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Everything posted by Zaldir

  1. ErikaJackson banned. Reason: Spam account. Reference post Reference post
  2. infernodegraca banned. Reason: Pirate. Reference post
  3. naesiblonda02 banned. Reason: Previously banned member. Reference post Reference post Reference post
  4. naesiblonda banned. Reason: Sending PMs titled "die" and "fu ck you man" to a member of staff (me) with the following text: Reference post Reference post
  5. naesiblonda has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, naesiblonda has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload files for 14 days Important links: Our terms of service
  6. hunter66ss banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
  7. jacklury banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
  8. Before this thread goes completely down the drain, let's everyone take a look at the first and sixth word in the thread title and apply that towards everyone partaking in this thread, okay? Thanks.
  9. onlinezoom banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
  10. Fugus closed. Reason: Account closed by request. Reference post
  11. To add to Thandal's response, there has been no upload for ARK: Survival Evolved to our servers. The Ark DevKit has an "Upload to steam" button directly built into it, so most/all mods for that game will be on the Steam Workshop.
  12. charles123456w banned. Reason: Suspected hijacked account, based on recent user activity. Reference post Reference post
  13. I guess we just disagree on some fundamental levels (and likely agree on others), so it is unlikely that we will ever sway the other in any way when it comes to these topics. As you say, we all have our biases and the two of us have biases and backgrounds that make us see things differently. And that's alright, I've said my piece.
  14. Game development. Hopefully it won't remain a hobby forever. :laugh: But gaming is the hobby I spend the most time on, which in turn makes game development remain a hobby for even longer. Self discipline is tough...
  15. Jealous! My laptop is a MacBook Pro from 2009... :laugh: I need an upgrade, but buying something that lasts is expensive, and I'd rather not buy something I need to replace in a couple of years.
  16. When someone says "The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention." it paints a clear picture of what their intent is - to twist the truth ever so slightly so that it seems worse than it really is. If he had wanted to be truthful he would have, as he did later, said "Some Democrats took out...". But no, he said "The Democrats", which does not mean one or two, but the party as a whole. That is misleading. Not a lie, but misleading, exactly as Factcheck titled the article. Factcheck.org does not just deal with lies, but also misleading statements which is exactly what that tweet is. Trump is not "always a liar", but he lies all the time, even more so than the usual politician who in general also lies all the time. The difference is the frequency of lying, not whether or not they are lying. --- That graph does indeed show predicted number of deaths, due to the reporting of deaths being very slow. Though, as you can see here, in a very similar graph: The reported and predicted numbers match up very well, with the last few weeks being off due to reporting of deaths taking weeks. There is no reason to believe that the predicted number from the last few weeks will not match as well as it has the last few months. It is unlikely that so many excess deaths are due to "normal" reasons, and there is no reason to doubt that these excess deaths are a result of COVID-19. Yes there are comorbidities, but those would have been present in earlier years as well, meaning that the excess deaths are highly probable to be the result of COVID-19. When the death counts have been so stable over the years it would be ignorant or disingenious to say that these excess deaths are not the result of COVID-19.
  17. Heavyweight891 banned. Reason: Account created purely to harass another user. Reference post Reference post Reference post
  18. Didn't really plan to jump in here, but here goes... A link was already given by OldSaltyCroc. That website provides references for all the data. More importantly though: That image (data) clearly shows that deaths have increased drastically since COVID-19 hit the US. Compare April 2020 to April 2017, 2018, 2019 - there's a huge difference (January 2018 was the height of the flu epidemic in the US, for reference). There is a huge death spike, even when restrictions were finally put in place. Going back to the specific page you linked to, COVID-19 accounts for ~10% of all deaths in the US recently. When a new, mostly unknown virus accounts for such a large percentage of deaths there is reasonable call for concern. Had there not been a lockdown and other measures there would have been more deaths. This is quite a typical resonse to active measures being taken. Measures were taken to reduce the number of deaths. People see that not as many died as was predicted/feared. They then question why the measures were put into action to begin with, without considering that the reason the death toll did not reach the predicted number is exactly because measures to fight the epidemic were taken.
  19. Jeffrey13Jason banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
  20. Andrew778899 banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
  21. Whatthefuk1 banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
  22. I never understood this "generation reddit" crap. Does it include the droves of old people and middle aged Karens who can't see the giant sign 3 feet in front of them and go harassing the employees about the exact information posted on said sign? It's just the age old cycle repeating: Older generations calling younger generations lazy. We have records of this happening back in ~500 BC.
  23. tited banned. Reason: Spam Reference post
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