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In response to post #56262141. #56262426, #56262576, #56262581, #56262936, #56263031, #56263146, #56266491, #56267106, #56267256, #56274311, #56277726, #56280516, #56292401, #56330506, #56342966, #56613381 are all replies on the same post. Please don't come on here and report to speak for all Americans. I have zero issue with this system and don't buy into that "creating elitist" group crap.
In response to post #54751878. #54752393, #54765313, #54767068, #54772278, #54783813, #54817623 are all replies on the same post. Does feel a bit cluttered. Agreed
In response to post #44207725. #44210065, #44213255, #44221230, #44227480, #44234165, #44235230, #44244270 are all replies on the same post. @WolfSpirit62 Well you know what they say. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one
In response to post #44207725. I'm sorry, who are you again?
In response to post #28627094. #28636674, #28656994 are all replies on the same post. If I had to guess the problem is that 1,000 people using a mod aren't donating anything. Closer to 1 of 1,000 actually give anything. No one's expecting any individual person to donate an absurd amount of money, but rather that more people as a whole consider donating.
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
TehKaoZ replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24733199. #24733474, #24733594, #24733919, #24733969, #24734114, #24734584, #24734984 are all replies on the same post. ^This -
In response to post #23595219. #23595369, #23595554, #23725649, #23781804, #23812314, #23813704 are all replies on the same post. The reason this happens is because mod authors and frequent users of mod threads have to deal on a daily basis with people who do not read descriptions, read me's, bold lettered posted stickies, ect. They instead choose in favor of heading to the comments section and demand that someone hold their hand through the process, or complain about stuff clearly mentioned that they didn't bother to read, or worse yet, threaten and insult mod authors over endorsements and votes because their needs were not met. I have a frequent saying "mod authors are not customer service at Wal Mart". If people come off as "toxic" it is because they are tired of these types of entitled users who post these comments when they get to use a mod authors hard work completely for free. Granted not all comments deserve to be replied to in a hostile manner as some users do try to provide feedback, seek real help and report problems but until you have to sit through hundreds or thousands of comments from entitled users who think you owe them something, I would just give them (the authors) the benefit of the doubt. Problem I think that could arise now is that if mod's start to cost money, these entitled users will actually be entitled to say whatever they want because "they paid for it". I think that the general appreciation for authors will go down honestly simply because you are now providing a service to people.
I personally think that the modding community (both on Nexus and elsewhere) could be a psychologists candy store. It really stretches the imagination to its boundaries and completely surpasses what is considered morally and politically correct. I personally don't have anything against any of it but, I can't help but wonder when I see certain mods that certain groups of people (activists in particular) would be terribly offended. For my own I simply prefer my game to contain a sense of believability and "Immersion". Terrible things do happen in real life and were more common place in medieval & ancient history (which fantasy games like TES base their societies on). So grim and gritty things like murder and torture don't particularly phase me but just help Skyrim seem like a real world with people who do terrible things. It is important though that these things fit into a context and not simply exist for the sake of being terrible. With that being said, certain "terrible things" really don't need to be enacted in game for there to be an immersion or realism element. In our world we know bad things happen all the time but, we don't need to be made aware of it every day by actually seeing it. If your downloading certain types of mods that take things to an extreme (terrible things for the sake of terrible things) than wanting realism in your game kind of goes out the window. So I guess that is where the line is drawn, when context, good story-telling and the game itself are forgotten and the fetish becomes the point.
Without delving too much into lore specifics, any race can technically be any class and still work lore wise. A race of people cannot be defined by one set of rigid guidelines otherwise you would have no diversity, even within said culture. This is almost akin to saying IRL "All people from blah blah nationality know kung fu", its ridiculous to think so. Nords may in-general follow a certain trend, and may gear toward "barbarian" class or "fighter" class more frequently within the ties of their cultural values but to the individual that doesn't really mean much. It's up to the creator to define the story of their character and "why" he is a rogue, thief or even a mage (I mean the guy in the carriage in the opening sequence is a horse thief, and its stated hes a nord as well). The Dragonborn issue is understandably more of a conflict however, as it relates to faith and blessings/destiny. I found it difficult to role-play a Dragonborn assassin who "shouts". it seems almost counter to what an assassin should be. Their are shouts I believe to throw your voice which is likely meant for a thief but even so, it doesn't seem to sync well with that theme overall. That being said, I suppose it's reasonable that a Nord Assassin or Thief simply act the role of honorable warrior in public while conducting his business in secret. It takes a bad Assassin to enter a city and announce "Here be entering Karn Backstab! Master Assassin and Thief!" Overall, just think of your character in human terms, why is he a thief, or assassin, how did he grow up? parents? mentors? A good "bad" character always believes that how he lives is the correct way, that they are doing what they do because from their own perspective it is the best possible thing to do for one reason or another. Just make sure that your character is not how he is just because "I'm evil for evil's sake" idea.
Not a female but couldn't resist giving some input. I think it's important to note that "lore friendly" and "realistic" are two different things. Lore friendly refers to what is depicted in Skyrim and previous TES games regardless of how practical they are. So simply put, realism doesn't equal lore friendly (whether you think skimpy is realistic or not). That being said, I don't use skimpy armors or nude mods in general. I don't have any such issue with people using them though as the point of modding Skyrim is to be able to choose how you want your game to look. I am continuously fascinated though by what I can only describe as "Aliens" or "Creatures" that pop up in the image section. Women with dimensions that are humanly impossible, giant alien eyes and brightly colored neon hair. I suppose this has less to do with the armors than the actual models, but some of them just straight give me nightmares! To each his own though.
Overwhelmed ny Nexus Mods, willing to learn - seeks guidance
TehKaoZ replied to Heliadhel's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Your going about this all wrong. Your suppose to haphazardly download mods at random, not read any descriptions and avoid readme's and warning notes. Second launch your game (assuming it launches at all) and when you find something wrong, sporadically go on each of those mods pages and demand troubleshooting help claiming that their mods clearly broke your game. Now that that's out of the way. Personally I think Wrye Bash is an essential program for getting mods into your game neatly. I avoid NMM like the plague as I've had it just blatantly refuse to install certain mods, and then fail to remove other mods properly from the data folder (Of course this was over a year ago, so I'm sure NMM has gotten a little better). I think that if you can manage Tes5edit I don't see Wrye Bash being that confusing. Theirs a handy little button at the bottom of the program that's a question mark, and while I do agree the program can be jarring for new users, I find it to be relatively simple. If you want a confusing mod manager then go download Mod Organizer, there are tutorials on how to install SPECIFIC mods, not just the basic functions! Of course using Wrye Bash is not strictly required, I just find it far too useful to not use. The biggest highlights for me are, of course the Bash Patch which merges leveled lists which is something you simply cannot get anywhere else (to the best of my knowledge), since you don't want two armor mods overwriting each other. Second is how well it organizes textures (or any files), I know if I install a texture that overrides another mod, I can simply check the conflicts tab and know EXACLY what textures are being overriding, underwritten and so forth, that way I can make sure I am getting the textures I want and not have to worry about (damn what was the last texture mod I installed?). Other things of note are - Tells you your missing a master without having to load tes5edit (The mod missing the master will be red) - The conflict list (as I noted), tells you was "above" (overriding), and below (being overriten) in conflicts for files such as textures/meshes - The Save tab will show you your saves and a list on the right side will tell you what mods are in that save Hope this alleviates some of the fear. Just keep in mind you don't have to learn all of the functions to make it work, majority of them can generally be ignored to be honest. -
How to RP as an Elf and being lore friendly?
TehKaoZ replied to sammmdovah's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
An unlore-friendly character would be like, a Jedi Breton. as Moraelin said, not every race will fit cleanly into one category and nor should it be so. I myself do enjoy themed characters that don't go too much against the grain of the races culture however I realize that not every Orc is a berserker, not every Breton will be a mage, and so forth. You have to define your own character and how he/she became what she is to be. Certain races may be more common in what they use, but that certainly doesn't mean they all follow that path (Can you imagine if ALL wood elves had to be archers, man would they get butchered in war). -
EnaiSiaion, It's commendable to be making a version that is compatible with giant overhauls, but, don't stifle your creativity too much to accommodate it, plenty of users don't use them ;)
Vilja is marriageable now, whole romance and marriage storyline added in with newest update Edit: Forgot link http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26393/?
Phenderix Magic Evolved Thoughts - Need Suggestions
TehKaoZ replied to phenderix's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
it's been a while but I have used all of your mods at some point, I shall try to think on some of the stuff I remember about them. I believe one of my favorite concepts was the PUMS mod as I really liked the idea of the different elements and combinations. I don't know much about how it's been updated, but when I was using it, it used an entirely different system for spells so your destruction skill didn't level with it. So top suggestion I would make is to make sure it (while maintaining compatibility) always keeps vanilla skills relevant so the player doesn't need to choose one magic system over the other. Again this suggestion is based on old intel, so it might be mute at this point =p Careful with adding things like NPC's, New Lands, ect. Speaking personally, I take great pains to keep whatever I add into the game lore friendly and make sure it blends into the whole environment well. If I come across modded content I only know it comes from a mod because well... I added it, but otherwise It should blend seamlessly with the game. In one of the versions of the original magic mods you published (again this may have changed, old hand knowledge), you had some npc's and guards to buy the spells from, while I don't think this concept is a bad idea, It was a little offsetting to have guards wearing ebony armor cluttering up certain spots (like them taking over farengar's office). Personally since I used a bash patch I don't mind level list edits, but for compatibility sake, just make sure if you add special vendors they blend in well, I think EnaiSiaion's npc's from apocalypse spell package did this well. Finally, in regards to the actual spells, from what I remember, I loved the archetypes you had broken many of them into. Some of them added elements and customization to spell lists to the game you wouldn't normally have, thus allowing for someone to tailor a specific class build in mind (Combat Art Archetype for example). But as others posted, avoid copycat spells. without listing specifics, I remember when I used the spells in game I found myself only getting a couple of which I deemed useful while the rest felt like clutter (no intrinsic value to my game-play) Most of this is based on old info so I don't know how many of it is currently helpful, but figured I would try anyways ^.^