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Everything posted by Sepherose

  1. Well, that would be easy enough, it'll be in the next update, and as per request, Moriarty will wear it, I'll even give it some spiffy unique bonus :)
  2. Actually, I think that would be hilarious to throw on the raiders list as an occasional thing. XD I'll PM my email to you, all I need is the name of the base outfit so things go a little quicker on my end. :)
  3. The file can be found here. I recently was told by these users that I could incorporate their ideas into my mod: Braindawg CaBal120 BenZen Quetzlsacatanango I was curious if anyone else might be interested in contributing. If you are but don't feel you could make textures, or just don't know how, I have created a tutorial vid series and that can be found here. Everyone is welcome to give it a shot, but a few rules apply: I would like to keep this as lore friendly as possible, I.E. any band stuff or styles that appeared after the 1950s should really be avoided, as it is unlikely that they appeared int he Fallout timeline. Things like that. If you are interested in doing this, please contact me through a PM or on my mod filepage (not the tutorial filepage). EDIT: Added Quetzlsacatanango to the list.
  4. I made some texture tutorials that might help with your armor, if you need any, here. Also I am working on my own mod here, you can see some of my texture work there, I could probably be persuaded to help if you like. Drop me a PM if you are interested. Oh right, I approve of this mod XD Sounds like it'll add some killer flavor to the game.
  5. Well, ask permission of the author, find out about any scripts and if the original needs FOSE, if it does have/need either of those, you are going to have to as the author how you might go about doing it. There is also the possibility of getting permission, if you need FOSE, launch FOSE powered GECK, load their plugin, make sure not to set anything as active, find a cozy spot in said armory, add a door, make your home, add a door inside that, and link both said doors. Then you have a shared armory and access to both player homes from it, just make a note that the original author's mod is needed, and you should be good. This is all with permission of course. Oh, and make sure to Navmesh your home, and when you do, do it by hand. There are vids on Beth's youtube that explain it really nicely, and a few other things about dungeon/interior building.
  6. I would agree with you there, with the exception that I can do anything I want in the CS, except save, and that is kind of integral to modding :laugh:
  7. 6 GB RAM, 1GB vidcard, 3.2 Ghz duo processor, and over 300GB of free HD space, so that isn't the issue, as for UAC, I use take control and also disconnected my comp from the net, then disabled UAC (temporarily) and still had the same trouble. All drivers are up to date as well, so the problem still eludes me....
  8. This is relevant for me, although I am on Win7, with 6 GB RAM, and here are a few other differences: 1.Can load up, can't save, crashes. 2. Can place stuff for hours. Can't save, crashe. 3. Can load Oblivion.ESM and all the DLC ESP files, try saving, crash. Ahg... I really want to be able to make a dungeon, but this is turning me off of that... :(
  9. I am working on a clothing diversity mod (here), I'd be more than willing to allow you resource usage if you would like. And if you have any retextures (replacer or otherwise) in mind, let me know the idea, and so long as I can use it in my diversity mod, I'd be willing to do it.
  10. I.... Can't help you or I would. You may try checking out this. It could help you, but you will have to reinstall all your mods, although that shouldn't be too hard.
  11. This would be awesome. And like what was previously said, don't get discouraged :)
  12. Use Comodo Security Suite, it's a bit spazzy till it gets used to what you run on your comp, but you can add exceptions to it as they come. It tends to recognize OBSE/FOSE as unknown potential malwar, but you can just make it an exception, and it'll do the same to any plugins for them, but again, you can add exception. Once it gets used to you, it's a nice little gizmo. :)
  13. Alright, so some people here are aware I am working on this. The problem is, I am only one person, and this is a very large vision. I can do it, but I think people would enjoy it being "completed" sooner. (I don't think a mod like this will ever truly be complete, but it can add a lot of flavor.) I need texture artists that would be willing to take direction (very basic, as I wouldn't want to stifle creativity). Anyone that helps would be given a specific file (emailed) that is structured and the textures re-sized and renamed, along with a text file giving a very open to interpretation of what is needed with each texture. Anyone that does help would be given full credit for their work here and on the filepage. GECK implementation will be handled by myself, as I have a structure already in place for it and wouldn't want it getting mucked up by a slight mistake in my explaining it or someone else's understanding of my explanation. If you are interested PM me with a link to an example of something you have done please. I don't want to be "exclusive", so anyone would get at least an opportunity to try out for a section. Thank you for your time :)
  14. Bump, as I have this same issue and can't figure it out.
  15. I use Fallout 3 stutter remover and crashes are almost non-existent for me. As for the AI, unless you are hidden and using silenced gun, it makes sense they would figure out where you are, it's pretty easy to figure where a gunshot is coming from, especially in a building.
  16. I have to add to this as well, thank you staff members, you have been the most community interactive staff I have ever seen on a board, as well as genuinely concerned for the digital safety of the members, and i truly appreciate that. :)
  17. Well, just throwing my two cents in here, but in F1 and F2 prostitution (and making caps from it) were actually pretty big in terms of gameplay. Also the downfalls were as well, like STDs, which would severely hinder your character over time. And in F2 you could become a porn star. Prostitution mods don't ruin gameplay, they bring some of the flavor from the first two to the new generation of the series, which was beaten to the point of mental handicap by Bethesda in the first place, IMHO. But that's just my opinion, take it or leave it. That said, if you don't want mods like that, don't DL them, don't even look at them. Just let them sit where they sit and let all us "depraved perverts" (completely lighthearted joke people XD ) have them all to ourselves. :)
  18. Okay, but that got me laughing... a lot.. i could barely breath as I imagined that XD
  19. I was planning on a variant of the Merc charmer outfit for the mod i am working on here that sounds like what you may want, although I'm still working on it, I'd be willing to do the Merc Charmer variants next and implement them withing the next couple of days if you would like. As for the weapon, I probably wouldn't be the one to ask lol.
  20. Alright, finally found the time to see if my variants are getting seeded in game, and they are! Uploading screens now.
  21. Playtest whats up already and let me know if it works, as I haven't had the time. I'm a father of two, so lately my playtime has been traded so I can work on this. XD The easiest places to see if it actually works is probably going to be either shops or the Talon Merc base, you may need to wait a few days after loading your game for changes to fully kick in though...
  22. Well, tbh, just comments like that help in some way. It's just nice to know that people want it done and will appreciate it, because if I'm going to do all this work, whats the use in doing it only for me or a few anonymous downloaders you know? So, thanks :)
  23. UPDATE: If anyone is interested, I am uploading a decent update right now, should be up in a few minutes. Alright, the page is here, and I have already, on my lonesome, made some headway by completing multiple variants of of the basic combat armor and talon combat armor (those and the esp are up, for anyone interested). I would like to keep working on this, but I honestly don't think I will have the drive to continue it if I am unsure as to the communities interest in it, as I would rather not be doing this mod for purely personal taste, or simply use by a few people. For those that are interested in numbers, I have completed nine variants (18 textures, as I'm not neglecting either gender on this.) The basic CA variants are implemented on the normal combat armor list and the slaver combat armor list. The Talon variants are implemented on the talon armor lists, and are arranged in a way that will (hopefully) make the more "experienced" armors (weathered, Officer, and Veteran) appear less often than the more cannon fodder equivalents (Greenhorn and original Talon CA). If all goes well I plan on continuing this, and here are some of the plans: -Outcast, BoS, and Enclave variant sets (each unique NPC will be given a unique texture set for their armor/outfit in these factions) -Raiders: I don't plan on makingg variants of their existing armor, but I do plan on taking other types of armor, that make sense, and making Raider versions of them. -Brahmin skin outfits/Wasteland settler outfits: These are used by so many generic NPCs that I could make many minor tweaks to them and end up with a dozen or so of each outfit as variants, then make an item list for them, and replace any reference to these outfits on NPCs with said lists, which would make things much more colorful, I think. And much more that is pretty much similar to the above. I'm posting this not to complain, but more explain my reasoning for doing it, which is simply: There shouldn't be hundreds of identical outfits in this game. I would like help, but I won't beg. What I would like if I can't get help is at least support from the members of Nexus that are interested in me seeing this through to the end. Thank you for your time.
  24. Here With that all you have to do is hit them and you get max XP. :) That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! No problem :)
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