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About SirTexasSir

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    United States
  1. The game is realy lacking on the male part for faces/heads. Humans atleast have some decent ones you can get. I pretty much never play elven males cause I hate there heads. When I get home I'll check my desktop, there is anouther pack out there that gave some more options than what has been posted, atleast for the males side. I don't have it on this work laptop and can't find it on the vault.
  2. I admit it would be nice to see a male werewolf or a few other forms. Could make a good Ravenloft mod. Just something about the option to shift forms to be a true druid shifter than some few animals forms. I know there is a feral druid PrC being worked on.
  3. I realy like the Warlock and Darkcrystal armor. Strip them of there abilities and have used them for my chars several times or added diffrent powers. Would love to see more of this type of work. Mainly the cloth armor like the Darkcrystal so I can make modifications. I'm so sick of my wizards wearing robes all the dang time....it's like target me I'm a wizard....
  4. I would set it adult with the explanation of why cause of folks like this. I remember Kamal posting about complaints on his PoE.....hello folks it's an evil mod...duh. I actualy thought it was very toned down for something evil. Would love to see a totaly evil short mod some day. This brings me back to the day's of playing AD&D TT. We where doing a Ravonloft campiagne one weekend and at my friend Johns house. HIs mom is a good chirsistanly type and would highly frown upon rape, killing, cussing and such.... My friend Wes was running the game. You ever turned something NC-17 into G rate and still get your point across cause some one's mom was in the room playing Nintendo? LOL His mom had no clue what half the code words used. Than once she left we went back to the NC-17 content.... Lets just put it this way half the party was killed off the first night in many diffrent ways, was a realy good serial killer who did it type of game that weekend. So yah put the warning there for those that get offended by cussing, nudity, sexs, drugs, and rock n roll. Don't worry it won't offend me...
  5. I like Vardo's char creater cause it has a section to allow you to create/modifie your items. It's limited, but lets you do somethign like your looking for. I also tend to have a habit of giveing my partie members rods of ressurections for the hard tuff sections that I keep getting slaughtered at. The other use of this can get borring, but hell when your on easy mode and your part has gotten killed 10 times in a row on a certain part it's not a nice thing. I never do this in the OC cause that is so easy in easy mode I can almost sleep through it most the time.
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