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About narphous

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  1. I wasn't sure where else to post this since it's a spoilery sort of question. I've completed eye of magnus and talked to Onmund, then we teleport to the meeting place. After talking to Ingvi, nothing. I'm just stuck there and Onmund keeps force greeting me. What is supposed to happen next and/or what the quest ID and next stage? I've got nothing in my journal and I've run all around the last section but can't find any more teleport markers. And as a side note, it would be nice if the main mod page mentioned that this and Isle of Artaeum both extend the storyline of what happens to the Eye after the college quests. And unfortunately for me, they go in opposite directions with the story. edit: I removed Isle of Artaeum, loaded my save, and I immediately got the dialogue. So I'm going to say that this mod and Isle conflict enough to make this one unplayable.
  2. Tried in the nioverride and racemenu threads, but never got an answer. My question is whether anyone has had success in getting anything other than multiplicative scaling to work correctly? If I set the scaling option in the ini to additive, then any character with scaling applied will spawn with that scaling applied to the character's height (like doing a setscale xx on the character) until I change some part of the scaling at which point it resets to normal height, etc.
  3. Yeah, a bit too much to read while I'm working. But the checking the box and clicking submit worked. Thanks for the answer!
  4. Was it intentional that even if you've changed your password and/or registered after the affected date that we're unable to access the main Nexus site? Or can I just have a cookie?
  5. I have the brawl bug patch installed, ce version, and that worked fine for the longest time. However, I added and upgraded several mods in my mix, and by the time I realized that the brawl bug was back, it was no longer as simple as back out the last mod and go back to an earlier save. So... how can I go about trying to trouble shoot this to figure out which mod is triggering the brawl bug? Other than disable everything and add a few at a time until I find it that is. A few things I've tried: reviewing papyrus logs after triggering the bug, but nothing jumps out disabling everything that uses a cloak spell and has an option to do so in mcm using the the console info plugin to get a list of all the effects applied to the PC to look for anything unusual/suspicious, but again nothing. removing loose scripts to make sure the ones from the brawl bug patch are used instead. So any ideas on further trouble shooting? Or is the only option to turn everything off, start a new character, go to whiterun and harass Uthgerd until I figure it out?
  6. I had the same issue the other day, I just switched Premium servers and set my default to Washington. That seemed to fix the problem. Couldn't get a single file to download on Dallas Premium from Morrowind Nexus. I had the same issue the other day, I just switched Premium servers and set my default to Washington. That seemed to fix the problem. Couldn't get a single file to download on Dallas Premium from Morrowind Nexus. Thanks a million! Switching to the Washington server fixed the problem. That's really odd. The only server I can get files from is the Kent premium. Strangely, NMM downloads work fine from the same servers. I only have this problem with manual servers.
  7. Then it's bloody well hidden. I dug through all the notification options prior to this post, and again after your post, and see nothing that appears related to endorsement reminders. So if it's there, maybe you could be a little more specific than "it already exists"?
  8. I would say that the reminders need an option to be turned off. If I've downloaded a file and liked the mod, I've endorsed it. But getting endless reminders to endorse mods that I didn't find worthy of endorsement, for whatever reason, is very, very annoying. What's worse is that I'm still getting reminders to endorse files I've already endorsed.
  9. Just ran into this myself. Try doing a verification of ck in steam. Make sure you back up your ini files in the main skyrim directory if you've modified them to open multiple masters or whatever. Anyway, that fixed it for me. In fact, I found this thread while trying to solve my problem.
  10. In response to post #8161538. #8161556, #8161590, #8161595, #8161702 are all replies on the same post. I know that feel. I've seen more customer upgrades go bad than I care to count. I'm a netsec guy, but if I was a db/clustering specialist I'd be happy to help. What I can say in general is building a replica of your environment out in VMWare can be quite illustrative of the issues you'll face going to production. It seems like you've already bought some beefy servers. Try putting ESXi on one or two and build out the proposed design. When you have some time to look at it and analyze things, you may find the solution on your own. I also have some free technet incidents I could open on behalf of the nexus if that'd help. At least that's assuming your solution is MS based.
  11. @Dark0ne If you're running Bind for DNS, I can tell you how to minimize this. If you're running Windows DNS, I can still tell you how to fix it, but I won't. :p
  12. Yeah, I feel the people wanting more male mods. I play mainly female characters, but even there, I consider most of the mods available as unacceptable for my characters. I don't want microbinikis or armor that looks like it was designed by Gloria's Secret. But at least there are some decent hair and body/texture mods. That said, for males, I'm not a big fan of the Fabio look. And I especially don't like the typical male model girly hair styles I see. I look for more realistic stuff and shorter hair styles, as would befit a warrior of song and legend, both of which seem to be in very short supply out there. I think of Russell Crowe and Sean Connery as two men I've always found to have a warrior/general bad-ass look to them in a lot of their movies. So in general, hair styles for the bad-ass warrior. Here's a couple general expamples of things that are at least in the general vicinity of what I look for in male hair styles for my characters: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18000000/Renato-Ferreira-male-models-18050612-543-700.jpg http://cdn03.cdn.socialitelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/john-groom-male-model-09272010-01.jpg http://dailymalemodels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Adam-Senn-Enrique-Palacios-Paolo-Anchisi-Elbio-Bongsaglio-Tomas-Guarracino-Jae-Yoo-Dolce-Gabbana-Dailymalemodels-01.jpg And here's a male character I'd love to play, hair, beard, and all... that's just a pretty, pretty man: http://cdn03.cdn.socialitelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/07/jeff-brand-male-model-10072012-32-405x580.jpg Another example: http://malesupermodels.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/headshot3.jpg Getting a bit border-line too pretty: http://www.sirenamodels.com/male-models/hunky-male-model-jason.jpg But for an older male character, you can't beat this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--H0TJ9FURTI/T6VY_G0aAvI/AAAAAAAAADA/nvdL19YL3ao/s1600/Sean_Connery_.jpg
  13. Sonofa... yeah, that was it. Would have sworn I used female sultry for a housecarl before, but maybe not. Game really needs more than 3 options (female eventoned, commander, and young eager in case any one is wondering) for female housecarls. Thanks
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