Yeah, I feel the people wanting more male mods. I play mainly female characters, but even there, I consider most of the mods available as unacceptable for my characters. I don't want microbinikis or armor that looks like it was designed by Gloria's Secret. But at least there are some decent hair and body/texture mods. That said, for males, I'm not a big fan of the Fabio look. And I especially don't like the typical male model girly hair styles I see. I look for more realistic stuff and shorter hair styles, as would befit a warrior of song and legend, both of which seem to be in very short supply out there. I think of Russell Crowe and Sean Connery as two men I've always found to have a warrior/general bad-ass look to them in a lot of their movies. So in general, hair styles for the bad-ass warrior. Here's a couple general expamples of things that are at least in the general vicinity of what I look for in male hair styles for my characters: And here's a male character I'd love to play, hair, beard, and all... that's just a pretty, pretty man: Another example: Getting a bit border-line too pretty: But for an older male character, you can't beat this: