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About Stavetskaya

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    Fallout 4, Stardew Valley, RDR2 (RDO)

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  1. Hope you, guys, will figured all out! :thumbsup:
  2. Guys, thank you for your efforts! The image gallery is one of the important things here on the Nexus. I wish you the best of luck to deal with all the problems asap) Take care!
  3. The same issue here failed to find the culprit. It starts suddenly and... well, all I can do is use markfordelete and disable for now. Will try the method with uninstalling and install back F4SE) UPD Uninstalling F4SE and disabling all mods that were required it - with no luck. Problem is still here) UPD2 I'm downloading earliest in-game save and the problem is gone. In my case, there was a corrupted save I guess...
  4. Interesting discussion) I, for example, never had an X-box, I do not like it and I do not know what to do with it. The first PC I had appeared when I was 19 years old. And it was fully custom made))) Now I almost double age from that moment... I started playing PC games when I was 23 years old. The first game was Neverwinter Nights, then its second part, Baldur's Gate, Devine Divinity and so on. Fallout Game Series, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect ... Did not escape the slashers like the Devil May Cry. Parallel to this, I also played in "real" role-playing games, with costumes, building fortifications on polygons, writing stories and narrative lines and so on. All this was insanely interesting and wonderful and gave a tremendous impetus to the development of the Intellectual and spiritual. Then I started playing MMORPG, and it was no worse than solo games. My husband and I met in the World of Warcraft, I was a healer, and he was a tank in the static of the raid team. In this game, I started with Classic and finished in the Legion. I have a short time playing with my husband in the League of Legends. He came to Silver, and I did not even climb into ranked games, I was quite run around with bots and heard screams "Where do you go, noob!" I have no idea how serious it all is and whether to consider yourself a "serious gamer". At Fallout 4, I play intermittently from the moment the game is released. Do not get bored) A year ago I discovered for myself the possibilities and the world of modding. Six months ago, I started making mods myself. Some time ago I began to share them on the Nexus. Probably, this also means something))) In addition to all these "merits", I am also a wife and a mother, and I cooking well, also I can sew, knit, painting good portraits with pencils and Photoshop, write poetry and stories, I have several publications in literary almanacs and I'm a very talented person as a whole. Yes, I'm really proud myself)) Games to attract the attention of men? I've never even heard of such a strategy! Probably it deserves the right to exist, but I really can't understand why girls even want to do it)))
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