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About Aragorn58

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  1. Go to Creation Kit Wiki and in the search window type Archive.exe it will give you detailed instructions on how to pack your folders.
  2. From what I can see from the video your navmesh is not correct. You should not see any yellow lines at the edges of your triangles in the middle of the room,only at the edges near walls or anywhere you intended the navmesh to end. That indicates where the edges of your triangles are. You have triangles overlapping each other and that is why your npcs are behaving the way they are. If you open any vanilla cell either interior or exterior you will see what I mean. I would be more than happy to help you with this but I don't have access to my computer or the CK at the moment due to work schedule.
  3. You need to actually create the navmesh in your cells. Not just click on the finalize button. You can use the CKs built in navmesh generation but I have found you get better results doing it by hand. There is information on the CK Wiki and also many YouTube videos on the techniques. It is rather easy to do but can be a bit time consuming and depending on the size of your dungeon can be a bit tedious.
  4. I still can't see any navmesh in the dungeon. I believe that is your problem. If there is no navmesh in a cell, NPCS will not spawn.
  5. Is the Nordic part navmeshed and finalized, does your NPC have an AI package running on him that prevents them from being in that area.
  6. @yuan well explained, I didn't have the time or patience to deal with nonsense.
  7. I'm done. The methods I was suggesting have been used for a long time, with successful results. If you are such an expert on the matter then maybe you should enlighten all of us on the proper way by creating a tutorial and asking that it be stickyed in the forums.
  8. As far as just moving or just deleting a few verts or triangles in a single exterior cell is fine and should have no consequences. I have done this myself for one mod. But from some of the posts by the OP in this and the Oldrim forums they have added quite a bit to the vanilla cells that it would be much easier to lower the vanilla navmesh and then replace it with their own. I'm by no standards an expert on the subject but I have completely navmeshed a small world space by hand as well as numerous interior cells with no issues reported from any of my mods or those that I have worked on.
  9. I've never changed all the navmesh in an entire vanilla cell, but my understanding is to select the entire navmesh in the cell and drag it low enough so the connection to the adjacent cells is broken. Then replace it with your new navmesh and finalize the cell.
  10. I believe the actual voice files are in the Voices.bsa. You can use the Voice File Reference Tool to find the exact lines spoken by any NPC or voice types. It can be found on the Nexus just type it in the search box.
  11. I usually do it outside the CK using the archive tool Archive.exe located in your Steam/Steamapps/common/Skyrim folder. You can find easy to follow instructions on the Creation Kit Wiki. Just type Archive.exe in the search window, and then click on the first choice on the page that opens.
  12. I normally be happy to, but I'm starting a new job and will be away from Tamriel for awhile. I will still be lurking on the forums and offer any advice I can.
  13. First the Draugr not appearing. Is the cell you are placing them in navmeshed and is it finalized? Without navmesh in the cell the NPCs will not spawn. Second from the looks of the lower picture, the hole you made in the landscape is not large enough to accommodate the pieces you placed in there. And yes any LOD may be in play also. Third the landscape tools take some getting used to. You can adjust the radius of the area you want to work with as well as the strength of the effect. The smooth tool will help even out high or low spots to the actual base terrain. It will not change or flatten anything like rocks or trees. They will have to be removed by hand. But again making any dramatic changes to the Tamriel landscape will effect the LODs in that area. Unless you regenerate them for that area which can be quite q task if you have never done it before.
  14. I'm sure you can figure out which assets you used using TES5Edit. But unfortunately I have never done that so I'm not much help there. Packing an archive can be done using Archive. exe located in your Skyrim folder. There are instructions on the CK Wiki. You can also create an archive of loose files using 7zip. On your desktop create a folder and name it the same as your mod. Inside that folder create another folder named data. Inside that folder place your esp and any sub folders following the same structure as the Skyrim Data folder. When you are sure you have all your files in the correct places use 7zip to create the archive. Then, remove all of your files from the Skyrim Data folder and put them in a safe place. Use your preferred mod manager of choice to load the mod and test all is working before uploading the mod.
  15. You can't just upload the esp file, and expect your mod to work. You also have to include any custom meshes and textures. But that is not saying you have to include the entire resource pack. For example if you downloaded a furniture pack with several different items, and only used 2 of them you only need to pack the meshes and textures for those 2 items. You can then either package it as a bsa or as loose files.
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