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  1. I'm rather clueless about my options at the moment. I found this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23096 It has a flowing skirt but it uses HDT SSE Physics from a chinese site which I can't seem to download from, and I don't know how well those physics work. CBP physics is pretty nice for BBP but can't do .xml file physics as far as I know. So my question is, are cloaks and skirts working in SSE yet? Is there a way to convert oldrim cloaks yet?
  2. Hi! I was wondering if it's possible to create a spell which would change one or more of the character's animations, such as giving them a drunken walk animation for the spell's duration. Is this possible? How would I do that?
  3. Well, I discovered what the problem is. Basically, the wings in Shaydows are an armor shape while the wings in Animated Dragon Wings are an art object used as the visual effect of a potion or spell. My working solution, thanks to some advice I saw, was to add an enchantment to the VampireLordArmor entry in Creation Kit, with the wings as the enchantment effect's art object. This way the wings get summoned and dismissed together with the shapeshift. I'm still not sure where in the mesh this difference lies, exactly. I'm not that good with nifskope. I wonder if there's a way somehow convert the dragon wings into an armor shape. Is it even possible with the wings being animated?
  4. Hi! I'm trying to mix together two wing mods, specifically I'm trying to replace the wings of Shaydows Vampire Lord Overhaul with the wings from Animated Dragon Wings. However, my attempts to do so result in CTD. Clearly I don't understand all the specifics required. Would anyone be able to explain to me all the steps I'd need to take to accomplish this?
  5. Through some happy accidents I found the mod! It's the Dressy outfit by Ninirim.
  6. Hi everyone! So I was going through female texture mods for CBBE, and I find I really miss the Valkyr face and Ida body textures from Fallout 4. Turns out the body texture is usable in SSE CBBE out of the box but the face texture doesn't match up to the Skyrim head. The Real Girls Realistic Body seems like the next best thing and its seam with the Ida body texture is the least noticeable out of the alternatives I tried. My request is a conversion of the Valkyr face texture or a new original face texture that'll match the look and quality of the Ida body for SSE, whichever is possible and permissible. For convenience, links to the mods in question: Valkyr face texture and body textures: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3841 CBBE Ida Body Texture: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10726 Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for CBBE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55761
  7. Hi everyone! Looking for the outfit mod from this image: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/791983669039005394/26ADE91E8812E64F08B755C3A3C5B6F67AE3E946/ Thanks in advance!
  8. Bump. This mod needs to be made! It is beyond stupid that a frame tricked from a slain bandit remains owned but if you don't do the core trick the pieces are not! (and you can't loot the frame)
  9. Your work here looks very promising. I'd like to add my encouragements! I'll be sure to grab this if this becomes a mod!
  10. So how would i be able to tell if its a bad BBP xml? Is there a specific file that I can delete? Yea I have reinstalled the skeleton many times to no avail. And I have nvidia. what would be the best way to limit the fps? I also noticed today that if I give the same armors that have that weird jiggle, to my follower and she wears it, it doesn't jiggle anymore. The hdt physics work perfectly on them. Perfect butt and chest jiggliness. It just effects my character. Sorry for so many questions but I'm still fairly new to modding and I'm trying to learn as much as I can so i can eventually start creating my own. It's not easy to tell if the xml is bad, but if you grabbed one of the popular bbp mods off Nexus, it's probably not the case. I was just throwing it out there. The most probable case is the fps causing a physics spike from which the calculations don't recover. The physics working differently for you and NPCs is probably a collision issue. Depending on the method(s) you're using to apply collisions (Havok Object or Havok path in the mesh), it's not rare that things work a little differently. The NVidia Control Panel unfortunately doesn't offer full fps limiting functions beyond VSync. Download a program called NVidia Inspector. Among other functions it allows you to set driver profiles for your games. You can turn on fps limiting in the Skyrim profile there. Set it to 60 fps. Note that if you update your NVidia drivers, they may overwrite your profile and you'll have to set the fps limiter again. Don't worry about asking questions. I'm happy to help, if I can.
  11. If the skeleton is improperly installed, that would do it, but it's easy to fix by re-installing the skeleton and letting it overwrite everything. A bad BBP xml can also be responsible, I guess. But I used to have this problem too, and I tried many things to reduce it or fix it, and the thing that worked for me was turning on the frame limiter, either in ENB (sucks, occasionally drops fps too much) or in the GPU software (good). Once I did, zero twitching. Nada. Nothing. Ever.
  12. Hi! When I convert an outfit and copy bone weights, I sometimes get a message about unweighted vertexes. However, when these vertices are placed under a mask, I have trouble finding them because the darkened color of the mask is often difficult to discern from the mesh, whether it's textured or wireframed. Why do these unweighted vertices happen and are there any tips to seeing and fixing them? Also, on an unrelated note, some outfits simply crash when loaded if I copy bone weights to them. What could be causing that? I can have the HDT body and it will bounce properly within a static outfit if I load it up, but if I copy a single bone to the outfit (or all of the bones), crash.
  13. Turn on Vsync or frame limiting at 60 fps. This happens when fps spikes too high and physics go haywire. In extreme cases of fps, clutter can start flying around spontaneously.
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