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Everything posted by Zaldir

  1. 7FinHz7 banned. Reason: Piracy of Oblivion, as admitted in the comment section of OBSE, a page that is maintained by staff. Reference post
  2. AlexP84 banned. Reason: Secondary account. Reference post
  3. Blacky2021 banned. Reason: Multiple account abuse. Reference post
  4. SnowballProduction banned. Reason: Multiple account abuse. Reference post
  5. HydraLuxMods banned. Reason: Previously banned member. Reference post Reference post
  6. Xfoundation2 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, Xfoundation2 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for the foreseeable future Important links: Our terms of service
  7. ImaginePumpkinPie banned. Reason: Overly offensive comment towards a mod author. Ban evasion. Previous accounts: MurdaBless, Pieisbad Comment: Relevant Nexus Support/Help/Policies and Guidelines Reference post Reference post
  8. YanixRollings has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, YanixRollings has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload files for the foreseeable future This user cannot use file tools for the foreseeable future Important links: Our terms of service
  9. Whatthehellswrong banned. Reason: Previously banned member elayerfawkes45, estidesitedecrosseurs, iamagoodboyleavemealoneplz. Reference post Reference post Reference post Reference post
  10. Guys, you gotta read the post and not just the title before you say no to this. This suggestion is not about a public up/down-vote button.
  11. estidesitedecrosseurs banned. Reason: Previously banned member ElayerFawkes45. Uploading other peoples work without permission. Original ban https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7574865-elayerfawkes45-banned/ Reference post
  12. Blqckzy banned. Reason: Uploading other mod authors assets without permission and without any shred of crediting. Ban evasion. Previous accounts AeronJ and FalloutCharlie2005. Reference post
  13. Games for Windows Live Disabler is what you need. We do not condone cracking of games on Nexus Mods, so please do not discuss such matters.
  14. There's a separate section at the end that is (supposedly) not connected to the survey where you enter a generated password and then your e-mail.
  15. Smov74 banned. Reason: Ban evasion. Old accounts: UnseenUnit, NFGUNIT Reference post Reference post
  16. Tanerseto banned. Reason: An old account. Reference post
  17. Lothsinner banned. Reason: Piracy of Skyrim. Reference post
  18. Chino8733 banned. Reason: Alt account of Tanerseto90, used to endorse and post positive replies on their own mods. Reference post Reference post
  19. UnseenUnit banned. Reason: Having multiple accounts that are used to bypass authors blocks and being demanding, entitled, and a general asshole towards mod authors. Showing clear signs of not understand/wanting to understand that they are being an asshole (through PMs). Reference post Reference post Reference post
  20. modsinc banned. Reason: Previously banned user, uploading and deleting copies of OBSE for some inexplicable reason. Possibly trying to upload malware. Reference post
  21. olivermods2010 banned. Reason: Previously banned user, uploading and deleting copies of OBSE for some inexplicable reason. Possibly trying to upload malware. Reference post
  22. The same does of course apply to audio from a Doom 3 clip (and any other clip). A workaround is indeed needed here. Locked by the request of the OP.
  23. NFGUNIT banned. Reason: New account created to bypass a mod authors block. Reference post Reference post
  24. Using assets from other Bethesda games is not allowed unless you have permission. That means you can't use direct assets. You can of course base your creation on the looks from another game. The mods you mentioned (Doom and Skyrim power armour) doesn't use assets from the other games, so those are fine. And Bethesda rarely gives permission for such things. Extracting sound from a YouTube video to "re-create" Skyrim audio is not okay, as that is essentially the same as just using the original audio assets. As for what happens if you use assets made by someone else without their permission (or crediting them), you can ask your old mentor.
  25. Inuktiplater has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, Inuktiplater has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot use file tools for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
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