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Everything posted by DarkAnsem

  1. just wanted to say how much I enjoy your mod :D
  2. thanks for the add :D I just love your work. I wanted to contact you about a doubt, but I can't pm you...
  3. what about armor and animations? they will need re-scaling too I guess.
  4. can someone change the appearance of that necklace amulet to something like this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/16259-3-1206756565.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/16259-3-1206756275.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21678-4-1230639200.jpg since that one looks so awful. I only hope to change that is not needed to change the entire body...
  5. do you check your profile from now and then?
  6. thank you. I can't try it right now since my gaming pc is out of reach, but I'll do my best ASAP.
  7. this is the procedure http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...odel_to_Toolset http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/72/index/320619 try, and tell me what I might be missing in Blender. the scripts won't export meshes right now, right? that means I have to wait. but it's admirable that they at least made pieces of armor work.
  8. my problem is that even if I scale from edit mode the model is not resized. perhaps I'm missing a step that I have to perform in Edit Mode after I finish scaling and rotating? like "confirm alterations" or something like that?
  9. thanks for the detailed description. so if I export from blender I'm doomed to failure? is there no way to make the scaling permanent for exporting in .3ds?
  10. that is, after I finished editing I take. can someone post a step-by-step tutorial for rescaling an item? is it possible that exporting to .3ds resets the values?
  11. Program used: Blender latest Version Export Type: .3ds Import type: .fbx via the Autodesk converter I explain my problem: in order to practice for modeling this game I was trying to import a model from another game into this. no texture or anything, just in order to see how it works. I thought to solve any problem by importing in blender 2 meshes: the custom one and one equivalent from Dragon age (I wanted a longsword, so I imported a longsword). I switched to Edit mode, and scaled down the custom model so that the hilts of the swords would match their position in the editor. and while a bit bigger than the Dragon Age sword, the result was acceptable. I saved and exported. then I followed the nightmarish procedure for importing a custom model. I succedeed, I tried it in-game, and it is still enormous. what have I done wrong?
  12. Nightmare armor (SCII): http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...tmare-sc2x5.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...mare-sc2fix.jpg Organization XIII Cloak https://www.abbyshot.com/products/ps-enigma.php
  13. Soul Calibur: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...Calibur_SC2.jpg Soul Calibur (SCIV): http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...oul-calibur.jpg Soul Edge (Original): http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...Original%29.jpg Soul Edge (SCII): http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...oulEdge_SC2.jpg Soul Edge (SCIV): http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcali...4-soul-edge.jpg
  14. I know but his blood is dalish, and his father was an elf too, not a human.
  15. can someone make Zevran Dalish? he already has a tatoo on his face (so much for secrecy) and his mother was one, so it's fitting.
  16. I am planning to do that for my PRC idea. altough, without my gaming rig, it is in embrional state.
  17. do you think it's possible for PCs to wear the Arcane Horror Robe and Helm, if someone makes them? http://dragonage.bioware.com/creatures/arcane_horror http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Arcane_Horror
  18. perfet modder: kind and available for suggestions.
  19. this person rocks. made an essential mod for this game.
  20. worst moment? when I had to kill Vicente valtieri. now that was not pretty...
  21. ah, of course. every language has it. sorry chesto, didn't want you to.
  22. ah. but why it is offensive? after all, HK-47 in KOTOR called us "meatbags" XD
  23. sorry, what does fag mean? I'm ignorant. @vagrant as always lenghty posts. ever tought about a career in philosophy?
  24. @xeanander right. thank you for precising XD as always, virtue lies in between. vagrant stands for a more conservative, relatively old-fashioned way of thinking (the exaggeration of the phenomena came with an erroneous consideration about HIV, something that also happened quite recently and was immediately uncovered as an abusive statement) and a corageous, hot, perhaps rash, way of tought from rob_b. sorry vagrant, but I was touched by his impetuous apology of human rights (being a student of Law myself). what IMO is the core is the prejudice inculcated in heads about certain things (not necessairily this). one must be sophisticated about certain matters in life, wheter he's involved or not. @rob_b keep up fighting for what you believe in. your reckless honesty is far more pure than the politically correct, even if you will encounter difficulties.
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