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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology
We are under attack. Kayla, welcome to the RP!
"Aye. That ah will. Ye see, ah been travellin awhile now. Ah stopped to rest one night, and woke to find people stealin ma things! One of them had takin Voltair, but they didnae know that the Sverfneblin had put a wee spell on it that made it return ta it's owner when thrown or stolen. Said it's name, it came to mah hand, killed 3 bandits, at least 3 got away. As for if ah means ye harm, If ah wanted yeh dead, we wouldnae be havin this wee talk." Byron moves closer to the fire for light, and unhooks one of the innumerable small pouches hanging from his pack. He pulls a jar out of the pouch delicately. "Yeh see this?" He holds up the jar, revealing a gel like substance." Jus a wee bit of this gel could kill all of ye. Ye helpfully left me a fire, so ah tosses a wee bit of this onto yonder fire, and BOOM! Nae more wee little you." He turns and curses in dwarfish, shouts "VOLTAIR!" And throws his warhammer into the trees just past the new arrivals. There was a crunch, and a bandit fell face first into the light."Defend yerselves! Drow, dwarf, and mongrel, sorry force o' habit, Half Elf, ye all sees in the dark like ah do. Voltair." His hammer returns to him.
"Ach! Dinnae Shoot! Ma name's Byron Thunderbeard. Ah happened upon a couple wee bandits nae far from here. They tried to get me, but Voltair and me took most of em down. Ah was wonderin if I could share yon camp for a wee bit?" Byron unslings Voltair, his trusty warhammer from his back and tosses it on the ground. "If anyone is injured, ah knows how to brew potions and the like. Speakin of the bandits, ah was trackin a few of them that got away when I stumbled upon your camp. Perhaps yeh should be more concerned about them than little me?"
You really like forest things don't you
I totally forgot about that, mythic! :facepalm: I'm sorry! :( :wallbash: I just stumbled upon your camp in the wilderness. Do not shoot the duergar on approach! Even though his warhammer has blood on it. He will explain what happened... and the hammer is named Voltair, it has an electric magic damage enchantment on it. Gift from the Sverfneblin
After wandering in the woods for a long time looking for a pond to drink, Byron Thunderbeard spotted what looked like a camp. Perhaps there, thought he, he could find some adventure, or maybe at least some ale. The Duergar nodded to himself and pushed his way through the under growrh. "Hallo!" called he, " I mean ye no harm, only lookin fer a drink in these lonely woods. Mind ye much if I share yon camp?"
Someone delete this, I cannot fifure out how to!
Call me an Idiot, but I still have no idea what I am doing! I got suggested to join these cause they're fun, but I don't know what I am doing! Do I start a topic, then Lay down the journey start? or find another to join? Someone help me understand please! My genius level intelligence is failing me here :(
So how do I join in? I have an established character, and I have an Idea of who he is, after all, I created him. How do I join in? Do you have a recommendation for one to join?
Out of the Grave, Into the Desert
BaldurAnthology replied to BaldurAnthology's topic in Druid's Garden
Chapter 3 Coming soon if anyone cares -
Is this one good? Name: Byron Thunderbeard Race: Dwarf Age: 130 Class: Alchemist/Inventor Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Deity: Dugmaren Brightmantle (Dwarven god of inventions, discovery and scholarship) Place of origin: Underdark Appearance: Short with a long, heavily stained beard and singed eyebrows. Hands are rough and calloused, stained permanently by potions, and inventions backfiring. Armour: Steel Scale Mail Weapon: War Hammer Personality: Indifferent, Only cares if it involves his inventions, drinking, or killing monsters, especially Drow, as he harbours resentment toward them from the Underdark, however he will not ignore a cry for help History: Byron originally lived in the Underdark, with the Sverfneblin or Deep Gnomes. He was particularely good at making potions, and things that exploded. Because of his tendency to cause explosions, he was forced to leave the Gnome city and wander the Underdark, and three times had to escape Drow Slavers. He escaped to the surface during the Drow-Elven war incited by Jon Irenicus before the Bhaalspawn Crisis. He set up shop in the Slums of Athkatla, until he once again blew something up, and was forced to leave town in a hurry, i.e by the explosion that sent him into the air. Fortunately, he landed in a pond, and has been wandering ever since.
Out of the Grave, Into the Desert
BaldurAnthology replied to BaldurAnthology's topic in Druid's Garden
Thank you Maharg! -
Out of the Grave, Into the Desert
BaldurAnthology replied to BaldurAnthology's topic in Druid's Garden
Chapter 2, Departure As I walked to the door, Vincent tapped me on the shoulder. "Here." He said, handing me a pair of sunglasses. "You might want these." Blushing slightly, I took them and put them on. We stepped outside into the glaring sunlight. I was glad he had thought to give me the sunglasses. As I adjusted to the sunlight, a robot came up to us. It was tall, bulky and got around by driving itself on one powered wheel. Instead of a sensor eye, it had a picture of a cowboy on a screen as a sort of face. "Howdy Pardner! Glad to see you on your feet again!" Vincent leaned towards me and whispered "That's Victor. He's the one who dug you up and brought you to the doc. You owe him your life." I looked at the robot again, the face on the screen smiled at me. "Thanks, I guess. But how come you didn't stop them shooting me?" Victor's face changed to look sad."I'da liked to help you pardner, but I wouldn't have been much good. There were 4 of them, and one of me. It would have meant both of us bein killed. So I waited til they left, dug you up, and brought you to the doc!" I stared at the screen on which the face looked more honest than a politician. Although, that doesn't say much. Seeing as I wasn't really in the mood to talk, Victor said his goodbyes, and trundled off. "He's not so bad, you know. Just tryin to be helpful." Vincent said to me, as we walked down the hill to the saloon. "He came into town a few years ago, and has stayed here ever since." "What the hell was he? I mean, I know he's a robot, but still." Vincent smiled and replied "A securitron. Robco Model 2060b. Helps a lot with the local Gecco infestation." We continued down the hill towards the town. "What are geckos?" I asked, puzzled. "Vermin. They are a sort of mutated lizard thing." Vincent replied bitterly. My girlfriend Sunny and her dog Cheyenne hunt them. Oh, and before we go inside, wanted to let you know a little girl named Shiori came in to town about the sma time as you. Said her family had been killed by bandits and needed someone to escort her to her aunt in Primm. Maybe if you are headin that way, say after the bugger who shot you, you might wanna help the kid out?" I paused for a moment,then said "Sure I'll help the kid. Where is she?" Vincent opened the door to The Prospector Saloon. "She's over by the jukebox. You can say hello after talking to Trudy, she's just over here." Walking up to the bar he calls "Hey, Trudy! The girl woke up! Give Easy Pete a drink on me next time he comes in, would you?" A kind looking brunette wandered from around a corner to behind the bar. "You don't need to shout, I was right over there. Now, girl! Come here where I can get a good look at you." I nervously walked over to the bar infront of her. "Now now, no need to be nervous!" The lady said, "I'm Trudy. Pleased to meet you." She extended a hand to shake. I grasped it replying "Kayla. Likewise." Trudy grabbed a bottle of water off a shelf. "Here." She said, passing it to me, "It ain't cold, but you look thirsty enough not to care." I took the bottle gratefully and drank it all down. "Thanks!" I said, gasping slightly. "I got some caps here in my bag, how much? Trudy looked bemused. "No charge. Now If you are headin after that basterd that shot you, you are gonna have to head towards Primm. Do me a favor and take that kid by the Jukebox with you? Sunny can point you in the right Direction." I nodded and went to talk to this child. She was smallish and cute, with purple hair amd blue eyes. She had a thin face, with a troubled and sad look to it. Not surprising, since her parents were dead. She was wearing a blue jacket and a light purple skirt, with an assault rifle at her side. She looked up when I approached and said "You're the one that got shot, I'm surprised to see you up and about this quick." She spoke with a soft, yet still cute voice. "I hurt like hell, but I'll survive. I heard you need to get to Primm. Need an escort?" She looked at me surprised. "Sure, I guess. When do we leave?" I looked around for Trudy or Vincent, but couldn't see them. "As soon as I get directions." She nodded. "Cool. By the way, My name's Shiori." I smiled and said "Kayla. now I'm going to find Trudy or Vincent. They said someone named Sunny could give me directions. Meet you outside." Shiori nods, and Picks up her rifle and pack. I left her to her own devices and walked into the other part of the saloon. Trudy looked over and said "Gonna help her?" I nodded, and Trudy yelled "HEY! SUNNY! GET IN HERE!" A moment later, a young woman came in, slightly breathless, with Vincent right behind her. Her hair was tyed back and she had a rifle in her hands. Trudy waved her hands "No no, that isn't needed. I just need you to help this lady. She needs directions to Primm." Sunny looked at me and said "Follow me. I'll walk you to the intersection, then point the way you need to go. COme on!" I followed her out of the saloon, Shiori caught up with us just outside the saloon. The three of us walked down the road, until the first crossroad. "Follow that road toward the roller coaster. Can't miss it." I thanked her, and Shiori and I started down the road together, off to find her aunt, and the sonofabitch who shot me. -
Out of the Grave, Into the Desert
BaldurAnthology replied to BaldurAnthology's topic in Druid's Garden
Coulda mentioned that I forgot to add the paragraph in which the character is named, you know! -
Out of the Grave, Into the Desert
BaldurAnthology replied to BaldurAnthology's topic in Druid's Garden
My thanks, Kay-Chan! -
Chapter 1, Awakening Pain. Blinding, white hot pain. Was this how my life would end? And for what? A stupid Coin or whatever the man in the checkered suit had called it? These were the last thoughts and sensations before my mind shut down and I sank into the crushing black oblivion that was death. Next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes, to a blinding white light, My mouth felt like I had just drank Brahmin piss, and my head felt like it had been slammed in a drawer lined with nails. I blinked a couple of times, and the pain lessened.and as my vision returened, I saw a slowly rotating fan on a dull plaster ceiling. As I tried to sit up, the pain in my head increased tenfold and I started to feel sick. A warm, dry and gentle set of hands grabbed me and helped ease me back down, and a man's voice said "Easy there! You've been little more than a breathing corpse for the last couple days, take it slow or you'll hurt yourself! I'm Vincent, but you can call me Vinnie, everyone does. Wish you could have had a more pleasant welcome to our fair town. Goodsprings, in case you don't remember. I'm the stand in doctor, Doc Mitchell had to run to Sloan to help an emergency. Childbirth, or something. left me a note, in case you woke up. Now, I hope you don't mind but he had to go rummaging in your skull to get the bullet fragments out, in case you don't remember you got shot." As if I could forget the blinding, pain. "Now, I was forgettin something, wasn't I? Oh yes, Your name! Do you remember your Name?" "Kayla." I replied shakily. "My name's Kayla." The man made a strange noise. "Think my name's funny do you?" I snapped at him. "No, no of course not!" The man replied. "I seem to have come down with some sort of cough, and can't get rid of it. Now, As I was saying, the doc had to do a lot of rummaging in your head to get the bullet fragments out. He takes pride in his work, but you better say if anything looks off." He leans down and grabs a device that looks like a computerized mirror. "How'd he do?" I gazed into the screen, seeing a scared, pale yet still pretty face. Or at least, so other's tell me. I have never been one to think of myself as good looking. My hair was dyed a faded red, after I had mistakenly scavenged an old bottle of dye from a ruined drug store in Alabama, thinking it was shampoo. After washing with it, and drying off, I then discovered my mistake. I didn't remember much about my past, other than moving from place to place a lot, but that was one of the few things that stuck out for some reason. My mouth was small, and face weatherbeaten. All in all, not a bad patch job. "No, it looks right." I said and handed the device back. "Your doc is amazing!" The man chuckled and said "Well he certainly likes to think so. Now, there is no sense in keeping you in bed anymore. Let's see if we can get you on your feet!" I felt the hands grasp me by the forearms, and slowly helped me stand up. The room lurched dizzily as I stood up, but I could stand alright. I felt like I had a bad hangover, but I'd pull through somehow. "Good!" Vincent said, 'Now, why don't I just let you get ready, and then I'll walk you down to the saloon. Trudy's been dying to meet you. Ah, no pun intended of course." I glanced over at him. A Young, tanned man in a doctor's smock coat grinned at me. He was about 6 feet, broad shouldered, and a bit overweight, but that didn't make him bad looking, it just seemed to complete the image that he should be a lot older, like middle age but wasn't. "What do you mean, get ready? And why is it so drafty in here? is the window open or something?" He shook his head, keeping his eyes firmly locked on my face, which I thought polite, odd and creepy at the same time. "I mean, you gotta get some clothes on! You can't go outside in your underwear, you'd be teased for not bein decent! I looked down, and saw I was indeed in a white bra and a pair of panties. "Why am I in my underwear, who the hell undressed me, and where the hell are my clothes?" Vincent smiled and said calmly "My girlfriend, Sunny. She undressed you. She also washed them. As for where they are, they are on that table over there behind the privacy screens. The rest of your gear is in your bag on the floor by the table in the corner over there. All your stuff is there, but the doc had to check for Id in case he had to notify your next of kin." Now I gotta write up a few forms for you to sign before you go. I will be in the other room if you need me." At that he turned, and walked out of the room through the door by a machine labeled Vit-O-Matic. On which a paper sign with the word BROKEN was hanging. Good. I hated those things. Always mocked my lack of strength. I dressed quickly, and wandered into the next room to see where Vincent had gone. I saw him sitting at a table writing and checking books. A creaky floorboard alerted him to my presence in the room. Without looking up he said "A few more minutes and you just gotta sign the bottom of this. Then you are free to leave." I sat down on the couch to wait, taking in the fireplace, and the pictures on the wall. After what felt like ages, Vincent looked up and passed me the clipboard. "Sign where the X is. Also, the doc told me to give you this. He said it's an old Pipboy. It will help with the carrying and radiation, quite a few things actually. Detects Radiation, has a GPS Map in it, the works. He figured it was more useful to you then sittin on a shelf." I looked down at the form I had been handed, signed it, and picked up my new Pipboy, and put on my arm "Thanks." I mumbled. "Hey, don't mention it!" He said cheerfully. "Now c'mon, Trudy will kill me if I didn;t have you come say howdy before you left. Besides, I owe Easy Pete a drink, seein as you woke up."
As always, looking forward to it!
Amazing. Just simply amazing!