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Everything posted by smon67

  1. skyrim should come with a `NOT SUITABLE FOR OCD` warning,,,,lol - simon
  2. mmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bethesda and Microsoft,,,,,,,,,,,,both make / made broken products which were sold onto the public from the very start, most if not all car manufacturers have all done the exact same, drug companies as well, food processing, oil, etc etc etc. And we have all bought into it, such is the modern world. Ah well soon be Christmas,,,,lol - simon
  3. use vortex, loot, sseeditt and wyrebash, they will help with the install of mods etc. also gopher has many videos on youtube which will help you along,, he also makes mods so knows what hes doing. dont worry though, if you really break your game at least you can reinstall it
  4. I used to get similar problems just before game crashes,,,,,,lol try saving game immediately next time it happens and restart game see if it is still there, that should indicate wither its an actual problem or just a glitch, also are you using oldrim or the newer sse version, as the mod you indicated is for oldrim.
  5. I did have another thought, are you trying with the original version of Skyrim or the newer "SE" version ? I believe the newer is based on a more stable x64 build, make sure you are getting the correct mod`s for which ever version either way or it will definitely break the game as well, also ensure that you have the correct version of SKSE as well, use NMM, LOOT and WYRE BASH if the older Skyrim, these will help create a more stable install of mods as well, i am unsure if all are needed with the SE version. Hope this helps
  6. welcome to the wonderful world of Skyrim,,,,,,,lol, if you are not already aware, probably one of the buggy-est games ever, open a door,,,,crash,,,,,,,fast travel,,,,crash,,,,,,just walking around,,,crash and so on and so on, there are many, many guides on here and the net to try and help solve this, but don`t expect to permanently "FIX" the game, its just too bugged from the start, but you should be able to get it reasonably stable, i would first suggest ensure that your screen refresh rate is not too high to start with, it will create havoc problems otherwise (much stuff flying around can overload the game causing crashes as well, the intro prisoner cart video can look very interesting as well,,,,,lol). Be careful with some older mods as they may have problems with a "newer" version of Skyrim as well, check out Gopher`s video`s on YouTube for help as well, he has many mods as well on here. Get a stable game first then try introducing some mods, one at a time, testing as you go, otherwise it can be a nightmare trying to identify any breaker. Hope this info helps or at least points you in the right direction - simon
  7. No trust broken Dark0ne, I for one appriciate all the work you & the team do to keep this great site running. And as others have already said, thanks for keeping us all informed to this "potential threat". Better & quicker info than many other BIG companies, keep up the great work all. Simon
  8. I don't often post but many thanks Dark0ne, for all your time & effort (and all others involved here), & thankyou for being as open as you can. Cancelling a long awaited holiday shows your commitment straight away let alone informing us all of the ongoing saga. On a lighter note,,,,,, you thought about going into politics,,,,, you would be better than the tools (that we all pay for by the way,,,,lol) in charge of the UK now or in the upcoming election. Peace out all
  9. mmm been thinking about your statement there postal001, in my understanding,,,,a 1080 screen will only display a max res of,,,,,,,,,,wait for it,,,,,,,,,,,,1080. It CANNOT display 4k, it is incapable, as its not 4k. What it will show is the 1080 res portion of the 4k signal. So as camaro_69_327 has said, it gona be a waste of time.
  10. As others have said your laptop is not really good enough for Skyrim, its notoriously hard to run on laptops, its bad enough to get it to run on a pc as it is,,,, lol. Maybe if you had more ram, installed ENBoost, ran the game at the lowest settings,,,,,,, then MAYBE, it would work. Also you don't want any mods running until after you escape Helgen, many people suffer crash`s at the start-up cart ride with any mods running, its just how buggy the game really is. Hope this info helps, good luck Simon
  11. Well when I was a lad, flairs & Raleigh choppers were in fashion, for the first time round,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,anyway its only a game, there's far too many other important things wrong with it,,,,,lol But seriously in "ye olde" days, most kids were expected to work fulltime from around the age of 7, could marry in their early teens (I seem to recall that Tutankhamen took the throne of Egypt at 10 & then married his half sister, as you would,,,,lol), & probably died by their early 30`s, only the wealthy normally faired better. You don't know how lucky you are these days,,,,,,,,,lol
  12. Just like to say thanks to all involved here, great site, good support & info, hope all go`s well with the upgrades.
  13. "ahem",,,,, well it appears that all my problems were caused by a faulty stick of ram in the end, started getting lots of other probs with my system, so ran memchck again & this time it picked it up, must have been intermittently failing in the start. Thanks again Simon
  14. Thanks for trying with any info Georgiegril, but even with a clean vanilla install with no dlc`s I get ctd`s, usually it starts hitting the fan in helgan at the first auto save, then in the keep & so on. Tried following the step guide, it helped a little, tried reading the GeForce tweak guide before, much of that seemed to be out dated to me. Think the only way for me is to get an original release disk again & not update it at all, so much for buying legendary edition,,,,lol Simon
  15. Hello all, is there a fool proof installation sequence for Skyrim? Its really driving me up the wall with constant ctd`s, sometimes I get it to run fine (2 to 3 hours of play) then find the next time I try it only runs for a few min`s. Pretty sure my systems good, ran memcheck & other test software ok, System spec`s, AMD Phenom X4 955 cpu, 12gb ddr3 ram, GTX460 SOC 1gb graphics card, plenty of hard drive storage (games installed to 1tb sata II hard drive, separate drive to os (win7x64)). Tried install without & with unofficial patchs, fully updated system & game, tried with & without mods & fixes, with & without the official DLC`s. Nothing makes much difference. Im really at my wits end with it, nearing smashing & binning the disk`s,,,,lol. Tried following many of the posts here to fix problems, some help a little but it always ends the same way, it seems to me that I could play with some earlier updates ok, but the newest patch`s seem break the game for me. Many thanks for taking the time to read this, if I`ve posted this in the wrong place please feel free to move. Simon
  16. FYI : its not a mod, its a windows utility for boosting performance & fixing issues
  17. OMG steve40, you should be paid by bethusda, many thanks for all your hard work
  18. Sorry I have no idea about RCRN, not tried it myself yet, as I only have 1gb of video ram am cautious of any visual upgrades - but from the screen shots it looks very nice. May have to give it a go soon,,,,,,,lol I am running WATER (get the odd missing water texture though, don't really know if its the mod though yet) which improves the look in my op. The official Hi-Res texture packs, all DLC`s & all associated unofficial patch`s, running the game at ultra video settings but with lowered shadow settings fairly good & steady so far, but making tweaks here & there trying to get more stable all the time. Simon
  19. You need to get it stable first then start entering mods later. I had one hell of a time getting the actual game running, CTD at intro etc before I could even think about mods. Start with deleting the game saves & settings folders etc first, usually in your boot drive. In your User folder, goto the folder named AppData (will need to see hidden folders to even see this), then Local, you will see a folder Skyrim, Then goto your My Documents folder, then My Games folder, and yet another Skyrim folder. I think you know what todo with the contents,,,,lol. Then delete the game itself, check all is gone then reinstall to your desired location, the other folders & info will be recreated automatically when needed. Install only what is needed ie any dlc`s, do not run game yet though, get Nexus Mod Manager, TES5Edit, BOSS & Wyre Bash, and install all. Run Boss and follow any instructions given, you will have to use TES5Edit & Wyre Bash to sort out the files etc, there's plenty of helpful vid`s online, (check out gophers vids, really easy to follow & understand). Lastly start off with lower graphics setting, especially shadow details, once you can run the game fairly stably, then start upping the settings before introducing mods to ensure all is good. When using mods, do not forget to use Boss etc to ensure all is good, also read the info for each mod you want to use, not all are compatible, some need additional files or settings. I would start with applying patch`s & updates first though checking as I go just to make sure, but the game itself is buggy no matter what, it will randomly crash for no apparent reason, it will sulk if anything else is doing stuff in the background,,,,lol Hope this helps Simon
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