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Everything posted by Zaldir

  1. Thank you very much! :) I will be using those dialogues for sure. And I may do the occasional jailbreak attempt, but I want to get these dialogues out of the world first. :)
  2. oops: Begin OnActivate if GetStage AHAdemarQuest02 == 10 || GetStage AHAdemarQuest02 == 25 Activate SetStage AHAdemarQuest02 30 Elseif Activate endif end This should work.
  3. @mrboobz: I really want this mod to be simple, and since the prisoners spawns from leveled lists, that idea might be hard to accomplish. :/ But thank you very much for the suggestion non-the-less. :) @ub3rman: Yeah, some prisoners are ghosts of people who have died in the prisons. Anyway, I have lowered the chance of prisoners spawning even more, now down to 40%, so the chance for every prison cell to host a prisoner is now minimal.
  4. Populated Prisons Current Version: 1.1 By Randomcoyle & Zaldir Website This mod populates the prisons in the cities of Cyrodiil. There is a 50% chance for a prisoner to spawn in a cell. Each prisoner have their own greeting, and some will tell you a tale of their life, while others may talk nothing more than poo. In the Prisons, you'll meet anything from Vampires, Ghosts, Lunatics, drunkards, murderers and rapists! Next Version The Next version will feature voice acting, and perhaps some other new features like random encounters and minor quests.
  5. Okay, try this then: This must be a object script, attached to AHContract2 Begin OnActivate if GetStage AHAdemarQuest02 == 10 || GetStage AHAdemarQuest02 == 25 SetStage AHAdemarQuest02 30 endif end
  6. Have you tried turning off all your mods? And does this happen to all characters/Saves? (Try creating a new character and head to IC)
  7. Try removing "IsActionRef player == 1". This is not an action you are doing, but an action you have done, so maybe this will fix it.
  8. Seems like one of the mods your using is altering something bad. Try turning off all mods to see if it works then. :)
  9. well, nevermind that - we have the forum back to it's normal now, so I guess this is not needed any more?
  10. Great work Argomirr! :D The dropdown menu is always dropped down though^^ Let's hope it won't take too long till we get the features back. :)
  11. To download files: http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9375/howtodownloadfiles.jpg
  12. This script: short DoOnce begin gamemode if DoOnce == 0 && player.getitemcount ItemRef/ItemID == 1 setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage' set DoOnce to 1 endif end Can be used for both object and Quest. I would make it a quest script though. (This requires that you use the ItemRef, and not the ItemID) Then, if both these scripts are for the same quest, you would just add them to the same script.
  13. Cosmetic Compilation.esp & Cosmetic Compilation - No NPC Changes.esp IIRC you're only supposed to use one of these. IlluminationWithin.esp & IlluminationWithout.esp You're only supposed to use one of these as well.
  14. Download DDS Converter 2 - This lets you convert between DDS, TGA, JPG, BMP, PNG and PSD image formats
  15. Yeh, but it's really the old mods without tags which really needs tagging, because they are forgotten and sort of "hidden" mods, which needs tags to be exposed. :)
  16. It says 1,685 Files Tagged on my profile, but this does not mean 1,685 actual submissions, it's 1,685 Tags. And I usually give more than 1 tag to files, so it comes down to probably around 400 or something.
  17. 400 totally empty? Like, no files or mirrors? (Some submissions only have mirrors) And by the way, should we report empty submissions, or let it go, hoping they will come around to uploading a file later?
  18. And if you're using Vista or Win7, and don't want to reinstall Oblivion, you could turn off UAC. (This is not recommended unless you are experienced with computers) And I second yeldarb's advice, instead of trying to manually edit the ArchiveInvalidation.txt, use Oblivion Mod Manager. (This software is recommended anyway, as it makes ordering your load list much easier)
  19. You're missing "Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm" - so I guess this is the reason.
  20. To make a quest update when a NPC dies: Attached to a Quest: (i.e if you want it to update when more than one npc is dead) Begin GameMode if (FirstNPCRef.GetDead == 1) && (SecondNPCRef.GetDead == 1) Setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage' Endif End Attached to a NPC: Begin OnDeath Setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage' End
  21. And you are totally positive it's not corrupted? It may also be bloated, which can be fixed with Wrye bash. (Check the size of the savegame to see if it's much bigger than the others - if it is, it's most likely bloated.) Have you deactivated any major mod used on that Save lately?
  22. One other thing I dislike about the tagging, along with Isabelxxx's dislikes, is that when you add new tags to a file, you are directed to a page with no options of returning to the nexus homepage. It should be a link like "Back to submission" or something. :)
  23. Why is this topic being used at all really? This is a forum upgrade from March^^ Anyways: asdfzxc, this is because the customization after the forum upgrade is incomplete
  24. I have been tagging a lot of mods lately, using the "Random File" userscript for Greasemonkey. It's a lot of files, but I do it every day, so if more people are on it, it shouldn't take too long to get most mods sorted. :)
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