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Everything posted by JDTonts

  1. Those ears are so adorably floofy =3
  2. Have a cat song. Warning, a little sweary: Stupid Cat
  3. Not sure about a model agency, but it seems everyone is running around as an underage school girl with oversized... parts etc etc lol. Maybe I'm missing something here but these people seem to playing a different Skyrim to me! :happy: I use mods to improve the vanilla hair styles, eyebrows, eyes, teeth and skin of both my character and NPCs. Its still true to the original but does vastly improve their appearances. I don't feel they are "models", but they are much nicer to look at on a bigger screen. Being able to see an NPC look at you when they talk and actually distinguish their features as opposed to a blurry character is most enjoyable. Well that i can agree i use too some improved hair mods and eye (Skyrim vanilla vanilla eyes are kinda lame) and that mod i linked is just perfect to make skyrims actors look a lot better! I tried out WICO, and I enjoyed it. The MNFP is the mod I'm currently trying out, and I liked the redesigns, hence my own recommendation for it. I also recommended skin textures that I found, looked the best. I've tried a lot of skin textures, like mature skin, better females, coverwoman and real woman of skyrim. And Women of Skyrim + Ethereal Elven have been my personal favourites, I enjoy the smoother textures they provide. Especially when compared to vanilla. The Khajiit seem to have the fewest texture mods sadly, which is a shame. Cause I'm always looking for mods that can improve the beast races too. There's nothing more jarring than having lovely humans and mer, running around, and the khajiit and argonians are stuck with less impressive textures. T_T. I'm not looking for models with perfect bodies either, I use the racial body morphs mod, which provides a nice variety of body types, for all the races.
  4. I have to say, I'm impressed with the amount of progress you've managed in just a few short days. Hopefully your endeavours payoff, and if you ever do decide to do a skin texture for Skyrim's Cathay Khajiit, I'd be the first person to download and endorse it XD. But yeah, You're doing well, keep at it, I'm looking forward to seeing where this project goes =)
  5. Okay so I'll recommend some mods, that have massively improved my own immersion. I'm still working on the load order, since I'm trying to solve a neck seam issue with the male and Argonian character models. Immersion Essentials Massive NPC Facelift Project [MNFP] - The best NPC overhaul mod, I've come across. I would highly recommend this mod, especially if you want to have a more visually pleasing Skyrim. Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - Recommended with MNFP. Obviously you select the Non-Nude files, if you don't want them. Women of Skyrim - One of the best female skin texture mods. I'd really recommend this one, along with the Ethereal Elven Overhaul. So consider them both must-haves. Argonians Enhanced - Improved Argonian Textures Dragonic Argonians: Male & Female - Gives Argonians a more Draconic look CoverKhajiit's - Textures for more awesome looking Khajiit Imperious Races - You ever feel like whatever race you're playing, is basically the same? Well no more, Imperious Races offers notable differences, and even a unique quest for each race. Immersive Children - Make kids more immersive, and act like actual people. Also you can kill the kids too, if you want. RS Children Overhaul - The best child appearance overhaul, I've used. That didn't conflict with other mods, in my load order. Amidian Book of Silence - Some of the best Texture mods around. In particular, the armour mods. Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - This hair with the Less saturated textures. Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Another essential, that neatens up a lot of vanilla outfits. Daedric Reaper Armor - Looks good on both men and women. Bandolier - Bags & Pouches and Cloaks of Skyrim & Wearable Lanterns - Three mods that I think are essential, especially in giving your outfits more flair. Rigmor of Bruma - Quest and Follower, a well made adventure Inigo - If you don't know about Inigo by now, then you've been missing out on the best Companion mod ever. I'd say he's essential, as he's improved every play through, I've had with him. Jarek - If a blue Khajiit wasn't awesome enough for you, then Jarek the skeletal necromancer, might be right up your alley. He's fairly powerful though, which fits his background. Disable his explosive fireballs, if you intend on taking along additional followers/companion. As he'll unintentionally, cause them to turn hostile and attack him. Companion Valfar - The best Stormcloak themed companion, you will ever find. Hoth - Another brilliant follower, who fits in nicely. Thieves Guild Armor HD revival & Tembtra Thief Armor are two excellent sets of Thief armour, I would be happy to recommend. The Thieves Guild HD I recommend if you're going with Amidian armour mods, as that one, wasn't improved. Elemental Destruction Magic - Become a true master of elemental destruction. Adding in additional spells, that fit in perfectly with the game. Dragon's Shout - An essential for immersion. There's nothing as immersion breaking, as a Dragon roaring, rather than shouting. Audio Overhaul 2 - Makes Skyrim sound WAY better First Person Magic Animations - It makes a world of difference. Zim's Immersive Artifacts - Were you disappointed by the unique Daedric Artefacts? Were you annoyed that the unique weapons of the holds, were generic gear? Well this mod fixes that. Improved stats, unique appearances and better value overall. Now you'll look and feel like you're wielding rare and dangerous gear. True Elk of Skyrim - This mod isn't online anymore, but I did find a link for it, here on the forums. It makes Elk actually look like Elk. Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul - For more immersive Werebeasts Ordinator - An improved Perk system. There's patches for other mods, like the previously mentioned Elemental Destruction Magic Consistent Older People - I haven't tried this one yet. But it looks like it might be that one mod I've been looking for, that stops the elderly characters, looking like the younger ones. Pretty Potions - Like the name suggests, the potions look prettier. Enhanced Trees - Better looking trees. Though the branches sway less, but it shouldn't be too noticeable. Chak Chak -Riekling Princess - Fun/Interesting Follower Mod S'In the Mane - Another interesting follower, by the same creator as Chak Chak. A lion-maned Khajiit. Less Immersive, but worth trying Mods Raeza - Did you ever want a pint-sized Dunmer kid, to murder your enemies? No? Well now you can. Ihlenda Reconstructed Classic - A really impressive looking Dwemer construct. Fairly unique follower worth grabbing Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword - Do you like Bloodborne or Dark Souls? Well now you can use the iconic Moonlight swords, from the different games. Immersive Wenches - Adds additional NPC's, that provide you with rumours. They work in Taverns, Travel the Roads and Sell you stuff. They don't come with the bodies shown on mod page, you'd have to customise that yourself, and edit all the ladies in-game. =( Deadly Wenches - Don't feel like your enemies are varied enough? Deadly Wenches is one I've found surprisingly fun. Adds Wenches with unique abilities to the levelled lists. Again, same bodies as Vanilla unless you modify the bodies yourself. Buxom Wench Yurianna - An Adult Follower, with a customised appearance and body. I only recommend this one, since the character is actually a good tank and you can do a quest-line to recruit more Wench followers.
  6. So from what I understand this is a project to make Fluffy Khajiit, only the Khajiit isn't a retexture/skin texture. It's a outfit/suit your character wears yeah? I'd just love to see this as a skin retexture someday, since the images I've seen, are absolutely stunning.
  7. There used to be a Dragon Age 2 Armour mod, The Champion of Kirkwall Mage's set I believe. I've seen screenshots of it, but the file is gone. I think they were just ripped, from Dragon Age 2, or were illegal in some way? So I'm just wondering if there's legitimate, DA2 armour sets online? Preferably one of the Champion of Kirkwall sets. My own searches haven't turned up much sadly, besides some older armour mods of the Blood Dragon and Morrigan's. And I'm not too interested in the weapons, except Hawke's signature blade staff or Varric's Crossbow.
  8. Apologies if a forum thread like this, already exists. I couldn't find one myself. This isn't about adding new quests to Skyrim, as much as I love, doing additional stuff. I think we can all agree, that a few of these quests, needed more polishing and changes. As a player, I hate feeling railroaded, and I think we can agree, that we feel forced into doing quests. There isn't enough variety in quest, completion methods, and these mods aim to improve or fix these quests. Here's a list of the ones, I currently know of. Blood on the Ice Redux - Want to start the investigation sooner, and prevent the murder of Susanna the Wicked? Well now you can Thieves Guild Alternate Routes - Improves Thieves Guild quests, Streamlines the Radiant Quests, in other cities. Be more like Robin Hood, than a thuggish thief. And even defy Maven Blackbriar. Convenient Thieves Guild Entrance - Hate having to go through the Cistern or Ratway, every time, you need to speak to Vex or Delvin? Well this streamlines the process. Not a quest fix, but still makes those quests, more convenient and faster to do. No to Nocturnal - Don't feel like swearing fealty to Nocturnal and being a Nightingale, just to defeat Mercer Frey? Yeah me neither, now you can beat him, without taking the oath. The Paarthurnax Dilemma and Ultimatum - Hate being unable to do The Blades quests, and don't want to kill Paarthurnax? These mods, are for you. I believe they're both compatible with each other Better Mages Guild - Improves quite a few quests, from the College of Winterhold questline. Mehrunes Quest, for good guys - You don't need to kill Silas, to get the Razor. Taste of Death: Namira Alternative - Want Namira's Ring, without resorting to cannibalism? Here you are Boethiah for Good Guys - Instead of sacrificing one of your precious, snowflake followers, you can use one of Boethiah's followers. He should be honoured, right? Improved Bonemold formula: No Thieves Guild requirement - You can do this quest, without being in the Guild Stones of Barenziah: Quest Markers - Tired of having to look up guides, to track down these pain in the ass collectables? Well no more, now there are actual markers. Here are a few quest fix mods, I'd like to suggest. Please also suggest your own quest fix ideas. Maybe someone will pick them up ;). The Heart of Dibella - The trigger to start this quest, requires you to break into Dibella's Sanctuary. I'd like a fix, for that. Like maybe you're compelled by Dibella, or something. And maybe some dialogue changes to begin the quest. Coated in Blood - Small change here, I'd like there to be a specific Daedra to kill and acquire the heart for Moth gro-Bagol. Like maybe he gives you a note, similar to a bounty for a bandit/dragon? Lights Out! - Simply a way to turn down the quest or to turn him and his sister, in to the authorities. Maybe arrange a sting, so the Blackblood Marauders get wiped out, and the sailors saved?
  9. Thanks Moksha8088, M'Rissi's Tails of Troubles is definitely gonna be in my modded playthroughs of skyrim =3.
  10. I currently haven't been able to try many mods, but I have watched a lot of footage and LP's that've gotten me pumped to play modded Skyrim. Especially after I slogged through an increasingly unstable, PS3 playthrough, for the platinum trophy. So I'll be listing the Mods I'm looking forward to playing the most. The Forgotten City- This mod looks great, it seems kinda small, but it also has a good deal of replay value. Vigilant - This mod looks to be a nicely implemented use of the Vigilants in Skyrim. Plus it's quite an extensive quest, from what I know. Legacy of the Dragonborn - The ultimate collectathon mod, with so much content and integrated mod content, and a place to store, almost every little thing, I'll pick up, on my travels. Falskaar - More quest, more land, more hours of fun Undeath - This looks like a great questline and a nice gameplay change, letting you be a lich, I believe Vilja - Awesome Follower Inigo - I need this follower, along with Vilja ASAP Other mods I'm really interested in. Jarek the Necromancer - Still a WIP, but this skeletal dood, seems to be shaping up into something special. With his own questline in future patches Arissa - The Wandering Rogue, looks like a nice follower to have Rigmor of Bruma - Looks like a great quest mod Cloaks - Really weird there weren't many cloaks, besides specific armour sets Darkend - I like Dark Souls, I like Skyrim, combining the two? Pure genius Sylvanas-a standalone follower - I'm a fan of the Warcraft universe, fun to have SYlvanas as a follower M'rissi's Tails of Troubles - Seems like an interesting quest, with a cute catgirl WSCO - Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul - Like it says, an overhaul of NPC's in the game, better appearance etc. Arachnaphobia - Over on LoversLab, by Kazyn. This mod adds more of a threat, from the giant frostbite spiders. Allowing them to potentially capture and cocoon you, if they defeat you. Similar to being captured by Forsworn or town guard, in the Death alternative mods. Plus it seems like a good immersive mod, since you do see webbed up victims and prey, all the time. *Shrugs* Plus the mod does not involve any weird/uncomfortable spider sex XD
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