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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology
Siobhan smiled, and demonstrated with her own power. "Well, that's not always an easy question to answer. It can be different for each individual, or the plasmid used. Personally I just focus my mind and sort of picture the end result of my manipulation in my head, and the plasmid takes care of the rest. You could try that, or since yours is Sonic Boom, try using it as an extension of your voice? Sort of project the sound in a blast that will knock them over."
Shiori took a deep breath, thinking to herself, Perhaps I can practice these on him. and nodded, assuming a loose stance in front of Jason. She had been taught a little hand to hand, but mostly enough to deal with bullies, or to break out of being restrained. She nodded, ready to learn. Greebo pulled out his sniper rifle and chambered a round. "Sure smoothskin. Let's go." His irritation was still there, and he would welcome a chance to shoot something to vent. "Oh, and if I start going a little.. funny, just give me a cuff upside the head. Not to hard or you'll hurt me, but enough to cause a solid whack."
Oh dear. I remember that... And now.. for something.. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3pxdoQbXz1qc5uey.gif
A strange look came over Melody's face, and she drew the saber she wore at her belt, charging alongside Daniel. She beheaded 3 shamblers, (Walkers) and did a graceful pirouette, beheading several of the rotten buggers around her. She had a manic smile on her face, and she called out, "Come get me you sons of b*tches! You killed my family, and now you're gonna get to apologize in the afterlife! DIE!" Several of the walkers lurched towards her, only to be beheaded. After a few more moments, her manic rage calmed down, and she realized she was facing quite a large number of zombies. She sheathed her sword, who grumbled at the fact he was still bloody, and ran to the bus, saying to the other fighter, "Come on! Those russian mutants will turn you into one of them if they bite you man!"
Just a bit Baldur. :P Keeping an eye on this one. Try not to let the drama reach such high levels, please. It`s Bryce. We have spoken before? Anyway, of course. I wasn't intending this to turn to drama, all I had wanted was for the posts to be shorter, more direct, and reminded her not to control what other characters do. I didn't anticipate all this.. thisness. However, I will endeavor to control myself as best as possible.
Melody watched the woman jump out of the window, and figured it was due to Russian mind control. She made a hasty exit, and wandered half-dreamily for quite awhile. She found herself near some schoolyard or other, and saw someone ordering some tall tough guy around. She dreamily moved closer and allowed her hand to pass over his shoulders. She said in her quiet voice, "Peace man. Name's Melody. What's yours?"
well.. since Nintii used me as an excuse to leave even after I left the RP, I might as well return. Ignore Melody being near where she was, now she's over near Flipout's character. I might as well return, not gonna let this RP die due to stupidity. The veteran that is me is back. (Yes, I am full of myself, what of it? :P)
Actually, you know what? I don't think I'm gonna remain in this one. Although I like the show, the company here is a little... lacking. Enjoy what you have. It probably won't last. I say this from experience. Nintii, this is primarily because of you that I leave. Reason being, you control other people's characters in your posts, and tell me what I can and cannot think about your posts. Not happening. I leave whilst I still have control over my anger issues. Good evening.
Sandro had sort of dazed out, and snapped to attention when Jackson started talking to him. He rubbed his hand across his face and said, "Apparently they were Caesar's Legion, they're more of a threat in the Mojave than here, but they still managed to make a real nuisance of themselves, didn't they?" He looked askance at Jackson. "Shouldn't you be in bed smoothskin? Hold on, who's that?" Sandro leaned forwards, seeing someone moving on the perimeter monitors. It was a short man, stocky and muscular, with a shortened super sledge, and metal armor with a backpack. Sandro watched the stocky man walk around until he saw the gates, and then he heard the buzz on the intercom. Flipping on the microphone, Sandro queried, "Who are you, and what do you want smoothskin" The short stocky figure spoke in a heavy scottish sounding accent, saying, "Mah name is Byron, and all ah wants is tae have a place tae sleep the night away. Is there some way tha' ye can allow this?" Sandro figured one short man against their large group wouldn't be too much of a threat, and thumbed the button to remotely open the gate. The short man walked through, and started towards the main building, while Sandro closed the gate again. Soon enough, the doors of the tower opened, and the short stocky man in armor walked into the room. He nodded at the two at the desk and said, "Pleased tae meetcha, as said my name's Byron, Byron Thunderbeard at yer service. Ah can fix most machinery, ah can make basic explosives, and drink anyone under the table."
Greebo walked for several minutes before he was calm enough, then went to have a word with Shiori. The little girl looked at him slightly nervously, after all, she did just see him hit Jason, and yell a lot, but she wasn't scared of him. He grabbed an old folding chair, and sat down on it. He put his face in his hands for a moment, and said, "Sorry I yelled at you kid, but you really have to learn to think before speaking and drawing that gun of yours. One of these days, you're going to draw it, point it at the wrong person, and they're gonna get mad at you, and maybe try and hurt you. Can you try and do that?" Shiori nodded shyly, knowing the old ghoul was still stressed by the lack of his normal verbal tics and cheerful expression. Greebo stood and ruffled her hair, before taking a deep breath and going over to Jason. He stared out across the wastes, not looking at his friend, and said, "I think I owe you and apology my friend. I shouldn't have hit you, nor should I have implied that you were gonna hurt the kid." Greebo looked downcast. Shiori shyly walked over and gave the old ghoul a hug, hoping to cheer him up, giving him the most adorable smile she could muster trying to get him to smile too
Sorry guys, I got hit with a bit of a writer's block on this RP. Can't think of what I should have people do. Just assume that my chars went to lunch or something, feel free to encounter me in the cafe, Give permission to Naktis and Auri to move Jennie and Anderson as needed (no killing me) until the writers block goes away. On a point of interest, for those in the "Ain't that a Kick in the Head" RP, Kayla requested I adapt the concept of "Byron Thunderbeard" To Fallout, so anyone who knows that character, check it outtttt etc
Nothing confusing at all ... and yes I did miss Melody, sorry on that one ... but a bit of reading on both sides is always helpful as you will discover that Alice was on the 30th floor and you walked in on the ground ... anyhow thanks for the heads up on Melody. With all due respect, it isn't your place to tell me what I do and do not find confusing.
A note on Melody. She views the zombies as russian mutants, sent to destabilize America so Russia can take over. So, yeah. She uses different terms for them, shamblers, like Shambling Mutants. I just thought it would fit in with her semi-madness. Nintii, I pmed you on this, but in case you didn't get it, I find your posts more than a bit confusing, not to mention you ignored that Melody followed Alexia to the apartment. So yeah, just a heads up from a, shall I call myself, a Veteran Role Player.
Tomoyo passed the underclothes she found to Cathy, and leaning close, she whispered, "I could give you a massage, if you're really that sore. Either that or I could make you a special tea I know of and you can stop b*tching. Your choice sweetie." Her smile was playful and flirtatious, and her hands worked gently at Cathy's shoulders as she spoke. Sandro continued watching his monitors, smoking his pipe, and waiting for the intelligence level to rise, or at least someone sober to come and chat with him. Since the kid went to sleep, he had nothing else to occupy his time.
Argument between Greebo and Jason was planned.. mostly. The bit with the dictated hit was. Sos theres not troubleses etc
Greebo snarled. "Did I say you were evil? No. I heard most of that conversation. So he threatened you. I've been threatened. I still try and find the peaceful solution. But then again, perhaps that's me having wizened up in my VERY old age. He didn't force your hand. YOU did. You are in control of your own actions, not the NCR Trooper. If you were going to kill him, you could have at least done it more discreetly. But nope, right in the open where anyone could see it, and indeed at least two did. Myself and the young lass. So, mister Not Evil, prove yourself. Start doing things right, and maybe the girl won't be so frigging TERRIFIED of you. Do something stupid, like say try to hurt her, and I'll kill you where you stand. Understood? This conversation is over. You know what you have to do." He turned on his heel and walked away to deal with Shiori once he calmed down.
Greebo led Jason a short distance away, and whirled around, hand causing a slight whistle as it passed through the air, and cuffed Jason as hard as he could upside the head. Glaring, he said, "I'm disappointed in you, Jason. You're supposed to lead by example, yet there you are bickering like a child with the only child among us! Also, killing someone in cold blood because he suspected you and that hooded girl to be Brotherhood. Gods, I could have dealt with things more subtly than that! I don't know if you noticed, but you have that poor young lass terrified of you, and there you go telling her that she's supposed to act more like you? I show emotion, boy. I've lived for 233 years, and I still allow myself to care about who I kill. I don't take ANY contracts that seem morally questionable. I kill bandits, slavers, Legion. Those sorts of people. I grant mercy, if it is begged of me. I also know when not to get into things with people, and to simply calm down, or agree to disagree. Or just to let things go. You clearly upset the kid. I suggest you apologize at some point, perhaps explain WHY you killed the man. You can either do it on your own, or I'll make it happen. Now, go reflect on what you did, and what I've said." Shiori saw Greebo smack Jason, and smiled slightly to herself. She hoped Greebo could make him be nicer, or at least not scare her so much.
Melody wandered dreamily down the street, and watched as a pretty woman danced around and killed a couple Russian Mutants with a golf club, then went into a place talking about food. She smiled, and made her way towards the house the pretty woman went into, and followed her inside. She said, her voice was quiet, but had sort of a mystical quality, the type of voice you could listen to for hours and not get tired of, which was a shame because she rarely spoke. "Hey pretty lady. I don't think this doctor type will care too much if you shelter from the Russian Mutants man. I'm Melody, it's groovy to meet you. I saw the way you took down those two shamblers. You're a pretty good fighter." She gently ran a hand in an almost caress across the pretty woman's shoulder and cheek before drifting in and looking around. Her sword was at her hip, and her bow was hung off her shoulder, the string holding it across her chest with the quiver a special belt one, so as to not get in the way of the duffel bag with her supplies, which had straps to wear as a backpack across her back. She adjusted the rose coloured glasses with their metal frames and looked around.
Now Greebo was angry. He shouted, nearly at the top of his lungs, "ENOUGH! I have HAD it with you lot bickering like bloody CHILDREN! You! Jason! You and I are going to have WORDS young man, Shiori, for God's Sake, put that bloody gun away before you hurt someone, and You, Sheriff, that's not helping. You're just adding more fuel to the fires here. There is a difference between killing to survive, and killing someone in cold blood who isn't attacking. I noticed what you did, Jason and I'm quite disappointed with you, not to mention cross. The brotherhood can fend for itself. Back to you Shiori, I will not tell you to change who you are as a person, but you need to watch that temper of yours, not to mention act a little more mature and not throw a tantrum when things don't go the way you want them. Go, sit over there and think about what you did, and what I've said. Sheriff, I can't order you around, but I can strongly recommend that you calm down and take some time to reflect." He takes the nearly empty bottle of Strawberry Cordial out of his bag, noting with some irritation that he only had one bottle left filled, and handed the nearly empty bottle to Sheriff. "Drink that and calm down. I almost guarantee that you've never tasted something like that. It's from a vault guarded by super mutants and ghouls. They leave the lower levels, and myself, alone. The knuckle draggers seem to view me as kin or something, so as long as I don't steal their things, or harm them, they pretty much ignore me. Now, Jason, come with me, you and I need to have a little chat." Shiori was surprised by the ghoul's reaction, and for some strange reason, found herself following what he said, going and sitting at the indicated location, although she made no move to stow her gun away, should Jason try to hurt her. She saw what he'd done, gone for a short walk before returning to Sheriff and saw him kill that man. However, although she didn't have to do what Greebo said, she got the "Grandpa's really mad" vibe from him and did what she was told like a good little girl.
Name: Melody Description: Long, dark hair parted down the middle, goes about mid-back. Green eyes, pink glasses, usually kept down her nose, about 5'6", slender, with pale, smooth and clear skin. Appearance: One of those shirts that leave one of the shoulders bare, with a peace sign emblazoned on the front, flared, bell-bottomed jeans, tight at the hips, but flared at the cuff, usually bare feet, but has a set of canvas shoes for travelling long distance. She also has a long coat, made of cotton so she doesn't have any animal furs. Equipment: A duffel bag with spare clothes, as well as her weapons, generally a fire poker or an old sword that used to be on the wall in her father's home. The blade is a military saber, and used to belong to her grandfather, it is quite sharp, and she is pretty good with it. She also possesses a tent, one of those quick-assemble tents, a warm sleeping bag, a metal canteen from a military surplus store for her water, a small flask for alcohol, currently empty, several flares, and for ranged use, she has a bow and arrows, and knows how to fashion new arrows, should she need to. Background: Melody lived with her father before the outbreak, as well as her stepmother, who her father had married after Melody's mother died shortly after childbirth, due to complications. Her stepmother was her mother's best friend, and used to be a hippy back in the day, all about peace and free love and all that. Melody learned a lot of different things from her parents, her father was into war things, fighting and archery while her stepmother was into nature and painting, although was pretty good with medicine. Her father taught her archery, How to make a bow, what materials made good bowstrings, and how to make good arrows. Her stepmother taught her first aid, how to recognize medicinal plants in the woods. Her parents were killed in one of the first attacks of the outbreak, and Melody lost it slightly. She saw all the hippy memorabilia around her, and believed it was the 60s/70s, and since she wore the same jeans size as her stepmother anyway, although her mother wore a bit larger shirts, Melody took what clothes she could from her stepmother's drawers, grabbed her father's camping gear, the sword from the wall, a poker that she used to defend herself from a zombie, and her bow and arrows, leaving her house to wander the wilderness. She is 17, going on 18, and has a strong belief in free love, and being a free spirit. She often gets attached to people too quickly, be they men or women, however her slight delusional state allows her to simply forget people when they die, perhaps as a coping method. I know I was gonna use 2 chars, but I lack the connection to the other character. I can't do completely crazy. I have to be only slightly nutty. Ergo, Melody is born. I couldn't think of a last name, sorry.
Shiori growled in her throat when Jason once AGAIN told her she needed to change, her hand moved in a near blur and her plasma defender was pointed at Jason's nuts before anyone had a chance to react. Her voice and tone changed to the one that she used when she was nearly at her snapping point and she said, deadly tone, but much louder, "I thought I told you NOT to try and change who I am! My reaction time is excellent, the difference between you and I is I haven't been lobotomized by a super mutant! Unlike you, I still have fear, and sadness and other emotions besides anger, and seriousness. Maybe Greebo sees something in you that I don't, but all I see is an emotionally brain-dead arsehole who's got a pole shoved so far up his arse that sh*t literally pours out of his mouth every time he talks! Stop trying to change who I am!" Greebo moved forward, shocked at Shiori's reaction, and postitioned himself between them, albeit he had to push Shiori back a step or two to do so. "Now now, let's not have fighting mates. This will only lead to ruin." Shiori fought against Greebo, trying to push past him. She shouted, "I don't care! I saw what he did, he killed that man. That man had a home, a family, now they are without a father and husband. What's wrong with you? You monster! You murderer! I will NEVER be like you! Never!" She allowed Greebo to push her away, closer to Sheriff, and sat down against the wall, gun still pointed in Jason's direction, tears in her eyes, but too angry to cry again.
I heard about this RP.. considering joining. I believe I have the excess mental capacity to allow this to work (As In, I put a bit of myself in every character.. but it gets hard sometimes) I have two characters in mind.. but I need some time to see if I can make them work. The ideas are of.. a teenager who went partially nuts and thinks its the 60s or 70s (hippy) and a recent idea I got whilst playing Borderlands, A young girl who is almost completely nuts and loves blowing stuff up. Maybe both. (I have to have.. quirkiness in the character, it's my "thing")
Shiori actually found herself getting angry at all these people telling how she should and should not act. Teaching her to fight and survive is one thing, telling her to desist having feelings is completely different. When the Jason man started getting more.. pushy, telling her again that he wanted to "teach" her, which really meant to change who she was as a person, force maturity on her when she wasn't ready for it, she snapped. She didn't yell, but her voice took on the soft, quiet, deadly tone from when she got really angry. In this low, deadly voice she said, "Just because I show emotions and still give a sh*t about being hurt or hurting people doesn't mean I need to change, or be changed by self important people such as yourself, Jason. I asked for combat training, not for you to tell me who I am is unacceptable and tell me I need to cease and desist with that sort of action! Stop it, or I won't take ANYTHING you have to teach me. Now, I realize that probably means absolutely nothing to you, after all, I can sense the detachment from here. You detach yourself from the world around you, you hide behind your anger and your frustrations, not allowing yourself to talk to people, or to do more than get angry. You don't care about me. You don't even like me. So don't pretend to do me no favors while trying to change me as a human being." After this litany, she looked at Sheriff, and said, "You haven't tried to change me as a person. Why is that?" Greebo walked outside, and caught most of Shiori's quiet rant at Jason. He leaned against the wall and observed, ready to intervene should Jason get in too close, or attempt to strike Shiori, but otherwise not intervening. Sometimes these things needed to play themselves through.
Anderson nodded, saying; "I'm alright for ammunition, but some food wouldn't go amiss. Anyone want to join me for a meal? It's on me, I have plenty of money saved up." Anderson's expression was of kindness and honesty. If these were crusaders like him, although they worked for no church, he saw no reason to harm them. Jennie smiled and said, "I'm good on ammunition as well, grabbed a pretty big supply from the Farmhouse when I was last there. However, a meal wouldn't go amiss, and I should probably stock up on dried foods and stuff as well."
After awhile, Shiori calmed down, and remembered Jason had asked if she was hurt. "No, I'm uninjured, I've had training in acrobatics and other things, so the shove just caused that training to kick in. I was just so upset, I mean, Other than the old paint guns that my adopted Mother and I used for training, I've never had a gun or any weapon pointed at me before. I probably look worthless to you lot." Greebo suddenly looked stern, and he looked her dead in the eye, replying, "No. You do not look worthless, you simply look inexperienced and young. You have nothing to be ashamed of, even though you cried. That was a trying experience for you, but you still tried to hold your own and shoot the man, until I intervened." Shiori noticed that in his agitated state, his normal verbal tics were gone. Greebo solemnly handed her back her Plasma Defender, and she decided she needed air, and went outside to see where Sheriff had gone. She saw the woman leaning on the wall, and glomped onto her, saying, "I'm sorry. I must have looked so pathetic to you. I mean, sure I got the reflexes, but when a weapon was aimed my way.. all I could do was freeze, then cry. Even though I was going to shoot him, Greebo wouldn't let me, and then I just.. I don't know, crumbled. I'm sorry, I will understand if you don't want to teach someone worthless like me." Her face was one of shame and regret, her bangs hanging over her head which hung slightly.