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Posts posted by LordSarcasm

  1. Wyverns are as much a kind of dragon as theropods are a kind of dinosaur, or felines are a kind of mammal. Dragon is just a broad term for any non-humanoid mythical reptile. After that you get into more specific variations like wyrms, wyverns, hydras and the like.


    And the word dragon actually comes from a Greek root word meaning to have great eyesight or something, so they may very well have used the term to describe birds of prey even.

  2. Well I noticed an annoying bug that you were unable to finish any of the ritual spell quests if you reset your level to 15. I had 95 in Alteration when I visited Tolfdir who sent me after the dagger. It didn't take long for me to reach level 100 but when I reset it, and had used the dagger to gather some heartscales, I wasn't able to return the scales to Tolfdir. I also found that the skill leveled faster than it had the first time because I had a huga mana pool and had already purchased an ebonyflesh spell before I had reset the skill. By now I've reached level 50 in alteration within a relatively short time by using an expert level spell at a much lower level in that respective skill.

  3. So I need to find Cragwater Cavern for a sidequest, but the map marker is not appearing on the map nor the undiscovered location. Then when I checked the wiki to find out where it is, there wasn't a page for it!


    Edit: Scratch that, quick search told me that's part of the Wyrmstooth Mod...

  4. Just list your favorite idea for a joke mod. It can be just a joke item or a funny questline or juts a mod to troll the users.


    The Hammer of Disfunctionality. A Daedric Warhammer with zero base damage, weigh's 100,000 pounds, is worth zero gold, and has an enchantment that transfers some of the wielders health to the target.


    A semi-permanent conjuration spell that summons a clone of Braith and Nazeem from Whiterun. They are immortal, and do no fighting, and none of their dialogue is changed. ENJOY!


    Final Fetch Quest Forever

    There's a message that needs delivering, and by the gods is it going to be delivered! We are the Couriers' Guild, and there is nothing in Skyrim, NOTHING, be it rain, snow, battles or dragon fire that will keep our customers from getting their messages. And if you can't find the recipient, our intelligence network will pinpoint their exact location, even into the realms of Oblivion and beyond! No excuses, no backing out! We are the Couriers' Guild, and our customers will never be let down, even if it kills us!

  5. I was in the Forgotten Vale with the two dragons on the Frozen Lake, so I took the oppurtunity to summon Durnehviir from the Soul Cairn, I had all the words to his shout, and the first time round went of without a hitch, Durnehviir emerged from the Soul Cairn and taught me the first word of his other shout. Then one of the dragons killed me, so I had to restart the battle, but this time I'm not able to finish Durnehviir's shout. I can pull off the first two words, but not the whole shout. I know the problem about summoning him in an area where's there is enough rooms, but it's a gigantic frozen lake! There is more than enough room for the dragon, and besides the first time it worked perfectly.

  6. My only concern is the dialogue choice with Serana where you ask "Hey, I know what that is! It's one of those Elder Scrolls!" Which if you haven't completed elder knowledge during which based on the dialogue the Dragonborn clearly did NOT know about Elder Scrolls. So if you do them out of order the Dragonborn seems to know about Elder Scrolls before hand, and then completely forgets about their existence around Paarthurnax. So then you already have it right before your fight with Alduin.


    Speaking of which, am I the only one who finds it odd that somehow no NPC is ever surprised at how proactive you are. You can complete a quest before it's even given and they think nothing of it.

  7. I say it's Calcemo.


    You buy a dwarven arrow in Riften. Less than a minute later a courier shows up with a letter from Calcemo, who wants you to come all the way to Markarth so he can look at the arrow you just bought.


    Obviously, the guy either has a one heck of an intelligence network, or is in posession of powerful clairvoyant powers. If anyone is capable of knowing your every move, it's him. And why would someone who owns a whole Dwemer museum be interested in a four septim arrow? It's obviously just an excuse for him to meet you in person.


    Other possibilities include the Psijics, who do appear to be keeping an eye on the Dragonborn without wanting to interfere directly. Note that the guards keep reporting sightings of Psijics monks appearing and vanishing in thin air, suggesting they're running some kind of Men in Black operation in the background.


    ...Actually, yeah, this is my new theory: Calcemo is the head of a group of undercover Psijic Monks in charge of monitoring and covertly helping the Dragonborn, and he occasionally sends anonymous letters to nudge the Dragonborn in the right direction.


    If Calcelmo is Santa then why is so clueless about you raiding his library, sabotaging his research, and possibly killing his nephew during the Thieve's Guild questline?

  8. This seems more like a general discussion than a request, but not my thread so I'll just go with it.


    Well it's pretty obvious that the game is biased towards a warrior type play style. Just consider the broken leveling system. Combat skills level much faster than anything else, except for enchanting. Yes enchanting levels the absolute fastest of any of the skills even if you don't use it all that often. Then the magic skills in general are pretty unbalanced. Restoration levels the slowest but is probably the most useful. I've been Skyrim for well over a year now and only just last playthrough have I ever seen my restoration skill higher than level 50. Alteration levels the fastest but is the most boring of any kind of magic considering its geared almost exclusively toward mage armor (actually OP, there already IS a paralysis spell for alteration). The only remarkabll thing it does is telekinesis, and that's just a novelty spell. Waterbreathing is pointless because you can't cast it where you actually need it... underwater... Illusion doesn't level nearly as fast as it should. It's useful at low levels, and pretty fun at high levels, but unless you use it almost exclusively you won't get any use out of it in the mid levels. Destruction I think is just boring and the least mana efficient, but neither is it useless. Conjuration I think is the most balanced except for maybe the high mana cost.


    Moving on to the infamous speech skill. It levels so f*****g slow! Again, like Restoration you can use it all the time and still never see it get above level 50 in an entire playthrough! Up till recently I just unlocked every door through the console, but started using lockpicking more extensively because the console is pretty immersion breaking. It levels relatively quickly but sure it's practicality is debatable. Stealth and sneaking though is quite possibly the most broken feature of the game. It's simply put as overpowered as it is boring. All told it feels completely unnatural.

  9. The only reason I'm playing right now as a female Argonian is because I had originally started playing with my character as a male. I was intending to roleplay more strictly than I have before so I wasn't going to marry outside of my own species, but then I remembered how atrocious the voices the voices of all the female Argonians sound and I didn't want my character's spouse to sound like a chain smoker coughing up her intestines.

    Well I just heard what sounds like a DLC hint today. I'm in Ivarstead and a guard tells me, "Now that the East Empire company is reopened we have a launch point into Morrowind... just in case." I doubt it was a hint at Dragonborn but how can be sure considering I don't have the DLC yet.

    Lol taking in game dialog as news for DLC...


    Of course! It's got to be true right! :whistling:

  11. retitled: Forgotten Vale Ecosystem Expandinimated (yes it's a new word)


    This would be small mod to make the Forgotten Vale much more interesting and unique. All told the place felt like it had some wasted potential. It was nothing like the soul Cairn or Blackreach, the scenery felt only slightly different from the rest of Skyrim's frozen wastes. But the creatures there I felt had some more potential than they were given, because isn't the Forgotten Vale essentially Skyrim's token lost world? Fast travel aside, the vale is cut off from the rest of Skyrim by an extensive cave system. I think that's more or less what Bethesda was going for, and the vale saber cats and deer and frost giants really add some character to the place, but even so I think it deserves a little bit more.


    What if say there was a species of pygmy mammoth, complete with an all new texture like the vale saber cats, and replace the frost trolls with the cool Uderfricte trolls from the Dark Brotherhood quest.

  12. Right now I am facing something of an in game identity crisis for playing as an Argonian. They're my favorite race but they just have a number of issues that make you realize how little time and effort Bethesda put into them.


    1. I originally started playing as a male, but then remembered all the female Argonians sound like chain smokers. Which I would prefer my character's spouse not to sound like she coughing up a lung. On the other hand all the male Argonian's voices sound TOO human, like shady car salesmen.


    2. Then there's some weird physics with their tails. All told there are a number of little glitches that make it look pretty unnatural. Like when you're sneaking and the tail twists at the base more than 90 degrees like it's wrenched right off of the spine. Or when you're sprinting then slow down immediately to a walking pace your tail starts twitching violently in all directions instead of the more natural looking swaying motion it should have.


    3. You can see why capes were'n't used a whole lot in vanilla Skyrim, because they look terrible, their static and have no physics, they look even worse on Argonians and Kahjiit because, surprise surprise Bethesda, they have long tails that clip through the cape.. Even more annoying, perhaps because it's more common, is the number of helmets that are not Argonian compatible. Albeit Argonians can wear them, but not without presumably ripping off their own heads, storing them in hammer-space and replacing them by surgically attaching a humanoid noggin to the base of their neck and then reversing the process when they take off their helmet. Or at the very least their long snouts must really hurt inside of those face-masks So, I don't know, maybe some custom meshes for some of the helmets and hoods so that they look like a something a person with a foot-long snout could actually wear.


    And this mod could actually work for Kahjiit too, as they have many of the same problems with skeletons and meshes.

  13. Well fine but is there a way to remove an unused perk through the console anyway? I would just prefer not to stockpile them so it's less messy with the legendary patch and all.

  14. I've been playing with a mod from the Steam Workshop that uses dragon parts, you know the bones and scales, and various alchemy ingredients to craft perk points. Well, I'm at level 50 but I have something like 96 perks, and a couple of my skills are almost maxed out. In the early levels it wasn't so bad, but by now it feels too game breaking and cheaty.


    Anyway, I don't want to go through and remove each perk individually by the item ID cause that would take far too long, so instead my plan was to avoid taking any perks until I reach the appropriate level. My question is how do I remove a perk point that I haven't used after I level up?

  15. That would be a mod I would take without waiting! I already did that a bit manually as in, I created a NPC that has my appearance, stats, spells and so on, dropped it at the last place I played and start a new game.


    Of course having them freeroam the area and randomly encounter them fighting a dragon or other enemies on the road or sitting in a Inn eating, or even see them exit the house you had purchased (making it impossible for you to purchase that specific home) would be sweet.


    That is exactly what I had in mind! :biggrin: It would make the world more dynamic because one of your character's actions would affect your other characters.

  16. Here is quite possibly the most revolutionary mod ever, or even most revolutionary gaming feature for RPG's. Imagine being to play multiple characters in the same world, not at the same time though. You could switch between your different character's whenever you like, and while you're playing as one character, the other(s) would exist as NPC's. This could allow to see the direct results of your character's choices from the eyes of another, things you might not see as a single player character. What's more you could develop some truly deep characters. Should they ever cross paths, your player characters could interact in any number of ways depending on how you developed them yourself. What I had in mind was system that would track your characters' stats, personality, morality, dialogue choices, and play styles and as an NPC, the character would behave similarly, like in dialogue and fighting style for example. This could let you see just what your character is like from the eyes of another. You could be an arrogant bastard and not even know it. Potentially you could have your other player characters as followers, or even as enemies if it comes down to it. The characters, and story, would essentially develop themselves.

    Forgive me I was unclear, the idea I had fleshed out in my head really was an amazing development for the genera of RPG's.

  17. Here's an idea, simple in concept if not in execution. Skyrim players could send their written works with a mod author, like poetry, fan fiction, original stories, etc. to a mod author who would publish them in a central mod as in-game books for everyone to enjoy. All books could be purchased from vendors at certain locations, like the Bard's College, the College of Winterhold, or an all new location like a library.


    Now putting the books in the game is pretty straightforward, but if it's an idea that turns out be popular, the difficult part would be to collect everyone's writing in a central location to be put into the mod.


    So is this a good idea? Also any additional input would be much appreciated.

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