I'm not going to pass judgement on this thing yet since we don't know everything and we don't know if this means "the end of free mods". I'm just going to wait and see how this thing plays out. Keep in mind that Bethesda has said that they will not accept mods that people have already been made. So even if the majority of mod authors disappear from the Nexus, the mods already out there will still be available for free. Only new content will be on the Creation Club. What I'm asking is what exactly can they bring to the table that is new and refreshing enough to spend money on? It seems that there already is a mod for everything. I'm skeptical but hopeful.

  10. There needs to be a change in the rules. Mods that are heavily outdated or need to be ported to a newer version of the game should be allowed so as long the original creator/modder is credited. Many great mods are left behind or disappear cuz the mod creator themselves disappear or they don't have time (life happens).

    You can find some of them on third party sites even some of them ported for Special Edition in the creators stead. The red tape for this is ridiculous sometimes.


    The mods created are the property of the mods authors and they can give whatever permission they wish. Nexusmods respect the authors wishes above all and it can be the case that an author have expressed that his or her mods not be ported, uploaded or distributed anywhere even right before the author has left the community.


    The shortest answer would be yes. How Creation Club will work, is that "approved" mod authors will be able to pitch their mod ideas to Bethesda and if they approve the idea, the work begins. By "approved mod authors" I would assume they mean the well-known, popular and experienced mod authors in the community. Everyone have their own idea of what "best" means. You might be someone who doesn't enjoy companion mods, which means companion mods released on Creation Club might not interest you. I might be entirely wrong, so before anyone jumps to conclusions, it might be best if we wait until we have more information.


    Even if this is the case, it doesn't necessarily mean there won't be really good mods released for free on the Nexus. Some mod authors might even decline the offer of Bethesda to join Creation Club. Again, we'll just have to wait and see how all of this will be played out.


    I am afraid that they will charge like 15 euro per mod.

    Bethesda quality control sucks, their games are buggy.

    For me armor mods are crucial since you can make nearly every playthrough different.

    You can create history for you character and choose armor accordingly.

    Buying skyrim for me was for the mods only, i wouldn't bought the game if they weren't mods for it.

    So if i have to pay 200 or more euro for mods, i probably will be sticking to other games then.



    I doubt it will be so severe that they'll charge over 20$ for a single mod. I'm not saying it's impossible but it would have to be one giant DLC-like mod. Like I said, it's a bit early to make assumptions and we'd probably be better off to see which route they will take. I don't think you should panic just yet. Wait and see is my recommendation.

  12. The shortest answer would be yes. How Creation Club will work, is that "approved" mod authors will be able to pitch their mod ideas to Bethesda and if they approve the idea, the work begins. By "approved mod authors" I would assume they mean the well-known, popular and experienced mod authors in the community. Everyone have their own idea of what "best" means. You might be someone who doesn't enjoy companion mods, which means companion mods released on Creation Club might not interest you. I might be entirely wrong, so before anyone jumps to conclusions, it might be best if we wait until we have more information.


    Even if this is the case, it doesn't necessarily mean there won't be really good mods released for free on the Nexus. Some mod authors might even decline the offer of Bethesda to join Creation Club. Again, we'll just have to wait and see how all of this will be played out.

  13. From what I've understood, Creation Club is not going to be the same as the "Payed mods" thing Beth and Steam tried to do about 2 years ago. What they're essentially trying to do is allow "approved" mod authors to create mods for Creation Club and the mod authors themselves will then be payed directly by Bethesda. The mods created by these mod authors will then be something you pay for. This is a much better idea than what they tried 2 years ago but I remain skeptical. I have always and will always view mods as something you do for the love of the game. It's a gift for the community by the community, not a product you have to pay for. I'm skeptical, but also intrigued. We can't pass judgement on this yet as we don't have enough information, but it'll be interesting to see the outcome of this.

  14. first off, im missing bloody textures in my caves. i mean literally i have bubblegum pink stripes in my caves and idk how to fix this, lol.


    Post us your Load Order. Any mod that alters or add textures is most likely the culprit.


    also... i really want an enb but

    1. idk how to even begin to find one that wont kill my poo pc

    2. idk how to even add one to my game


    Take a look here. This is an in-depth look at what ENB is, does, and how to install it. I suggest you read thoroughly. If there is an ENB you fancy, I would also advice you to read the description and take a look in the comment section. You can find all sorts of helpful information on the nexus pages. The latest ENB binary can be downloaded here.

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