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Everything posted by AerynRavanna

  1. Carrying on regardless: Small humpback, not sure if Elder lore would allow for giant slow moving whales.
  2. 3dsmax is best, but its very complex. can take months to learn. The glitchy process of fine tuning the files isn't easy for skyrim either.
  3. I modded for 8 years, and did a 3 year degree in art, and only just starting to get paid for it now. Did you really think it was that easy? Its one of the worst industries to be in :)
  4. If I find a way I'll just start spamming other modders with emails offering help and hope one responds :)
  5. *edit* UPDATE: To be clear, my offer of making models was only really for aquatic life, and I only have time once in a blue moon for non paid work. Please no more emails, I feel guilty refusing eager offers of mods i'd love to help, but just don't have time. Thank you. Had Skyrim 6 months, playing it for the 3rd time now. I graduated from a game art course last year, doing some freelance here and there. This week I have had a real urge to add something to skyrim, to improve its environment Did this in a few hours: (2600 tris) Just a quick bake/texture. Being underwater would never be seen clearly. The difficult bit is the coding/templating. Do any mod makers currently adding new animals to skyrim (realism) require anything like this? I just wanted to make a few creatues/models and help someone else's mod rather than start my own. Especially, Aquatic Life Overhaul by DiabloBlanko, Steam won't let me message mod makers personally. Please let me know if you're interested. I can handle the models/textures and perhaps animations/rigging.
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