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Everything posted by jroin

  1. Well.., if you can't figure-out how to do something just post it, there are a lot of modelers that are willing to give tips and hints on how to do stuff. Ahhh.., Blind Guardian???.., they're not bad but Ayreon Rules. :whistling: :P
  2. I'm glad you like it.., Now the only thing we can do is wait and hope.., BTW.., I could do the eye textures..., I think. what coulor eyes do they have annyway..., and do they glow or not?
  3. Well.., it doesn't look annything like that pic. of Elric. but here it is..., I think it depicts the desriction that was given in the top quote.: "They are beautiful indeed. They are slim and graceful. They have triangular faces and high cheek-bones. They have pointed ears without earlobes. They have huge slanted eyes and exquisitely chiseled features." A triangular face means to me, a narrow jaw and, in comparaison, a wide cranium. The rest of the sketch is that of a race I once did for a commic I was doing. (they were a bit more cat like.., with heary plumes on the tip of theyr ears.) So I hope it pleases you and might Inspire someone to help you further. and that sword.., I like it.., (in a wicked kind of way :devil: ) cheers mate. - J'roín Neoré -
  4. jroin


    A poem for thee, my silver tongued wench, For a thirst in me thou does quench. Those peasants gaze at thee with admiration, Though for me thou art a muse of inspiration. Their compliments thou should not seek, For see how uninspired they all speak. All uninspired, all but one, Myrmaad, a poem she had done. short, simple and bound, Myrmaad's is the onlyone found. Now I shall cease this ranting and slander, For thou shall have my attention with no banter. Thou with silken lips and silver tongue, In thine name songs shall be sung. Here thou gets quite some renown, To other lass's dispare, Let thine name be well-known, And the winds shall whisper... ....DEZDIMONA.... :wink: J'Roín
  5. Well.., Things never become as good as in your minds eye.., I have done a quick sketsh of wat I'd guess the race would look like after reading through you explenation..., (I guess I missread, and thus misstuck, the Psyco for Physio)..., If you want I can up-load the drawing.., just remember that it'll just be another artistick interpertation of the race as would the race mod be IF it gets made. Though.., If you really want to play as a melnibone I'll sugjest you make a "mok-up" race in the CS, If you then find someone that CAN make mashes (models) for the ears and perhaps a costume skin texture you can apply that to your allready made race. I would stick with Dunmers (cous I think they have the most triangular face shape) with Imperial skin and Bosmer ears.
  6. Well.., Still then at least give a more detailed discription of them. In a quick search I read something that they look fysiological like Cats or catlike so they're Khajiit???
  7. Uhhh.., are you talking bout those guys from the books of Michael Moorcock??? I never heard of this though (and I guess all lot of others with me). Perhaps you should include some piktures or other art work.
  8. Well I did see a polymorph bat spell somewhere.., perhaps if you ask the author of that mod REALLY NICELY..., http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19305
  9. Offing bad people ?? you mean like "The Crow" (TV series)?? Only difference is that the crow can't change in to an actual crow. He is able to see through its eyes though.
  10. Well.., the tail still showes 'couse the skeleton "clothes" probbably do not supress the tail slot.., about the crashes you experiens I don't have a clue.., the tail thing can be fixed in the CS by adding the tail slot to the used slots.... I think.
  11. I know that, Magus. But there is (atleast) one that makes you LOOK like a SKELLY dressed in thetered robes. I just can't remember how it's called :sweat: I think it's a part of M.O.E. (not 100% sure, though) :confused:
  12. Ya.., exactly..., A Lich :yes: Do you think I should cainge the "Yes.., I'm still Dutch" back to "No..., I'm still not English"??
  13. There are severall mod's that will let you become a Leath. (did I wright that right?) :confused: Search is your friend, you don't have to be afraight of it. :P
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