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Everything posted by Michio2013

  1. I don't know much about rangers, but I do know that good all around mods are bag of holding Belua Sanguinare Warzones No more boring sleep wait menu Holy daedric armor (I like it because I play lawful good, but love the daedric stats) Moonpath to Elswyre spend dragon souls for perks
  2. I definetly agree. This should happen. Does anyone know how to use the CK well enough?
  3. Nope. They are marked at that point as quest essential characters.
  4. Balgruuf wasn't an isolationist, he traded with other holds, indeed, he was the jarl of the central trading hold in Skyrim. He just didn't needlessly involve his people and soldiers in a war. Back to Ulfric. It was within his rights to duel Torygg, killing is still up in the air, but he did have the right to challenge Torygg as high king. I for one, say that he did not have the right to kill him, regardless of the circumstances, but that is really up to the devs with any lore they see fit to add.
  5. He did care, he just saw the civil war as not yet affecting whiterun and thus not something he should involve his soldiers and civilians in unnecessarily. When he did need to choose, he saw that neither side was truly "good" or "pure" and thus sided with the group that would most benifit his people. That sounds like a good leader to me.
  6. Balgruff didn't need to make a decision at that point and he would be a better high king than Ulfric and torygg combined. It's simple, he will act when necessary (as demonstrated by the battle of whiterun) but unless he must, he will not make a decision that would risk harming his people, as he said, I stand for whiterun, not some petty brawl of jarls.
  7. Every thalmor we have met in the game has willingly taken part in an organization which has it's goal as occupying and oppressing a group of people based on their race and religion. By taking part in that group, you are consenting to their activities. If you can name one thalmor that has expressed opinions against their activities, I would love to hear it, if not, then the game lore states that all thalmor thus encountered are evil, and all else is speculation.
  8. Typically, according to things like the rules of duels. The principle is known as first blood, when one man is wounded, the duel is over. It's been this way since medieval times, and applies to skyrim. Based on this, you can actually say that Ulfric was dishonorable because he went past the requirements set down by the traditional codes of honor.
  9. How was wars in skyrim different from Warzones? Does anybody know what the substantive differences were? Better yet, will any of the modders working on WIS release some spoilers?
  10. It does not speak at all of Ulfric's sense of honor that he isn't talking. Due to our lack of knowledge on the subject, he could be mumming up to preserve Torygg's memory, which is commendable, but he it is just as likely that he is saying nothing because it speaks ill of him because, let's say, he killed a man in a duel, where protocol usually dictates besting, not killing an opponent, or because he broke some other rule of engagement or tradition. It says nothing of his sense of honor.
  11. When we say "Thalmor," we are talking about a hostile nation which is presently enslaving, occupying, and murdering the people of our nation of skyrim. We have every right to put them to the sword, as is natural in this context. To say that they are not evil for taking part in, or, by associating with the thalmor, choosing to support the cause of, the murder, restriction and occupation of another race, is to speak ludicrously. Some say Ulfric is a racist because he chooses to make, or allows others to make, elves second class citizens, regardless of their relation, or lack thereof to the thalmor, which is a voluntary organizaiton which you join or leave by choice. Do you see the difference?
  12. I hate to ask this: have you tried re-loading a previous save game? I'm not a tech support dude, I just use a lot of Console Commands, so I can't help much beyond that. You could probably try placeatme.*vilcas' ID* and the just de-activate the other vilcas if all goes as planned and the quest triggers properly.
  13. Mac, you have argued pro stormcloak, but would you mind telling me why the stormcloaks are, from a strategic position, better suited to defeating the altmeri than the empire. Let's assume the attack is at dawn tomorrow, since war assumes that attacks are around every corner.
  14. If dragonbone weapons are stronger than daedric, doesn't that break a little lore? Daedric is supposed to be the strongest there is.
  15. Warden, arguing hypothetical scenarios is pointless. There is no lore and it makes the pro-empire side look weak by extension of the poor argument. Now, it is known that the dominion peace is eroding quickly, and it is known that the empire has superior resources to the resources of skyrim (if only be the basic use of common sense) thus it is safe to assume that they have the better chance during a fight against the dominion, so siding with them is best. NOW, if the dominion were to keep the peace for a significant chunk of time, skyrim would be better off with the stormcloaks since they would have the TIME to assemble the proper resources to fight. As it stands, the war is a very real, immediate threat, or at least must be assumed to be so.
  16. Did it include how you get the vampire lord powers? Is it via taking another vampire's blood? Is it via worship at a totem of clavicus vile or molag bal? Or is that for them to know and us to rage about?
  17. I'm not a modder, but can I suggest that the buff be a resistance to disease and poison, increased stats or decreased shout time, with the period of time the buff lasts for increasing with the rank of dragon?
  18. I can't mod, but I'd be glad to test out your mods for glitches etc. in between versions for you. This questline looks REALLY good. Actual depth to skyrim stories! It's a festivus miracle!
  19. I m not saying that the empire is guaranteed, I am saying that they probably have better chances than the stormcloaks, thus I side with them.
  20. So, you think the game is too easy? Use lower classes of armor. I do that when I Like my character, don't want to re-play the whole damn game and just want ot find a challenge, I go to a dragon, use steel weapons and armor, or at least low class armor, and enjoy the challenge! As for the dawnguard making things even easier, it also adds harder enemies to fight and is DESIGNED for high level character, thus it is safe to assume that it will be full of difficult fights, not just neat skills.
  21. How, though? The Empire surrendered to the Thalmor and is now occupied by them. If they couldn't stop the Thalmor before, what chance do they have now or in the future? The Dominion is not stupid and is now in a position to stop the Empire from building up any strength that could challenge them. To me the Empire seems to be in a hopeless position. I've already explained in previous posts why I believe the Empire can't beat the Dominion and the in-game evidence that I think supports this view. I would like to see the counter-arguments from those who keep insisting that they are the only ones who can do it. How do you (Empire supporters, not you personally) justify this claim? I don't know about anybody else who goes pro-empire, but for me, I say because they have better resources. The Dominion plans, very soon, to attack the empire, or that is what general tulius thinks (he mentions that the peace with the dominion will "not last much longer") doing a comparison, the empire has much more than just Skyrim under it's authority. That means more resources to pull into a war against the dominion when they inevitably attack. More resources=more men, better weapons, better chances. Neither the SC nor the IL have a gaurantee of winning, but whichever side does win, will probably restore talos worship, as the empire would have good gains from being made by an ascendant human and the stormcloaks do it on principle. Also, there is the fact that Ulfric is a sleeper agent for the Dominion, that means that he has a conflict of interest that may impair his judgement. If Ulfric had similar resources to those of the Empire and had not been listed as a sleeper for the dominion, I would side with the stormcloaks (as I did on my first play-through) but, given his conflict and inferior resources, I side with the empire because I want the dominion to get out of my skyrim. If you have any intel I am missing, please tell me, I like to have the full story and I know I probably haven't found all the lore yet.
  22. My dovahkin is a hunter of all evils, vamps, werewolves, daedras and their worshipers, etc. He managed to catch vampirism during a one man raid once and didn't get to a temple in time (I didn't have cure disease or the potions to do it) and became a vampire who hunts vamps and feeds on sleeping bandits. I go dawnguard, myself, maybe they even have a cure to vampirism! They've been hunting the vamps for long enough.
  23. I don't know what went wrong here, but I do know that you can fix this with console commands. Try "player.setstage C00 20"
  24. If you disabled those mods, and you still have a problem, they are not the problem. What you do is this: enable the first mod on the list, disable all others and try that mod with every other mod using only two mods total at a time. If you don't find the glitch, do it again with the second mod, and enable all mods, on at a time below that one on the list. e.g. Enable: -Bards Instrument Fix as your first mod to test with, then enable Increased Bounty Rewards as your conflict testing mod. No problem? Disable increased bounty rewards, it is ok Enable -Midas Magic - Spells for Skyrim No problem? OK, it is clean, disable it and try again with -Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons if it turns up clean, try with another one paired with bards instrument fix, et cetera ad infinitum until you find your problem. It's boring, but it works. Take not of the conflicting mods and then decide which ones to keep.
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