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Everything posted by Sepherose

  1. Alright, so recently I discovered I'm not too bad at making variants of textures, (examples under the image tab) and I was wondering if this has been done already: Make multiple variants of each armor and outfit in the game, apply a variant texture set to each of those in the GECK, put them on a coverall list (I.E. PainspikeLIST would have Painspikevar1, painspikevar2, etc.) and replacing any solidly chosen outfit with a random list to choose from (I.E. BOSPAlist would have variants in it, and any generic BOS would, instead of having PA in their inventory, have the list there, so each one looks a little different) there would have course be the raider armor lists as well, which would have all variants of all raider armors on them, so raiders would have a huge variety. Anyway... I'm asking because i was wondering if people might enjoy this if it hasn't been done, as I would enjoy making it. Please let me know what you guys think. EDIT: More examples here, as well as the others, under user images.
  2. Hmmm I could give it a shot...here is something I have done already. Let me know if you want me to.
  3. Look up the Wasteland Mastery mod, it gives you bonuses for going over 100 with skills, and in the descrip there are links to two complimentary mods that increase level cap to 100 and also allow you to spend points past 100 (the second one is an absolutely needed one). Have a good one. :)
  4. I would be very interested in this actually, I have one fairly minor mod that would be nice to have a unique voice set for. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13351 In the images there are pictures of the UUE victims, and I would like to have a unique voice set for them, considering they are like SMs but they aren't, and have a different back story, and the fact that at some point I want to make a companion version of one of them, and HE should have a unique voice as well... but yeah, PM me if you are interested.
  5. Here is the filepage: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13351 Alright, what I have done, and what I have implemented are two very different things: I have the armor implemented I am working on a weapon right now I have victims of the UUECA finished in rough draft (they are tough) and implemeted on my end, but there is some bugginess I am having. What I am aiming for: A quest that will be required to get the armor, given by a unique UUE Victim that is also a companion. (I had this mostly done then my comp went buggy and i had to load a backup, but even before that I was not able to go into or out of megaton with him, or into an interior or out of it without the game crashing something horrible.) So I need someone that knows how to implement companions and do quests. I can build the areas that will be visited by the player over the course of the quest, which I am also working on. So, I guess what my big thing is, is that I need help bringing in a new SM companion, and I will probably need someone to build the quest in the GECK. Any takers? If so PM me, please. I really do need the help.
  6. Ummm.. well, could someone elaborate on that? Either point me to a tutorial or give me more info than a "yes"? lol
  7. Well, only one question really: If I were to say, download multiple body replacers, unzipping them to their own folders within the meshes and textures folders respectively, would it be possible to make races that use only the specific body I want (I.E. Making a group of guys that use the Brawler body type, but only they use it, then making a group of people that use only the emaciated body type, a group of people that use one of the BABE body types, etc. etc. etc.) My goal is to make A: (Primary) Make a few new areas for GTS that have groups, or mixed groups, like this and B:(Secondary, may not happen even if I can do it) Add more diversity to the vanilla game world (I.E. Making the guys that are dying of thirst use the emaciated body type and altering their faces appropriately, making the leveled male raider "pseudo-bosses" use the brawler body type, etc.) I want to first and foremost do this for presonal use, but if I CAN do this and get permission from the respective authors of the body replacers, I would like to upload and share it to....
  8. Haivng a VERY similar problem. Except I'm not trying to get INTO rivet city, i'm trying to get OUT of rivet city. Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp FOOK2 - Main.esm FOOK2 - [*censored*] World And Neighbourhood Kit.esm FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm Phalanx-PerksAndStims.esp Tau Ammo.esm FOOK2 - Main.esp FOOK2 - *censored* Map Markers.esp FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp FOOK2 - [EVE] Energy Visuals Enhanced.esp FOOK2 - Mothership Zeta.esp FOOK - Shopping Cart Scrap.esp KarmaRevamp1010.esp Vault-Tec Experimental Dimensional Safe.esp DeadlyTurrets.esp tptPayback.esp MegatonContracts.esp Peaceful Tenpenny without 3 Dog.esp merc.esp NotSoFast.esp IntoTheDeepWoods.esp AReasonedArgument.esp PLweightadjust.esp Cliff's_Sellable_Body_Parts.esp Lawbringer Boutnies Ver1.1.esp The Prisoners.esp Tau Armor and Weapons And Vendor.esp Tau Armor and Weapons And Vendor - Zeta Addon.esp Phalanx-MainFollowerModule.esp Auto Aim Fix v1.1.esp Total active plugins: 35 Total plugins: 125 I noticed that Disabling the UOFO3 Patch fixes my problem. try it with yours. Whatever the problem, it doesn't originate from UOFO3 unless it's a conflict with another mod you have, I have it active and I can enter and exit RC whenever I like without a crash....
  9. Actually, before even attempting my own mod let alone DL one, I DLed FOMM, as I played Oblivion for quite a while and already knew through other mistakes that having a mod manager is ESSENTIAL if I was going to be using community mods, but I do appreciate the help (also DLed FOSE with it and got the most recent version at the same time I got the newest official patch). The reason my listed load order is as it is, was because I at first figured that the load order was funky, and I found a plugin organizer program (and I already DLed the newest patch) and used that, and that is the order it showed up in, but still didn't work. I appreciate the link to CRAFT, and I was able to find it last night before checking this thread after I edited my first post, which subsequently fixed the issue I was having.... next I'm going to try merging the mods I use for my own use so I can clean up my data folder, I hate having things so cluttered in my folders. :) Thanks again though!
  10. Alright here is my load order: -Main Files- Fallout3.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm CALIBR.esm (V.08) FOOK.esm (V1.6) FO3 Wanderers Edition-Main File.esm (FWE Master Release 2.0) GlobalTravelSystem.esm (RC4) Mart's Mutant Mod.esm -Secondary Main Files- FO3 Wanderers Edition-FOOK Support.esp FOOK.esp (V1.6) FO3 Wanderers Edition-Main File.esp MMM.esp (RC4) *foip files* MMM-FOOK.esp MMM-FWE Master Release.esp ** FOOK-Owned!.esp FOOK-Free Play After MQ.esp FOOK-Tougher Enemies FOOK-No Requirements for Miniguns, Gatlings, 20mm Flak.esp MMM-Increased Increased Spawns.esp MMM-Zones Respawn.esp MMM-Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp MMM-Natural Selection.esp MMM-Tougher Traders.esp MMM-Hunting & Looting.esp MMM-No Ghoul Raise.esp MMM-FacesAll+FOOK.esp Mutant Perks for MMM Dogmeat edition.esp psychoelfs FOOK 1.5 and MMM lev stripping.esp (already tried disabling this one because of the 1.5 FOOK and my having 1.6, but it didn't fix it) Item Room.esp KillableKids.esp (don't judge, it's Fallout lol) PersonalTerminal.esp Fellout-Full.esp MaxLevelWorkaround-HP.esp I know, it's a long list, but I have narrowed it down to something to do with FWE, it works fine when I disable that one... any help would be great as I am pretty sure I would have an (actually) challenging game to play. (Barring the personal terminal and Item Room mods, but thats beside the point lol) EDIT: Checked it out in FO3Edit, and it says I am missing CRAFT.esm, which mod, or a link, please?
  11. I had put this in the Mod Troubleshooting section, but it seemed more fitting here. Alright, so, I'm no pro modder, by even a stretch of godlike proportions. What I *usually* CAN do though is make new weapons in the games respective editors, and I have figured this out, mostly, in the GECK, but I have come to a brick wall: The gun is meant to be an Expirimental Crowd Control pistol, being worked on before the war to help with a growing number of "insurgents" and "non-patriots". It is not meant to do much damage, not by a long shot, but is simply meant to temporarily stun the target and surrounding targets with a small concussive blast (the main target obviously getting a small amount of injury). The problem with the pistol, although effective, was TOO effective, the concussive force was bone shattering and threw the original target quite a distance, with surrounding targets only receiving concussions, and herein lies my problem with the GECK: I have upped the force of the projectile to immense levels, comparative to normal bullets, and lowered the damage, even made a tiny explosion that has the "Always knocks down living actors" tag, but all it does is "tickle", doing a paltry 3 dmg, any feedback?
  12. I moved this as it seemed appropriate in another area.
  13. Well, what I have been looking for is a resources with large (damaged and aged, or simply aged) buildings to import into the GECK. I am having one of two problems, either it's there and I'm too blind to find it, or it isn't there because no one has made one. Can anyone help me out on this?
  14. Sorry if I seemed aggro, but I have gotten a few people saying things that are a borderline attack >.<. And that project looks cool, I wish you luck! :D Thanks. In fact, I wasn't attacking you at all, I was just making a point because I worked with someone before that had no major skills, he was bossing everyone around and he was not doing anything for the mod, so I thought that was unfair. concerning you I knew you weren't the leader because I carefully take the time to read every post, because many people misunderstand things, and sometimes blame you for something that you haven't done. so in no way I was accusing you for anything, since everyone was talking about that topic, I just came with my opinion. but I hope you find people for your mod, otherwise if I'm free on the summer, be sure that I will help you add me as friend so I can assist you in moment of need Alright man, thank you :)
  15. Sorry if I seemed aggro, but I have gotten a few people saying things that are a borderline attack >.<. And that project looks cool, I wish you luck! :D
  16. I never said that I am in control of this. I also never said I was just going to sit in the background while other people did the work... I said I am going to be doing a basic GECK draft already, then sending it to another team member after I am done with that. Also, no one person can cover all facets of a large mod, hell, we could use someone like you on the team even. Here are my strong points: -Story and NPC concepts -Plot devices -Voice Acting -Sound Management Weaknesses: -Advanced worldbuilding -scripting -modeling I do have skills that can be of use, and I am also currently trying to organize the team we currently have in a solid direction alongside the project lead.
  17. Hey, thankes Linkes. And I fully understand what you guys are saying, although you were a bit harsh. It annoys the hell out of me when a possibly awesome project just gets dropped because no one initially had the drive, or they didn't take the proper steps. But we aren't being ADD about this. Currently our concept artist is finishing up the work for Junktown, once that is done, I will make a rough draft of it in the GECK, once that is done, it will be passed on for polishing, then a beta will be done, back to polish, etc. until that area is DONE. Then we move to the next area, hopefully we will have enough people interested by that point so we can have a couple of places being worked on at once. I guess my whole point is that a project this big is going to need a LOT of help. I know I personally have been treating it like a half-time job so I don't lose steam on it. Iv'e also been trying to gather more team members and whatnot. Anyway, I guess people are going to come to their own opinions about things, all I can say is that I personally won't be why (if) this project fails. :)
  18. As of now I am pretty sure we are going to start by building Junktown's worldspace then releasing it as a beta, so I will keep posting here and on our site section.
  19. There already is a small team put together, and I already stated what I am doing, not to mention I seem to be organizing quite a bit of this project even though I am not supposed to be doing it all... -_-' There is a little bit of stuff already roughly figured out, but we are trying iron out the kinks in what we have before showing it off, that way it actually does what it is supposed to. Also I did state that to implement ALL of what we want to do we will need a larger team, this is a request for people to join a team so this can get done.
  20. I still can't thank you enough for your support on this man, I really can't! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
  21. Are people really that uninterested in this? I mean really? I would have thought more people would be interested, kind of makes me sad. :(
  22. Okay, now that I understand, it did come across as a bit harsh, but I understand lol. I am not the team lead on this, and the team lead on this project is a really cool guy and is also very open to ideas, and has at least some ability with the GECK lol. I admit I can't script and I can't world build, but, if you want an in depth story, I can do that, or if you want a well developed personality for a character, I can do that to. :)
  23. I'm a story and NPC personality architect, I am also trying to provide direction and structure alongside the project lead. EDIT: Also I have been helping set up the site for it, the reason we have that is thanks to the team lead for FOOK. Link to FOOKunity site
  24. I know this seems insane, but I have been talking to the project lead of the GTS southern california project, and it looks like we might end up using the design docs of van buren that can be found online to add the story into the game using the GTS, kind of a bow to Interplay and Black Isle for coming up with Fallout in the first place, here is what we need: --AI Packet designers --Scripters --World Builders --Mesh artists --Texture artists --Nav Mesh workers --Concept artists --NPC personality Architects We have people with these skills but not enough to make this happen anytime soon, I know there has got to be people out there that would love to see this happen, and with enough people, it's possible. :thanks:
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