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Everything posted by nhackett

  1. I have this script on a book. It does exactly what I want, but it lacks something sparkly... Scriptname nh_tele_toHall extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property hallMarker auto ObjectReference Property retMarker auto Cell Property nh_hall auto Event OnRead() Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() Cell currentCell = PlayerREF.GetParentCell() If nh_hall != currentCell retMarker.MoveTo(PlayerRef) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(hallMarker) EndIf If nh_hall == currentCell Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(retMarker) EndIf endEvent So you read a book and get telemajorted to a room with no exit. Read the book again and get telemajorted back to where you were. Anyone able to tell me how to add some special effects OTHER than fading to black? What kind of property do I need to declare? etc. etc. I only found stuff on google about fading to black, and only with snippets that did not show what properties i need. Thanks for reading!
  2. sorry but i laughed hard at this... ... or, ya know ... go outside. :laugh:
  3. You should read this http://www.creationkit.com/Dynamically_Attaching_Scripts it covers the bulk of what you are trying to do, and is a valuable source of knowledge for someone that has experience programming and has set foot into the quagmire of papyrus.
  4. i actually have a tutorial on that i put up as a Steam guide. Here is a link. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211267339 as long as you use blender, i can do my best to help walk ya through stuff
  5. I made a tutorial on steam workshop about making custom weapons. It includes some basics of using nifskope. I'll post a link, and feel free to pm any questions you may have. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211267339 Nifskope is a pretty nifty program, but it mostly involves importing 3ds files, and changing texture paths.
  6. you probably need to set up LOD for your worldspace. Here is a tutorial from the author of Falskaar:
  7. Game.QueryStat("Total Lifetime Bounty") ... Works exactly as intended. Thank you.
  8. I'm completely stumped. I'm attempting to create a quest that involves tracking the total lifetime bounty of the player from all factions. To do so I want to step through each element of the formlist 'crimeFactionList'. I'd greatly appreciate anyone that is able to explain what needs to fill the '???'. ... Event OnInit() RegisterForSingleUpdate(60.0) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() int crimeGold = 0 Int iElement = crimeFactionList.GetSize() Int iIndex = 0 ??? crimeFactionList = ??? ; should this be set as a script proprty? How do I declare a form list property? While iIndex < iElement ??? = crimeFactionList.GetAt(iIndex) ; What type of variable can hold this value? crimeGold = ???.GetInfamy() + crimeGold ; This ??? should be the variable from the previous line iIndex += 1 EndWhile debug.MessageBox("Total Player Infamy: " + crimegold) RegisterForSingleUpdate(updateInterval) EndEvent ...
  9. have you tried placing a large shadow casting object above the area?
  10. Face Masks of Skyrim has an optional file that adds the functionality you are requesting. It's the last optional file in the list.
  11. is there a mod that adds tempered weapons to leveled lists?
  12. i 'think' i read somewhere you can achieve this by dramatically decreasing your FoV. Never tried it. Not sure exactly how dramatic a decrease is needed.
  13. shameless bump. i'm still looking for an answer. :smile:
  14. run BOSS or LOOT manually. I use a .bat file to run .jar patches without forcing boss. @echo off start Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar -NOBOSS I don't use MO, not sure how to run a patch with the -NOBOSS command
  15. I've made a skyproc app that does some magic to all armor and weapons in a load order. I have some menu items that when clicked allow the adjusting of values for armor and weapons etc. The program throws a nullPointer exception when run, unless each options menu is opened in the GUI. I've been stepping through the source of automatic variants, but I'm not seeing how data gets passed from the GUI to the patch when it is created. My questions: is it possible to access the value stored in an LNumericSetting before it is drawn to screen? should I be reading the values in from the save file itself? does another option exist to get the data i need that I haven't considered? Any help would be greatly appreciated. The code I have now is as follows: public void runChangesToPatch() throws Exception { ... int nTwoHSwordDamageDelta = WeaponSettingsC.nTwoHSwordDamage.getValue(); ... public class WeaponSettingsC extends SPSettingPanel { ... public static LNumericSetting nTwoHSwordDamage; ... @Override protected void initialize() { super.initialize(); ... nTwoHSwordDamage = new LNumericSetting("2H Sword Damage", SkyProcStarter.settingsFont, SkyProcStarter.settingsColor, 1, maxInt, 1); nTwoHSwordDamage.tie(YourSaveFile.Settings.TWOHSWORD_DAMAGE, SkyProcStarter.save, SUMGUI.helpPanel, true); setPlacement(nTwoHSwordDamage); AddSetting(nTwoHSwordDamage); ...
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