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Everything posted by AcMaiden

  1. I've done a mod that contains : Scripts, SEQ File and Voices. While I did the mod I used a crappy name and now want to rename it properly. But when I rename it, the mod won't work anymore. I've renamed the ''Voice Folder'' by my new esp name and made another SEQ File. I don't know what else i'm suposse to do...scripts aren't linked by the esp name as far as I know?
  2. OMG thanks for the tip! It'll 1000X better than no voice at all!
  3. I had the exact same problem today but I solved it with SEQ. So maybe it's your quest data who's wrong. I'll take mine as exemple cause it's now working. Priority : 60 (havn't seen that in your description, that might be your problem if it's still to 0) Event : None Start game enabled : Check 3 others : Uncheck Type : Misc Other than that do you have conditions to your dialogues? If not, add GetIsID + the name of your NPC (you should always do this for every dialogue) Tell me if it worked or not. P.S. Was really driving me nut too haha!
  4. I want to make a simple script that would change the ''Chance none'' of a LvlList. Just need the command. Thanks
  5. I found it myself! In the condition window, there is a ''Run on'' list. So I just have to ''Run on'' player. Beth, you are not so dumb after all haha!
  6. Is there a condition (or a way to make one) that gets the player level? I've found GetLevel but it just get the level of the actor your talking to which is not what i want. I want a dialogue to show up only if you're lvl 15 A condition GetPlayerLevel would be perfect but Beth didn't see the utility of it I suppose....
  7. Ok finally found out. Just needed SEQ file...
  8. Ok finally found out. Just needed SEQ file. See link if you don't know what it is http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1417941-dialoguequest-bug-solution/?p=21672989&do=findComment&comment=21672989
  9. I'm having the same issue saddly. Even if I do the simplest dialogue ever, it wont show. I'm missing something. Could you write how to make a death-simple dialogue? No need for conditions or whatever, just a ''Hello'' that would show up in game.
  10. I've been watching lots of tutorials today and i know pretty much everything about dialogues but still, I can't get any to show in game. Not even the simplest dialogue (1 QuestID/Name, 1 topic, 1 answer, no condition... purely simple) yet no dialogue showing. So what am I missing? How would you do the simplest dialogue? How do you make him appear in game?
  11. I guess you can always do ''fw'' (it's the command for weather change) than ad 10e1eb (wheater itself, it's skyrim cloudy if i'm not wrong). I havn't found Solstheim weather command yet but a cloudy sky is still better than a green psyco sky. After some time, Solstheim weather sould come back by itself.
  12. Ahh, that explain why i'm always getting Error 502 theses days... Fight fire with fire. Hire Anonymus to kick their ass haha!
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