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Everything posted by TheCommonerPrince

  1. Hi, Just wanted to say I will be unable to VA for this project. Was working on an NPC quite a while back and had some well-mastered lines ready, but I was unhappy with the script I wrote, it was not good enough, and I had way too many RL responsibilities to rework it. Really sorry for any inconvenience caused, after all Dead Snow was not going to have voice acting in it originally so I hope the loss will be minimal. I have new personal priorities and will be unable to dedicate the necessary time to do a good job with this. Best of luck.
  2. Hi guys, TCP here, hope the holidays have gone well for you. Just wanted to say, I am resigning from The Dragonborn Legacy project as a voice actor, due to both changing personal priorities and apparent inactivity in this project. Best of luck to all! :)
  3. We've all been busy with our real lives. Some good progress was done a while back as regards creative writing and management discussions, a good framework was put in place, and we came up with detailed plans that if executed stand a reasonably good chance of delivering a high quality work to the community in a feasible manner. However, for months now it's been rather quiet, we've all had other priorities in RL and the project has been somewhat sidelined. Jibstaman also did some pretty big work on a wiki site for the Overhaul which can give all you guys a better idea of how this would end up taking shape http://skyrimmainquestoverhaul.wikia.com The biggest problem which the project is facing is that we are simply too few to do something this ambitious. We have a plan in place but we need more people to get involved semi-seriously. And those people should be willing to put in a little work in a steady manner. I was personally supposed to be spearheading a massive recruitment drive together with Hughes a few months back, but had a lot of drama come up in my life, and between one thing and another had to leave it aside at the time. First things first, and sadly we don't get paid for the work we do. :) Also, I have lost the interest I once had in volunteer voice acting. I have new priorities for my free time, and I'll be resigning from a bunch of related projects in an orderly manner soon within the Nexus and beyond. :) However, if the team is still around and we manage to get back on our feet, I think I will remain a part of the Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul in my capacities as VA director, VA, web developer and project management assistant, if the guys think they can still use me on board. I am still somewhat interested in how this project can turn out. So anyways, to answer the questions: the project is more asleep than it is dead. Without community interest that translates to tangible assistance, though, and therefore motivates those already present to keep hammering away at this gigantic task, I wouldn't expect results anytime soon. So for those that seem to care: if you, or someone you know can write, draw, do 3D models, voice act, are handy with CK scripting, can help get the word out, or have any other sort of talent which you think could be valuable to this, then make your voice heard to either me or Hughes without hesitation. We don't need seasoned pros, we don't need perfection, we need guys (and girls) who half-know what they are doing and are willing to put in a little spare time consistently to see this done, in the progress sharpening their skills, gaining portfolio experience and having some real fun. In the long-run, it could well make the difference between a quietly abandoned project, and one of the biggest and baddest mods for Skyrim ever. :)
  4. Main problem I see so far with my recordings is volume maximization. Levels come fine for speakers and such but not for headphones, can potentially be too low if blended with high-volume music. It's more than enough for fan projects really, but I want to gradually bring my work to professional pristine quality regardless of the nature of the particular project I am involved in. Gotta up my audio editing game to overcome the limitations of my hardware. ;)
  5. @ Neo, thanks :) Sounds good Budz, nice to see we are moving forward as regards the voice acting. When do you think you will want to get started on recording the dialogue for Lucius? And I'll get you the Dragon voice with no reverb so you can play around with it yourself.
  6. New samples posted in the sourceforge forum. 3 new vareities for Lucius Aventum, the original audition for this character without reverb/echo, and a short sample for the Dragon Dwiinfenak with more "grumble" as suggested. Should these samples prove unsuitable, I really need to know more about this Lucius character to be able to envision what's the best way forward creatively. :)
  7. I'm contemplating a new means of hosting, but all the work for streaming form the specified "Kerrark's Streaming" section of my profile... but if there's still an issue in the folder, then UGH. I just had Tech Support looking into, and fix (far as I saw and tested) the problem in the actual folders. Bleugh... Technology. Yes, that's my headshot ^^ If you're still having trouble, you can also download the files directly from the minus site. They're small but I understand the hassle that presents, to constantly be downloading / deleting them :-/ If the problems persist, I'll have to change the host. Any suggestions on where? The problem is that not even the download option worked for me :P Not really sure the best place to go, SoundCloud is a candidate but not totally suited to this kind of stuff. Obviously a simple file sharing site would get it done as well, if somewhat rudimentarily. I mean personally, if I decided to make an archive like that at some point, I possess the skills to set it up myself in my site pretty quickly, so I haven't really thought about how I would go about it otherwise. :P I'm sure a websearch should give you some ideas, either way folks defo need to be able to hear ya :D Oh aight, you remind me of someone I used to know.
  8. lol get a better means of hosting brotha, none of those links are working properly :P And is that you in the photograph btw? Edit: Worked for a minute there, then stopped again.
  9. Two things to mention 1. I now have Skyrim, so theoretically might be able to help out in more areas as regards modding. My priority here unmistakeably remains voice acting though. :P 2. At those who I am collaborating with presently: I released a short video which you should watch if you wanna know a little more about the eccentric wierdo who you are working with. :D http://youtu.be/zQvOvkFyzPo
  10. LOL, that made my day!!! :laugh: No worries Budz, I'll get you some samples along those lines shortly. :thumbsup: Also, what's the way forward with Lucius Aventum - am I going to voice this character or is someone else on it? Gonna send in some better auditions either way as the previous one was not all that good.
  11. Applied to help out with the writing before I went off the map, offer still stands if it will help you guys scoot things along. :)
  12. Hey neo, been a while :D Well, as I understand it several dragons need voicing, so can probably do a number of styles. Could you describe what your vision was in more detail, then I'll see what I can do about it. ;) I dunno much on how to describe it really. As I said, your version is good as it portrays the sense of power and wisdom in the voice. And yes it's been a while. :D Ok well, let me know if you have new ideas whenever. :)
  13. Hey neo, been a while :D Well, as I understand it several dragons need voicing, so can probably do a number of styles. Could you describe what your vision was in more detail, then I'll see what I can do about it. ;) Also want to bring up the reverb issue - as you can see, a certain amount of reverb seems to enhance the dialogue in this case, despite to my knowledge the vanilla dragon lines not having it... you guys want to keep it?
  14. Budz, not sure if its a problem with SF or a recent alteration of permissions, but I can't seem to post topics or reply to them at the project forum. So I'll just post here until I get word to the contrary Got some initial materials for the Dragons, hope to sculpt it gradually into something as fit for purpose as possible. You can listen to it here
  15. I'm here Budz. Been an unpleasant few weeks to say the least, down with what apparently is a case of industrial poisoning. Whole bunch of projects on hold because of it :/. Still trying to get to the bottom of the problem. No matter, I'm back now. About this Lucius character: I am not at all pleased with my audition for that guy, which was done under less than optimal personal circumstances, and believe I can do a better job. I would like some info about his physical description if possible, and anything else I can use to get into character. I will then supply you with a few alternatives to choose from, as is the proper way to go about such things. Anyway, in other words I am ready for what you might have in mind. About Renjad and Lingar: After some deliberation and experimentation, I feel as though my old man voices might not cut it for these characters in unmodified form, in which case you might need to look for additional talent for these roles. I am currently looking into working some audio editing magic to improve results, but cannot yet reply with conclusions. About the dragons: I will be posting some sample materials tonight in the SF forum, and see if I can get back into the loop of things with Neo Hikato if he is around. Finally, I am pleased to say I invested in a copy of Skyrim due to my growing modding commitments around here, so theoretically, I might be able to help out with other aspects of production if necessary at some point. My main purpose in this community however, unequivocably remains voice acting and related disciplines. Still, felt you should know.
  16. Funnily enough Budz, I never use Facebook either for probably similar reasons to you. :D Thanks for the heads-up, I will look into this guy soon, using alternative avenues of communication if at all possible. I've been away for some time, but I'm obviously back and will contact you regarding other matters which involve the both of us in short order. Thanks again.
  17. Welcome to The Nexus! You have a cool profile there. The Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul Project is currently recruiting voice actors. We are an ambitious team with an ambitious goal. You can read more, and find some audition materials, here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/688582-calling-all-voice-actors-skyrim-main-quest-overhaul Hope to hear from you! TCP
  18. Welcome to The Nexus! :) The Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul Project is currently recruiting voice actors. Please have a look here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/688582-calling-all-voice-actors-skyrim-main-quest-overhaul/ Hope to hear from you soon! TCP
  19. Half-Goat Studios presents... Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul Project Leader: B.E Hughes Casting Director: The Commoner Prince Half-Goat Studios Website: www.thecommonerprince.org "The Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul is a mod project dedicated to improving the dramatic pacing, character development, and dialogue of Skyrim’s central questline to create a more immersive and interactive experience. The Elder Scrolls games have always been known for their vast, immersive worlds, open-ended gameplay, and gripping storylines. Skyrim’s central plot, while fun and engaging, feels short, underdeveloped, and overly linear in the context of this huge and epic franchise. It unfolds with manic urgency, thrusting the player into the dragon crisis without giving any opportunity to explore and engage Bethesda’s massive, beautifully constructed world. This mod aims to expand the main quest with more dialogue, more choices, and diverging storylines, as well as all-new quests, characters, and challenges. With the Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul, your journey from ill-fated prisoner to hero of prophecy will no longer be a meteoric rise to godhood, but rather a hard-fought battle filled with choices, consequences, victories, and defeats. You will encounter compelling, multidimensional characters, both friend and foe, who will guide you to glory or test your mettle. Go boldly towards your destiny or deny it outright; the choice is yours. Should you accept your fate, you will learn the true meaning of Dovahkiin." - B.E Hughes Main thread here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/650543-skyrim-main-quest-overhaul-wip/ . Just posting this so that potential voice talent can easily get to the info that is relevant to them. As the extract from the project leader states, Half-Goat Studios aims to improve upon the main questline, and address what we percieve are issues with the narrative, character development, and pacing, among other things. We are putting together a team of writers, scripters, designers and voice actors. A team that, if successful, may be remembered as one of the greatest of our time. Do you want to be part of one of the biggest modding efforts for one of the biggest commercial role playing games out there? Do you want a role in such a project on your VA resume? Then read on. I am recruiting some voice talent to our cause. The Project will need a pretty large number of voice actors. The sooner you sign up, the more your creative contributions will probably be felt in the final result. Voice Acting and Auditions We broadly need two types of voice acting. You as an actor/actress, can be part of both groups at once... if you have the versatility. Firstly, we need talent that will be voicing already existing characters present in the unmodified game. This group is pretty much crucial to the mod. For the original (or "vanilla") roles, I was initally looking for people who could match the existing voices as closely as possible. This still remains a bonus if you are capable of doing it, but is no longer mandatory. We will be approaching the voicing of certain original characters with the intention of breathing new life into them, so you will get your chance to be creative as well. I now want people who can match the general feel and voice type of the original character, but a certain level of divergence in voice type is tolerable as long as it still remains in keeping with the style of the original. Your voice acting needs to be pretty good though, as it's likely that if you are casted for a role, we will actually replace the entire dialogue for that character in the game, with yours. Unless of course, you are one of the few who can mimic the original voices very closely. Less work for you then! :P So you will also need a certain level of commitment to the project. I think it will be pretty much worth your while though; if this mod is a success, the contributions of the VA team are going to be immortalized in the memory of the community, and probably beyond. The initial characters that require voicing are below. Roles open: Jarl Balgruuf Lord of Whiterun Original voice: Audition Lines : "Well done. You sought me out, on your own initiative. You've done Whiterun a service. And I won't forget it." "Here, take this, as a small token of my esteem". "There is... another thing you could do for me. Suitable for someone of your particular talents, perhaps..." --- Farengar Court Wizard of Whiterun Original Voice: Audition Lines: "So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me. Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into dragons." "Go to Bleak Falls Barrow. Find this tablet - no doubt interred in the main chamber- and bring it to me. Simplicity itself." --- Proventus Original Voice: "Ahh... this must be the weapon for the Jarl. Poor girl, so eager to prove herself. I'll present it to Balgruuf when his mood is more... agreeable." "Thank you. Please, take these few coins, for... services rendered" --- The Courier Original Voice: (and no, he doesn't normally appear naked in the game :P) Audition Lines: "I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver." "It's from... Falk Firebeard at the Blue Palace? Humph, you've got friends in high places..." "Looks like that's it. Got to go". In the second place, we require talent for fully original characters. There are some original characters in the works, but it will be a while before roles for these become available. Please use a decent microphone, and record with as little background noise as possible. Also, leave spaces of silence before and after the recordings where there is no sound at all produced (not even movement) so that they can be cleaned up as necessary. You can send any auditions to [email protected] If you are casted for a role, you should sign up to our forum at www.thecommonerprince.org as soon as possible. You will be added to the VA Team and gain access to the production areas of the site. It's a good idea to sign up & visit the site regardless, to keep up with the latest developments, for example new roles that may become available. We look forward to working with you, with a view towards making this project an unforgettable experience. You want to make history? Stand with us. Feel free to PM any questions or concerns you may have.
  20. Back too, been working my backside off so apologies for the delays on the voice acting side of things. Uploaded some rough voice samples for an important character, just preliminary stuff. Will be recording and issuing some other materials in short order.
  21. Free forum providers will be unnecessary, due to me being a trained and reasonably competent web developer. :) I will be hosting the project as an extra token of support until alternative arrangements are made. A production site has now gone live at http://www.thecommonerprince.org The site includes a feature-rich project management tool where team members can collaborate with maximum efficiency. The site also has a fully fledged forum installed. Anyone who wants to join the team can now also quickly apply via this form http://www.thecommonerprince.org/index.php/join-the-team
  22. Hello there! Good to see a fellow voice actor joining the fray :thumbsup: The Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul Project is currently recruiting voice actors. While we will need talent for original characters further down the road, what we are in need of the most is voice actors willing to attempt imitations of the vanilla characters in the game. You can read the roles we are auditioning for so far,here: Our main thread here Don't be put off by the percieved difficulty. This mod has the potential to be a real winner, if only everyone involved puts in the work required. If you can manage a decent, good, or brilliant imitation of the roles described, then we want to hear from you as soon as possible. I'm the casting director for the project, so feel free to PM me any questions or concerns you may have. Aside from that, good luck in your endeavours!
  23. - Dremora voice style edited. - Dremora companion recruitment quest script completed and sent in for review. Voicing to commence after green-light given. :thumbsup:
  24. Preliminary Voice Acting test run for Galmar Stone-Fist Listen to track here Work remains to be done as regards breathing control, power, and achieving the right timbre, particularly for extended conversations. Will most likely be issuing an improved version addressing these issues. Still, it's a good start. This track is kind of a proof-of-concept of what we'd be looking for in characters. :) So if you think you can come up with a decent, good, or brilliant imitation for one of the characters we are casting for, don't hesitate to contact me. It does not have to be perfect, just good enough to mantain suspension of disbelief convincingly. If you feel there are issues which need to be worked over to improve your lines, then send them in and we might be able to work through it together. That's what I'm here for. Other characters should be easier to emulate than Galmar. Remember... if this mod is a success, your contributions are likely to be immortalized in the memory of the community along with those of the original voice actors. How killer would a successful imitation of a Skyrim main questline voice look in a VA resume, when this mod hits the thousands of downloads? I'd say its worth a try at least. With that in mind, throw your lot in and join the project! If you don't get it right, keep trying until you get close then send in your work for review. At least that's what I try to do! :D
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