If World War 2 history is of interest to you, I would suggest visiting a museum on the matter. Some of the best (and most horrific) ones include Auschwitz (Auschwitz.org), Dachau Memorial and Museum (Kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.de), Caen Memorial Museum (Normandy.memorial-caen.com), Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp (Sachsenhausen-sbg.de), Historical Museum of the City of Krakow (Muzeumkrakowa.pl), or for the Americans, The National World War II Museum (Nationalww2museum.org). Nexus Mods is not a museum nor a curator of history. What Nexus Mods deems inappropriate is up to Robin Scott and his team, and they have deemed that content related to the Axis powers of WW2 is not appropriate for this website at this time. And it is up to the moderation staff to uphold these rules by discerning what violates the rules and what does not, using our own judgement and the guidance of the community managers.