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Everything posted by GaryFishFX

  1. Thank you both for the replies. I got to the bottom of this. It seems that the culprit was not the RTPlayerHouseDeck, but RTMjollDeck01 and 02. The RTCanalsStairs01 only have the issue at the very top step so I won't be using either. @lennykrapitz, thank for the link. it's ok for the top deck but I'd rather not have to use it on the steps. I added the link to my favorites. I can use that for a trigger. :)
  2. I'm working on a player home and I added a deck. I can't walk on it as I always fall through it. I can post pics, and I've included one, but has anyone had this problem? The 2 pieces are RTPlayerHouseDeck and the RTCanalsStairs01. This way you can load these and try them. It's a weird feeling to run to the top of your newly created deck and drift down to the lower level. I can omit these 2 pieces but if there's a fix, or someone else has an answer, I'd rather do it correctly. Thanks for any and all help.
  3. Hi Marova The tutorial does say he copied the scripts from a weapon rack. Thank you for the link, I'm interested in the same type of thing and I will do the tutorial and see if I can get it to work. If something works for me then I will certainly share it. I will not however, have any time to work on it this evening.
  4. It seems like amazing followers tweaks does this I just didn't dig far enough. And I love my home is your home! kudos to you. Thanks for the replies.
  5. when I want to cross a river or move past a dangerous place, I just tell them to stay. Then after I'm on the other side I pull up the console, use prid with their number, then move to player. I'm currently using amazing follower tweaks and I have 3 followers and it's getting a little bit difficult to remember all three of the tags so what I thought I would do was create a quick mod with all three or four of their IDs and it would cycle through and move all them to me. am I making this too difficult? Is there a mod that currently does this?
  6. Hello to all my old and new friends. I recently came back to Skyrim after a few years and it's a cool as I remember it. I found a nice mod called Fabulous Followers, My Home Is Your Home, Dine with Followers, and Amazing Follower Tweaks which lets me have five followers. I've been looking for a mod that lets me purchase a room for my followers at the inn when I get to sleep there. I don't think it's realistic or fair that I get to sleep in a warm bed and they hang around the inn all night, or (before Amazing Follower Tweaks), stand and watch me sleep. I was going to add this to my mod's list and play a bit with creating it if anyone was interested. Any ideas are always welcome. Gary
  7. This I seem to remember was a stand alone. I'll look on Steam later.
  8. I remember seeing a bag of holding chest mod somewhere and now I can't find it. It allowed you to save an item with a spell and transport the item back to a chest in one of your houses. Anyone remember this? I was going to recreate it but I'd rather d/l it.
  9. oooooo that gives me a terrible idea for the quest I'm setting up. *evil grin*
  10. AI in general is pretty bad. Me too! Every time I go in there I steal all their clothes and watch them walk back and forth naked. And the Thalmor patrols transporting a prisoner? I always free him and kill the rest. And always dump their bodies off the road where they can't be seen. I have no idea why, it's just tidy that way. I always kill the lady bandits last if I can't get them to stop with a Calm spell. I was surprised as to how may people change their uniforms and take off their head gear when entering a tavern. If I'm going to loot someplace I always change into my dark guild clothing then change back to my dragon skin when I get outside. Like they'll not know it's me, huh? :P And I also place the dead people in various positions (some not so nice), but I figure in death they can have their peace. I also kept Fjola's wedding band. And I collect Skulls and cheese. I own enough cheese to feed all of Skyrim. And lastly, I WISH sooo much I could give that guard a belly full of mead or a dragonskin outfit like mine.
  11. Yes I can do some voice work, and whatever else you may need. I'm working on trying to get the CK to build for Hearthfires again. It's broken somehow with an update.
  12. How do you know if Hearthfires is working? Not much sleep, sorry.
  13. I saw this and figured I'd like to get involved if I could. Sorry I've been away for a while. We moved South, lol, and it took a while. Anyway, I was a faily good scripter and figured out how to make recipes and some mean weapons. I'm also the creator of the Lights Heljarchen Hall, Lakeview manor, and Winstad manor mods. I also write scripts, and can do some voiceovers. Which is partly also why I haven't been around. The last time I played the quest engine was broken.(Oct. of last year). OMG, it has been a long time. Real life set in bigtime. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. The reason I got into Skyrim in the first place was to use the Construction Kit. Then I fell in love with the game.
  14. Where did you find her? I've been searching every npc in the kit.
  15. @daventry, #15, have you tried SKYUI? It's awesome and coupled with Categorized Favorites Menu. They will give you a lot more info on your inventory. #19 would be quite useful, also #26 too. I always feel bad my follower needs to run alongside, but there's a mod out there for this called UFO. #25: There may be a cave nearby with another giant in it, or he may be out walking his mammoths. #26 is HUGE! This should have been placed in the vanilla game. #47 has a mod for the Jarl called Skald Bounty Fix, but existing entries stay. I'm looking to hack my files but can't figure out where. As for the bedroll, I use Craftable and Placeable Havok-enabled Bedrolls. It works and I don't need the extra stuff. (I'm like rust, I hardly ever sleep because night time is good hunting time). I also found Advanced Detect Life 3_0, which lets you see monsters in the dark - a killer mod. And yes, please add in the code to hide these. I've been thru most of them but others have not. :tongue:
  16. Thank you. :biggrin: I've since learned to upload to both Steam and Nexus.
  17. Thanks! Worked perfectly. If I update the box that says Latest Version, is that what NMM uses to alert the user that a new version is present?
  18. Thank you. I was wondering this too, as I've not seen this file type before. Yesterday I uploaded my first mod to Steam and the file showed up in my data folder, so you are correct. Steam must have created the file, or the CK created it for Steam. I've deleted it and it has no ill effects, I can still edit my mod.
  19. Thanks for the help. The only thing I had trouble with is Tag this file. It tells me No ID was supplied for this action. Weird. Windstad Manor Lights by GaryFishFX
  20. YEAH! I keep wanting to give her the money. I have plenty of it. And Give the stinking guards their belly full of mead.
  21. I agree. A head shot should be an instant kill. Insert UT reference here :laugh:
  22. This should be covered all over the place but I can't seem to find it. In my Skyrim data folder is my esp file I created with the CK. I was careful not to change anything but what I intended the MOD to have. It works, but I have no idea how to get it up on Nexus. How do I get it compatible with NMM? Or even Steam. I'm on Steam now, reading the docs. I haven't found any links here tho. Can someone please help?
  23. I know this was probability asked before but is there an extensive guide to creating mods? I don't mean how to create but how to clean, package and upload a mod. The steam community has a one button (it seems) solution but what about NMM? I found info on tesvsnip, then I found more on why not to use it: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/1799-skyrim-handling-compressed-records-do-not-use-tesvsnip/ Any and all help would be great. I'm reading Headbomb's guide on How to Make a Successful Mod
  24. nisafei, did you ever find this? I'm having the same trouble and I don't see anything.
  25. I'm the only one with this problem? :(
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