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Everything posted by morrowmouse

  1. I was just looking for a fix for this same problem. All my voices are suddenly on a super long recharge timer for no clear reason. I know the talos amulet/restoration potion glitch would probably correct this problem, but very slowly. It would be nice if someone knew the name of recharge stats. I do not know what they are named to change them in console.
  2. Try to travel to another location, if that doesn't fix the problem, try to disable/enable your follower via console command. This should reset everything. What commands would do a complete reset on follower?
  3. as i kept playing things got worse. randomly the activate button just didn't work on other stations. and then on some dead bodies for looting. going to just reinstall.
  4. These are the mods i was using that i am aware have any impact on the crafting system: complete crafting overhaul wieldable lantern craftable and moveable containers cloaks disabling them doesn't change anything. when i go to the workbench in whiterun and push e i hear the activation click, but nothing happens. the workbench in windhelm works fine. I guess at this point i could reinstall the game again? There must be something faster to fix this, rebuilding the game and starting over seems a bit much. What other things could i try first? Or can i just throw something in console to fix this problem or reset the station?
  5. Does anyone know if there are any conflicts that exist at all between the download from steam and any of the mods out there. I remember reading something but I can't even remember now if it was oblivion or fallout3 where the download version conflicts with something, either the obse or ??? something. I'm considering grabbing this download but want to make sure I wont run into any problems.
  6. I did alot of digging around after i made the first post and ive ended up with using the unreal 3 engine. I had a full hands on training with someone who uses it for media products and got to see all sorts of examples how to implement rpg functionality with it. I didnt realize just how open the personal licensing is with their dev kit, at least as far as I want to use it. They made some sort of licensing changes at the end of last year that really throws the doors open for me. For the most part it looks like I can do whatever I want as long as I'm not making money. poo thats easy, i dont make money like all the time. So i'm going to be unreal programming for awhile. Bringing in fantasy assests and textures(materials) so far is a breeze. And the 3ds style animation timeline is a fantastic idea. Somehow i just need to be more people and im all set.
  7. I open the cs with cmpartners and ainmhi race, i want to make a new cm partner to put in a thing i was working on. So when I make a new people and choose the race, I only have six hairs to choose from. Whatever. I add in the rens and now all the races have the rens hair selections. Except not ainmhi. It still only has six hairs to pick. Where is this decision being made at and what should i do to connect the dots up so the rens show up as an option?
  8. Although I have heard many people talk over the years, people online, and people I work with, about the desire and need for exactly this. It is 2010 and there still is no real solid open source solution for a base rpg system. Even a proprietary solution would be acceptable. I would pay quite a bit for this. And i have the cash to spare now. There has not been a decent game worth spitting at in years. My mmo subs have all long been cancelled. Im just sitting around wondering if someday someone is going to build me my next game. Well wtf. If nobody is going to do it then im left with living in oblivion forever, or getting to work. The pedastrian market is king now. And the developers who once had values focused toward 'us' are going for the money. Its in the console, its in the iphones, its for the short attention span fast food gamers, its for the money. I can tell you the people that built morrowind had a higher ethic involved then money. There was a vision there of something greater. I bought into that idea completely, and now they are going to leave me in the dust so they can chase after this mmo. Yeah maybe all the reports I have read are just rumors. But until I see hard facts to the contrary, I believe the age of tes modding is over in the long run. As much as I am greatful for morrowind, oblivion, and fallout3, I also do not like feeling hostage. There is a universe of possibilities they have opened up with this gaming system. Those possibilities will never be realized. Because market forces will not really take them in that direction. And its not just bethesda. I'm still sitting here pissed off about what sony did to swg. And sad for all the unrealized possibilities of Vanguard. Lamenting the insidious expansions of planetside that ushered in its downfall. Angry, yet unsurprised that eq2 is going with battlegrounds, the shitty site of wow, instead of fixing their open world pvp the way it should have been. And recently walking away from sto for its simplicity, non persistent world mmo and lack of cerebral content. The lists of MMOs i have tried is kinda embarrasing. For the most part, sandbox is not the winner. If TES becomes an MMO, it will either fail financially for being the ultimate and beautiful sandbox people like us enjoy, or it will become another mmo mcdonalds to satisfy the childmind market and cash in on the wow crowd. Fail or success, without modding, its not really tes. This just leave me with nowhere left to go, and a growing amount of free time. Which is fine, ill get more exercise i guess. But i chose my career based on my love affair with technology over the past twenty years. And there is nothing I enjoy more after a day of code then a good immersive game. If I could start a gaming company now, it would be to provide the platform, and target the mature gamers market. The people like me who feel like they helped start this whole thing decades ago, and now are being completely removed from the equation. This platform needs to take one of these engines, be it ogre or whatever, and finish connecting the dots so that someone at the modding level can get into it and do their content without alot of hassle. Imagine it as a new gaming model. Instead of buying a full game from start to finish in a single box, or instead of buying into a subscription MMO where content is updated and expanded, you actually buy the platform and access to content you can pick and choose from to put together your own game. You could add in main quests, add in the environment, maps, and effects you want, and contribute back your own content. It might come at a higher price, maybe its even a premium level of subscription. But some of us arent kids anymore, and we are more then willing and able to pay out quite a bit more for a game thats actually worth playing.
  9. Ahhhh, yeah ok nevermind, someone just directed me toward openmw and crystal scrolls. Nice to see others are having some sort of success with this idea already.
  10. The other thing to consider about building an open source solution to this is the game world itself. Right now we are HOPING for a tes5 to come out. But with every release, the previous worlds are left behind. There is no legal morrowind to be found in oblivion, and they will likely take us to a new location in the next release, IF there is a release. I would be alot happier if these new releases maintained the original worlds in the new game engine and expanded on them into the new game. An open source community built game could work this way without the legal restrictions that get in the way. Upgrading the engine would occur independent from the mapping of the game world. And once it builds momentum, there would be no rumor mill about omg whats coming next, just a list of updates and work in progress by the people involved. I am alone maybe, I guess its really just me. Sitting around and hoping and wondering and waiting, and at the same time seeing all these other tools out there that could solve alot of problems, and knowing the community has so much talent, seems like something amazing could be done here.
  11. Yes you could mod oblivion forever and indefinitely. But, isnt there a time when doing so has reached a limit? Bethesda is leaving us behind in the long run. Fallout is a place some of us can go, but that only buys more time. The fact is, the era we enjoy has an end. There will be no followup release for us. The next step for bethesda is mmo land. A place where mods and cs will not follow. Oblivion may be the last fantasy game engine we have to tinker around in and have our fun. I am not aware of anyone else in the industry planning to release something like oblivion in the near or distant future. These games are at an end, for at least a few years. Or maybe I am wrong? Show me a worthy replacement. I tried asking this question briefly about a year ago but didnt get any response. Have any of you considered the next step? At some point, those who enjoy modding and building their own creations must start to at least think about what it would take to move into a different game engine. I've been looking at it on and off and wishing there was a next step. There are alot of candidates in the open source realm. Ogre for instance could be a nice beginning point for building a successor to oblivion, but done so in a way that maximizes extensibility. A solution like this could use all the base assets that tes mods use, models, skins, animations, but in an engine that is open source and accessible for more extreme effects. Meaning that mods could have hooks into the core engine to pull off a larger range of possibilities. The ability to create a world from scratch that has no main quest, no specific lore, just a general theme. A solution that allows a completely open ended gaming platform. Unlimited access to menu creation. For tes mods that require menus, the typical work around is using items in inventory to fire off popup menus. An open source game system could be built to allow any amount of additional gaming menus created directly instead of doing work arounds. Easier to extend network support, possibility for creating personal server with persistent world. With so much capability and talent in this particular modding community, it doesnt seem like the idea is that far out of reach. Building a game engine capable of accepting, with some translation, everything that has been done to make oblivion great, but done so in a way that allows it to move forward and be enhanced toward future hardware. Using a game engine that is open source means its core development moves forward of its own momentum separate from what others do with it. We could build a replacement for oblivion, move all our work into it, keep up with the latest hardware, be safe from bethesda and their new mmo direction, and have something we can call our own. Any of this making sense? Does anyone else think about trying this next step?
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