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Everything posted by virginharvester

  1. hi, sorry for my bad english, previously i request "kill all enemies when combat triggered", if you wonder why?, because i like to enjoy the story without combat this time anyway, after googling i found it : "Witcher 3: Autokill Enemies" https://www.moddb.com/games/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/addons/modautokillenemies it works, all enemies will die when combat triggered, but there a problem, some enemies have the script, if you kill them instantly(too fast) they will be bugged, like never-ending loading, double unique npc, the quest cannot progress further, etc because of that, i like to make the "auto kill" slower, so the game will be running with less bug, anyway, because the original mod has auto-hidden enemies corpse, i delete some line and become something like this: if( IsRequiredAttitudeBetween(this, thePlayer, true) ) //modAutokillEnemies { Kill( 'ForcedByScript', true ); } the original file : "the witcher 3 - wild hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\npc\npc.ws" starting at line 4067, and the idea that i like is something like this : if( IsRequiredAttitudeBetween(this, thePlayer, true) ) //modAutokillEnemies { while(enemy.alive = true) { EnemyHealth = EnemyHealth - (EnemyHealth / 10); DelayInMicroSeconds(200); } } because my coding skill is not that high, i don't know where i should start, i hope somebody reads this and please, make the mod for me, thanks for reading, have a nice day
  2. i just want to skip the combat and enjoying the story, i dont know if it hard, but this the code : //start code while(1 ==1) killall(1000); wait(1000);// 1000 milisecond or 1 second endwhile //end code the problem is : i don't know where should i put it
  3. Hi, sorry for my bad english, every time i play this game, i always focus on combating, collect gears, get alchemy ingredient, getting the right perk, or something like that so much focus, i lost the story because of i always eager to next combat strategy(skip the story), this time i like to focus on the story, so i like request the mod: "KillAll(1000)" every second(s), if this applied, i can progress the story without worry about combating can somebody make this for me, please? optional: i don't know if certain enemy(s) have some bug/abnormal if the "killall" command called, i hope the mod has a switch on the "mod menu" to turn off/on the script/mod, or you can put the script on the invisible mask, but it only optional, if it too hard, the "killall" every second is enough for me thanks for reading, have a nice day
  4. i found it, this is the script : SPELL Property TransmuteOreMineral Auto Cost = TransmuteOreMineral.GetEffectiveMagickaCost(caster) i require SKSE, i hope it useful for somebody who look for it
  5. Hi, SFMBE, i like to mod transmute spell. from 1 cast = 1 item, to 1 cast spell = as long the raw ingredient and magicka avaliable, the transmute will be do it again, this is the original code Scriptname transmuteMineralScript extends ActiveMagicEffect {script for spell to allow transmutation of ores} import game MiscObject Property Ore01 Auto {Lowest value ore} MiscObject Property Ore02 Auto {Middle value ore} MiscObject Property Ore03 Auto {Highest value ore} Sound Property FailureSFX Auto float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto {How much to advance the skill? Only works when spell actually transmutes something} message property failureMSG auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) objectReference caster = akCaster if caster.getItemCount(Ore02) >= 1 ; favor the more valuable ore first caster.removeItem(Ore02, 1, TRUE) caster.addItem(Ore03, 1, FALSE) advanceSkill("alteration",skillAdvancement) elseif caster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1 ; if none of that, look for the base ore to upgrade caster.removeItem(Ore01, 1, TRUE) caster.addItem(Ore02, 1, FALSE) advanceSkill("alteration",skillAdvancement) else ; caster must have had no valid ore FailureSFX.play(caster) failureMSG.show() endif endEVENT and this is the code after i edit: Scriptname transmuteMineralScript extends ActiveMagicEffect {script for spell to allow transmutation of ores} import game MiscObject Property Ore01 Auto {Lowest value ore} MiscObject Property Ore02 Auto {Middle value ore} MiscObject Property Ore03 Auto {Highest value ore} Sound Property FailureSFX Auto float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto {How much to advance the skill? Only works when spell actually transmutes something} message property failureMSG auto float property Cost = 88 auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) objectReference caster = akCaster While (caster.getItemCount(Ore02) >= 1) && (caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") >= Cost) && !(caster.IsInCombat())) caster.DamageAV("Magicka", Cost) caster.removeItem(Ore02, 1 , TRUE) caster.addItem(Ore03, 1 , TRUE) Game.advanceSkill("alteration",skillAdvancement) EndWhile While (caster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1) && (caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") >= Cost) && !(caster.IsInCombat())) caster.DamageAV("Magicka", Cost) caster.removeItem(Ore01, 1 , TRUE) caster.addItem(Ore02, 1 , TRUE) Game.advanceSkill("alteration",skillAdvancement) EndWhile endEVENT as you can see, the code will constant reduce 88 point of magicka in every items "transmute", i like to reduce it, if the caster have "Adept Alteration perk" And/Or equipment that reduce magicka cost for Alteration spell, so, if i equipped with 4x "reduce 25% Alteration spell" gears, the cost will changed from 88 to 0, can someone guide me please? thanks for reading, have a nice day
  6. first, your link is "https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3",please check again second, the mod you mention "Geralt Level Scales" or https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3961 after i read the description, you the one who made it, thanks alot, i really appreciate it,
  7. no, its not help me, you bring me new questions for me than the answer
  8. SFMBE, after a long time i do modding skyrim again, and I forgot how to do some basic and can't find the solution at the internet, basically, this is the scratch script (i not test it) : Scriptname HotkeyScript Extends Quest MiscObject Property GemAmethyst Auto MiscObject Property GemAmethystFlawless Auto MiscObject Property GemDiamond Auto MiscObject Property GemDiamondFlawless Auto MiscObject Property GemEmerald Auto MiscObject Property GemEmeraldFlawless Auto MiscObject Property GemGarnet Auto MiscObject Property GemGarnetFlawless Auto MiscObject Property GemRuby Auto MiscObject Property GemRubyFlawless Auto MiscObject Property GemSapphire Auto MiscObject Property GemSapphireFlawless Auto int property VarCount auto int property Loop auto MiscObject[] ArrayInput[6] ArrayInput[1] = GemAmethyst ArrayInput[2] = GemDiamond ArrayInput[3] = GemEmerald ArrayInput[4] = GemGarnet ArrayInput[5] = GemRuby ArrayInput[6] = GemSapphire MiscObject[] ArrayOutput[6] ArrayOutput[1] = GemAmethystFlawless ArrayOutput[2] = GemDiamondFlawless ArrayOutput[3] = GemEmeraldFlawless ArrayOutput[4] = GemGarnetFlawless ArrayOutput[5] = GemRubyFlawless ArrayOutput[6] = GemSapphireFlawless // register for right shift Event OnInit() RegisterForKey(54) EndEvent // if right shift pressed Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) If KeyCode == 54 For(Loop = 1, Loop <= 6, Loop++) VarCount = Game.GetPlayer().getItemCount(ArrayInput[Loop]) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(ArrayInput[Loop],VarCount) Game.GetPlayer().addItem(ArrayOutput[Loop],VarCount) EndFor EndIF EndEvent as you can see, the declare for Array seem wrong, can someone show me how to declare "MiscObject" as Array object? second thing is i cant find loop for "FOR" at internet, is "FOR" loop exist in papyrus? of course you can correct me for other syntax or anything else, thanks for reading
  9. sorry for my bad English, I still learning it, ok, because I like to loot everything, I using a combination of "that almost unlimited capacity (over 9000)", and auto-loot mod, combine them and you have all items in the world into player inventory, I like them, it just like idiom "No Stone Unturned", but a problem will come if you have too many items, if you do it, the game will laggy when you open inventory menu, not only inventory menu, trade menu, dismantle menu will laggy too, yes, selling and dismantling will slow down too, because of this, I request : 1. repair like fallout 3/new vegas add "repair gear consumable", its unlimited usage like "Horn of Plenty" but when it consumes, it will repair equip gear and a lower level than equipped gear in player inventory (the sacrifice one) will be dismantled (or destroyed if it cannot be dismantled), like fallout 3/new vegas(except the dismantling thing), the glove will repair another glove, steel sword will repair another steel sword, the request below this is just optional, request in above is the high priority 2. combine gear if the "sacrifice gear" has any stat that higher than equip gear let said the "equipped weapon" damage is 100, and "sacrifice weapon" damage is 120, then the "equipped weapon" damage will increase by 1, yes only one, it for that balance thing, if you like to upgrade 100 damage you need 100 weapons to be the sacrifice the stat not only damage, but all other stats are also combined too, like sign intensity, critical hit damage bonus, Chance to cause bleeding, etc, will combine too note: there is some blacklist in this combine -witcher school gear, because it has upgrade mode -unique ability gear, like Aerondight, iris(sword), The Caretaker's spade, etc, because it will conflict with their own script 3. make it automatic, I make this concept, the "7-Sins Gears" I call it 7 sin because of there only 7 gear that has stats : -Gluttony armor (because Gluttony related to the stomach) -Greed glove (because greed related to "hand to take something") -Lust trouser (i don't need to explain this) -Envy boots (because it being stepped, so they are envy) -Sloth crossbow (because it just waits and does nothing except split arrow) -Wrath steel-sword (because the angry usually go to human) -Pride silver-sword (because pride is monster behavior, I guess) (headgear is not included because as far I know they're only 2 {vampire masks} gear that has stat) if Geralt wearing this, and if a gear that not in the blacklist added to your inventory, the "7-Sins Gears" will automatically combine with that, and the sacrifice gear will be dismantled, I try making this mod a long time ago but I don't know where to start, so I hope somebody who reads this will give me a hint, or even better: create this mod for me, anyway, thanks for reading, have a nice day
  10. hi, sorry for my english, i like to add may item in witcher 3 like skyrim, this is the script : exec function DyeWhite(){ additem('Dye White',1); } and the result is : Cannot call exec function 'additem' from scripts instead of the console. can somebody help me so the script will work?, thanks
  11. hi, I still learning English, sorry for inconvenient, I just see this mod : New Quest - Escaping the Cage https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3611 and the tool: radish modding tools https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3620 turn out, you can make your own quest in The Witcher 3, so I have this idea: after you have done in white orchard then Vizima and go to hangman tree, you will read noticeboard in Mulbrydale and gain new quest, the quest is very simple, a quest marker will appear at the map, at priest "Funeral Pyres" location, the quest will complete once "Funeral Pyres" started or finished, no mesh, no graph, no sound, no dialogue, no journal, very simple right?, can someone make it for me, or better, can someone teach me how do that? I asking this because: there so many missable in this game, and if i ask all of them do by yourself alone, i afraid this task is too many additional info: if you like to make this mod, this is the link of the missable quests https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/missable-side-quests-list-and-guide.54774/#post-2032859 thanks for reading, have a nice day
  12. sorry for late reply, that is not i looking for , i found one in this link "https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/mod-request-enemy-scaling-for-1-31.8741630/" the latest one, but it only apply to the monster, i do that enchanting quest to obtain jade, all spiders is same level as player, but enemies human like Order of the Flaming Rose deserter around it, an they has red skull and will kill geralt from 1 hit, i hope somebody can fix it
  13. most the link you provide neither have too many "configuration" that confusing me or too many "feature" that i dont need, except the one the "SCBA - Smart Combat Balance Adjustment", but this is not i looking for, i just need "enemies level = player level", i very thanks for the hard work, i really appreciate it
  14. sorry for my bad english, i looking for a mod to make the enemies level = player level, i know there are mods available who claim to do this, they called "upscale", i not native english and i do not understand what is this "upscale", if upscale exist, then downscale must exist too, some mod is outdated, and even they updated, the configuration is confusing for me, that i want is the enemies level = player level. no 1 hit kill to low-level enemies and no 1 hit kill from high-level enemies, as simple as that if you can think it can solve just for editing ws file, i waiting for your guide, but if you think it complicated and need for yourself to create it, i will very appreciate it thanks for reading, have a nice day
  15. hi i still learning English, sorry for inconvenient i play this game 3 years ago, i remembered i play it at 1.30, i forget what mod i using that time, first you select a place marker in map menu, then you press a button, and you will be teleported into place marker, i remember this because i using it to loot items in "?" at skellige sea area but currently i play this on 1.31, do this mod available at 1.31? thanks for reading edit: after googling after 1 hour, mod for 1.31 is exist @post section, mediafire one if you asking
  16. sorry for bad english, i quite hate about healing using foods and drinks, because they do not stack, if we consume more than 1, the previous food or drink effect will gone, if we can make it automatically, we can focus on combat without pay attention on "consume progress" my idea is using 1 of consumable slot, if gerald health bar less than 75% and "consume progress" do not active, then that slot will trigger automatically i dont know if this mod doable, but i hope someone can make it, thanks for reading have a nice day
  17. hi, I still learning English, sorry if wrong, I found these 3 items are abundant and useless, and I think if we can make it more something useful if we craft it with a logical way this is my idea: 1.Sunset Sarsaparilla deputy badge, craft it in workbench into "sharpened Sunset Sarsaparilla deputy badge", it works as shuriken with low damage like 5 damage, but very fast like 100 DPS 2.Dinky the T-Rex souvenir craft it in fireplace into "sand-filled Dinky the T-Rex souvenir", it works like throwing weapons, no explosion, but because of it heavy it has medium damage of 25 with low 50 DPS, 3.Rocket souvenir craft it in workbench into "loosened Rocket souvenir", it works like throwing weapons, with the explosion of 1 damage (so the enemy will aware being attacked by the player), even if the damage is only 1, but it has radiation poison (because it contain Isotope-239 igniting agent) it no needs to retexture (but if somebody does, like sharping dulls edge in Sunset Sarsaparilla deputy badge, I will very appreciate it), I will very happy if they work in the first place even without the retexture, thanks for reading, have a nice day
  18. IntenseMute you always saving me, thanks alot, hi hi hi
  19. hi, i still learning english, sorry if wrong, i like to edit reward on "Why Can't We Be Friends?", i search it for 15 minutes and found nothing, where is the location of reward in geck? i like edit Powder Gangers fame X2 thanks for reading
  20. hi, I still learn English, so easy on me, I like to play without the companion this time, but I don't like ignore the quest, that what I need is just skip requirement/trust point to trigger the quest, so even before they meet you, you have their trust (point), so you just talk to them, as long the other condition is triggered, you will start the quest this is the detail: -arcade: have 5 trust point, -Boone: have 3 trust point, -Lily: have 4 trust point, -Raul: have 3 trust point, -Veronica: have 3 trust point, -rose: because she does not have trust point, I like to skip visiting her caravan's wreckage sites -ED-E: Senior Knight Lorenzo and April Martimer will contact you via ED-E immediately after you repair ED-E in Primm, thank for reading
  21. thanks for the reply, i think i will pass "fixing" my new vegas, this week is quite busy for me, even i giving very late reply to creator of this mod, i dont think i can give you periodically report about my geck in this time, sorry if i rude, thank for the attention
  22. Using the latest version of Geck Extender will give you popups and a log for compile warnings. after i using your link provide, i dont see any change in my geck, when i just edit 1000 to 100, save button seems do nothing, when i close the scrip windows, the message box appear "do you want to save current script?", i press yes, the script windows do not close, and like i said before: i think my new vegas has something error on it, thanks for your attention
  23. Typically you use a "quest script" or an "event handler" to start a script. There are some other "trigger" events (such as "dialog") that can as well, but the most likely for something like this is to make it into a "Perk" using a "perk entry point". Please see the 'Scripting' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article for some starting point tutorials and tips. -Dubious- i quite experience with skyrim or fallout 4 script mod, you just create new quest, at the script tab, insert your script, test/compile, add property, save the mod, done, but in this geck, for example, i like to edit this mod, by editing 1000 caps to 100, i dont know, the compile do not give warning if the script correct or not, you cant save the script, you cant save edited mod, i bookmark the link you provided, i hope i can learn from that
  24. very very sorry for very late reply, i quite busy these day, as i test again i donty know why error, my companion suddenly attacking me, crash every time i select weapon in pipboy after some maintenance and repair load order using "LOOT" it does work as you said, i dont know why, and for my previous statement about the caps is reduce but skill point do not increase, it 100% my fault, sorry for the inconvenience, you are the best, thank you very verry much
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