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Everything posted by Murkrow900

  1. Can't leave Solstheim. Hi, I've been having some issues with my skyrim lately cause now when I've finished almost ALL quests/miscellaneous in Solstheim i thought it was time to return home for a well earned vacation. But turns out when i try to fast travel back to skyrim or hire the boat my screen goes black, forcing me to restart it which pretty much leaves me stranded on this blasted Island... I'm running quite a few mods but all of them are configured to work with one another and are only of top notch quality. So my question for you is, do you know any specific mod that could cause an issue with leaving the island or if there's anything else interfering that could be the cause. Best regards Otto. PS! I have a legit copy of skyrim that I bought for the full price on steam alongside every single piece of DLC. Answers are appreciated!
  2. hmm, is there any way to convert my mods that i currently have in nexus mod manager into wrye bash? never heard of that tool or BOSS before hehe
  3. Still can't enable any mods, deleted those files and reinstalled nexus but nothing :/. http://i.imgur.com/q6kyWIl.jpg
  4. Thanks for the response, but what do you mean with re-adjust load order? I have no clue what to do here.
  5. Bump! Also I reposted this cause it didn't seem to fit in the general discussion for skyrim.
  6. Hey guys and girls, sorry to disturb but just wanted to ask why I'm receiving this error when i try to install a mod in skyrim? '' A problem occurred during Install: The requested change to the active plugins list would result in over 255 plugins being active. The current game doesn't support more than 255 active plugins, you need to disable at least one plugin to continue. '' I've uninstalled thrice and tested if i can disable or enable mods in fallout 3 & vegas and that i can so it's only in skyrim that I am having these problems. Any ideas how i could fix this? currently got 205 active mods. And I have also disabled a few mods to see if that does anything but it doesn't and it won't even allow me to re enable those mods that i disabled myself! Answers are very appreciated!<3
  7. Hey guys and girls, sorry to disturb but just wanted to ask why I'm receiving this error when i try to install a mod in skyrim? '' A problem occurred during Install: The requested change to the active plugins list would result in over 255 plugins being active.The current game doesn't support more than 255 active plugins, you need to disable at least one plugin to continue. '' I've uninstalled thrice and tested if i can disable or enable mods in fallout 3 & vegas and that i can so it's only in skyrim that I am having these problems. Any ideas how i could fix this? currently got 205 active mods. And I have also disabled a few mods to see if that does anything but it doesn't and it won't even allow me to re enable those mods that i disabled myself! Answers are very appreciated!<3
  8. Well yeah the title kind of says it all, i have no idea what mod i have that is causing it but when i fast travel there's a chance that huuuuuuuuuuuuuge dwemer centurions ( that are also about 50 lvls higher than me xD ) spawn and rape me plus a few dwemer spheres/spiders and their name is usually '' malfunctioning dwemer sphere '' depending on the type ofc. Does anyone know what kind of mod could be causing this cause i have no memory of installing anything that would do this so maybe it's a part of some other mod? any ideas guys? I have dawnguard/hearthfire installed and a steam copy of skyrim and all of that good stuff and using nexus mod manager.
  9. Well yeah the title kind of says it all, i have no idea what mod i have that is causing it but when i fast travel there's a chance that huuuuuuuuuuuuuge dwemer centurions ( that are also about 50 lvls higher than me xD ) spawn and rape me plus a few dwemer spheres/spiders and their name is usually '' malfunctioning dwemer sphere '' depending on the type ofc. Does anyone know what kind of mod could be causing this cause i have no memory of installing anything that would do this so maybe it's a part of some other mod? any ideas guys? I have dawnguard/hearthfire installed and a steam copy of skyrim and all of that good stuff and using nexus mod manager.
  10. Didn't even have to remove the entire mod since it has kind of a nice feature that if you get behind your target you can slit their throats which is sooo useful ;D. But i disabled vanilla hoods.esp and now it works! ty once more =D.
  11. Omg i have that installed! It MUST be it! thanks I'll try to disable this instant, if it works I'll kudos your ass :D
  12. Hey guys, I just ran into this slightly funny/odd issue and I were wondering if it were an vanilla option or if it must of slipped in with some sort of mod? Cause when I'm using stuff that covers my entire face like for an example the Krosis mask http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Krosis_(Mask) it says that it conceals my identity and i think it has something to do with the fact that i can't talk to NPC's while wearing it. At first I thought it was some sort of conflict but yeah it turned out it was the mask and it only happens when i equip it. And some NPc's i can talk to like my companions for an example but say that i have it equipped then I just won't have any chat option and this is to almost all npc's except followers. Screenshot of the item in my game http://i.imgur.com/BqBPq.jpg. Answers are very apprecaited but feel no stress or rush to solve this, I'm a patient man =).
  13. Title does pretty much say it all, have some sort of armor turn you into the HH or a spell and then having a weapon that suits him and also a spectral horse. It would go very well now since Halloween isn't far away so I'm sure it would get plenty of downloads . thanks and that's all !
  14. SOLVED! I found out what mod was causing it by having a chat with a friend of mine who is pretty much the all knowing when it comes to mods and it turns out it was THIS mod causing it '' http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=10160 '' Please stay the hell away from it and flag it to get it taken down. The name of the mod is '' Morrowindized Racial Skill Bonusses and Resistances '' and apperently it used to work but now it just corrupts your game. Thanks !
  15. Right I've disabled the most recent mods I've installed because it would make zero sense if an old mod that has worked great for several months just started f***ing up right out of the blue . What I am about to do though is disable ALL mods just for shits and giggles but It can't be that anyway so that's probably unnecessary. And raggarolle I don't appreciate your horrible sense of humour that doesn't belong in a post that is all about helping, although I appreciate what you wrote before that but that's something I'm already looking into. What I've also done that I was really close to forgetting was that I verified the integrity of the game files and I also defragmented them. Please keep the help coming because once more I'm quite desperate at this time. Answers are appreciated unless they're a bunch of bull that doesn't belong in this section. Best regards Otto.
  16. Title says it all pretty much. When I sat down tonight to play some modded Skyrim that usually works just fine I noticed i couldn't talk to anyone else but children and people that can become followers. Please help me out because I'm dying to finish my companions quest line but it won't let me hand stuff in or talk to anyone. So NO one in the game is working except children and followers. PS ( important ) I don't mean talk like there's no chat dialogue I mean that I just can't press E on anyone. IT doesn't even show me the icon, but they clearly react if I bump into them or attack them. Answers/help is godlike appreciated so please even if you have an idea or a mod that could work that you think is slightly silly just please post it I'm desperate to play and I just want a solution. What I've done - Restarted Skyrim thrice. Rebooted my PC ( windows 7 ) twice. Spilt coffee over my desktop because I were stressed about this not working. Best regards Otto. ( steam name Captain Cardigan ) EDIT Just to make it a bit more clear for people to make them understand that there's NOTHING wrong with my PC or keyboard or what ever It's skyrim itself or some sort of mod . I just CAN'T see the god damn ICON http://i.imgur.com/R1xUG.jpg nothing else no toddlers messing with my chords or grandmas f***ing in the closet It's just that I can't see any Icon for crying out loud.
  17. Solved guys! I did what thompsonar pretty much said. Clear saves. I deleted all but 3 of em and that removed it. Thank you so much & thanks for all fast respnoses! :-)
  18. Hey guys I've recently bought the Dawnguard DLC and I have been playing it since it got out and I'm just about to finish it. But one day when i woke up, took a shower got my breakfast and sat down to play I all of a sudden got really bad FPS lagg . Like it was totally skippy and hacky so i could barely walk straight without lagging like crazy. I am using the following mods and here are my specs. Note I usually play on ULTRA but now when i think about it all my settings seem to have been reseted? How do i know? Well my subtitles options were disabled and they're usually always enabled. So perhaps some option that was disabled before got enabled ? Please help me out. All answers are god like appreciated. Specs http://i.imgur.com/8mAyK.jpg Mods Dawnguard.esm Cloaks No imperial.esp Cloaks player only.esp Alteredbeginning.esp PaladinArmor.esp chesko_lorebasedloadingscreens realistic maps + roads ! amazing follower tweaks horse armors ash pile expiration baretheon armor new bard songs stone of berneziah quest mark better dynamic snow better magic better water birds and flocks blackreach railroad the paarhurnax fix shadow sripping fix wearable lanterns chopping block / wood firex FIX seratic armor dark crimson tide blood NEW 2.2* dense vegetation distant detail dynamic merchants improved interior lightning faster vanilla horses greystone castle racial bonus in description here there be monsters moonpath to elsewyr enchanted high level gameplay HQ show texture increased bountry rewards item sorting knight of the nine battlemage complete skyforge lanterns of skyrim around cities camping magic duel magic light shadows knight of the nineV2.6 more map markers more dragon loot more village animals RNG dynamic guards improved changed nightingale armor heavy armory new weapons quest and the realms of daedra quest no mercy quest sea of ghosts quest the bigger they are realistic lightning cloaks.esp respectful guards ridgeview house sabre cat companion akaviri samurai armor skyforge map marker skyrim crash prevention and fps performance smithing extended sounds of skyrim civilzation Sounds of skyrim the dungeons reduced distance npc greetings terrain bumps that's ice two handed dawnbreaker ultimate npc face unlocker vanguard armor warchief armor werewolves of skyrim weapon variant expansion static mesh improvement mod highrestexturepack01.esp highrestexturepack02.esp ap skyrim arrowsmith dawnguard edition engineering give a dog a home gleaming falls herman the mad stronger daedric artifacts throwing weapons unofficial skyrim patch unblock activate.esp demonic horse revamped vampire lord royal vampire hood faster arvak horseless headless horsemans axe true vampire lord dawnguard breezehome fix.esp lightewight potions and poisons enchanted soundtrack part 1 enchanted soundtrack part 2 follower trap safety 5kg dragons cales and bones detailed minimap markers silencers vestments OLD VERSION
  19. Please help I'm panicking here ;(. There's no reason for this lagg I just don't understand :((
  20. Hey guys I've recently bought the Dawnguard DLC and I have been playing it since it got out and I'm just about to finish it. But one day when i woke up, took a shower got my breakfast and sat down to play I all of a sudden got really bad FPS lagg . Like it was totally skippy and hacky so i could barely walk straight without lagging like crazy. I am using the following mods and here are my specs. Note I usually play on ULTRA but now when i think about it all my settings seem to have been reseted? How do i know? Well my subtitles options were disabled and they're usually always enabled. So perhaps some option that was disabled before got enabled ? Please help me out. All answers are god like appreciated. Specs http://i.imgur.com/8mAyK.jpg Mods Dawnguard.esm Cloaks No imperial.esp Cloaks player only.esp Alteredbeginning.esp PaladinArmor.esp chesko_lorebasedloadingscreens realistic maps + roads ! amazing follower tweaks horse armors ash pile expiration baretheon armor new bard songs stone of berneziah quest mark better dynamic snow better magic better water birds and flocks blackreach railroad the paarhurnax fix shadow sripping fix wearable lanterns chopping block / wood firex FIX seratic armor dark crimson tide blood NEW 2.2* dense vegetation distant detail dynamic merchants improved interior lightning faster vanilla horses greystone castle racial bonus in description here there be monsters moonpath to elsewyr enchanted high level gameplay HQ show texture increased bountry rewards item sorting knight of the nine battlemage complete skyforge lanterns of skyrim around cities camping magic duel magic light shadows knight of the nineV2.6 more map markers more dragon loot more village animals RNG dynamic guards improved changed nightingale armor heavy armory new weapons quest and the realms of daedra quest no mercy quest sea of ghosts quest the bigger they are realistic lightning cloaks.esp respectful guards ridgeview house sabre cat companion akaviri samurai armor skyforge map marker skyrim crash prevention and fps performance smithing extended sounds of skyrim civilzation Sounds of skyrim the dungeons reduced distance npc greetings terrain bumps that's ice two handed dawnbreaker ultimate npc face unlocker vanguard armor warchief armor werewolves of skyrim weapon variant expansion static mesh improvement mod highrestexturepack01.esp highrestexturepack02.esp ap skyrim arrowsmith dawnguard edition engineering give a dog a home gleaming falls herman the mad stronger daedric artifacts throwing weapons unofficial skyrim patch unblock activate.esp demonic horse revamped vampire lord royal vampire hood faster arvak horseless headless horsemans axe true vampire lord dawnguard breezehome fix.esp lightewight potions and poisons enchanted soundtrack part 1 enchanted soundtrack part 2 follower trap safety 5kg dragons cales and bones detailed minimap markers silencers vestments OLD VERSION
  21. Just told you that isn't the mod I'm talking about. Besides the one that I'm talking about had like nine thousand endorsements and had like 70k subscribed at the time. Not sure why it got taken down but it did. THREAD SOLVED! I found the mediafire download link on my own. PM Me if you want it as well
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