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About digdeep

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  1. I have problems with Windhelm too. I dont have a CTDs, but strong stutters-fps drops to 0. It happens constantly. At first I thought that it happens just in town, but I get stutters just before a bridge too. Dont know why, I will try to minimize it with this: skyrim.ini [General] fMasterFilePreLoadMB=128.0000 iPreloadSizeLimit=268435456 skyrimprefs.ini [Display] fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=10000000.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=10000000.0000 fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=10000000.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=10000000.0000 How to reduce stuttering will report back tomorrow
  2. Well yes, I selected 6 I think, but that wasnt the effect I wanted, because now I can summon 6 Dremoras with sanguine rose, I just wanted to be able to summon Dremora, Flaming Familiar, rise dead and whatever creatures I get. in the future all at once like I did it before. Does anybody see the perk I might be missing? (I dont see it, but I dont know all the english words 100%) http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Conjuration_%28Skyrim%29
  3. Apocalypse spell allow you to summon more than one i think, but you can use Wrye bash and tweak the .INI @@ Oh I didnt know that, I just right clicked on Ini Tweaks, and I can select number I want. Ty!
  4. I dont have any summoning mod. Could this be because of games perking. But I dont see nothing that could cause this. Its wierd? http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Conjuration_%28Skyrim%29
  5. Hi! The problem is I cant summon more then one, when I summon the second one, first one disappears. I know before I was able to summon all three. Is this because before I was level 56 now Im 43 (save problem) or did mods cause this. When I use Wrye bash there is a tweak setting Max Summons (1). Can I set this to a higher number.(that tweak setting is not checked) Im using Sanguine rose, Flaming Familiar, rise dead
  6. updated from 0.43.2 to 0.44.4 and everything works great. And it loads faster too. Good job!
  7. In response to post #7636580. #7636673, #7636717, #7637508, #7637708 are all replies on the same post. I would recommend you Comodo Internet Security Premium (Comodo server)wich is free, but because its free that doesnt mean its not good. Click Im using it for about 2 or 3 years, and would recommend it to everyone. If you would not use internet security, you can download Comodo firewall or antivirus only. Right now it uses only 12mb of ram.Malwarebytes (Softpedia UK server)is good for scaning.
  8. In response to post #7525401. If you dont have Premium account, then you can download at 1024kbs max, wich is 128kBs. And it really doesnt matter where you download from as long as there is nothing wrong with your connection.
  9. Here is download link http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1060168/Skyrim%20Performace%20Boost%20Guide.rar
  10. Actually SKSE have the script folder.
  11. Your mods, will still work I think, you just cant access them through SkyrimLauncher. Check your registry, to see if Install Path is correct Go to start, enter regedit, click enter then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim or for x64bit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim There should be string called "Installed Path" wich shows path to your install folder, check if that is correct, if not edit it. bEnableFileSelection=1 looks something like this [Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1 bShowAllResolutions=1 uLastAspectRatio=4 *skyrimprefs.ini under C:\Users\*******Documents\My Games\Skyrim not in game folder, but you can try to add to that one too. You can access your DATA Files only through SkyrimLauncher.exe Those files shouldnt be in Read only mode. How do you know that .esp dissappears? Did you tried to delete those files(dlclist.txt, plugins...) and then run SkyrimLauncher.exe to make new ones. Just in case, save them somewhere for backup.
  12. Its vanilla bow. I will try using BOSS and tes5edi, maybe it will help.
  13. You need to add bEnableFileSelection=1 to SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Launcher] in Documents\My Games\Skyrim then you will be able to select Data files in SkyrimLauncher If you still have problems then you might be missing registry key http://pastebin.com/tgq5rZbe and right click on DLCList.txt ,Loadorder.txt and Plugins.txt and check if they are in Read Only mode. If they are, uncheck Read only.
  14. So I noticed that Skyrim have very beautiful sound when using a bow. But I dont have that. Is there any way to fix this? Somewhere they said that this can be caused if Skyrim game is not on primary partition, is that true? And if there is no fix for that, is there any mod that makes sound for bow and arrows? edit: fixed with reinstall.
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