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Everything posted by Improvman

  1. Going to upload a Flag for the Alaskan Canine faction. Going to link to some lore documents for the faction. The personnel file of the Alaskan Defense Command ZAX, and archived terminal entries for Project: Best-Friend. For now here is a flag idea for the Utah Feline Faction. http://improvmanzero.deviantart.com/art/Deseret-Cougar-Ensign-545546639 Was thinking it would be a good reference to use the BYU logo, as their mascot is a cougar. However I am concerned about the legality of that.
  2. That is great, I'm busy with my job this week, but how about we talk about it more tomorrow night?
  3. First off FO4 confirmed!!!! http://fallout.bethsoft.com/ Second looking through the mod resources on things from the texture and lore side mostly. I'll edit this post as I find new things: Some of the groups are their own factions so I'm going to make flags for them. KDS Animated World Flags Modders Resource by KDStudios http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/46514/?
  4. Before I begin I must stress that the mod is NOT dead. However I feel that I should have said something about this problem sooner. I spent 2014 working on learning 3D modeling and specifically how to use Blender. However at this point it is clear to me that I still lack the skill that part of the goal needs. It was hard to accept, but until I find someone who can, the project has hit a wall. I am sorry for being a coward and not saying anything. The T3 and Breezes armors, clothing, and bases are cleaned and prepped. In the meantime I’ll be cleaning the T6M models. Flesh out the mod stories that have been written. But the only other thing I could do is textures and without finalized meshes there is no sense in that. If your angry, I can't blame you. I can only say I believed that, if I tried a little harder I'd snap into it. If anyone knows someone willing to help who is good with meshes, please help. Until then I'll keep my ear out and work on what I can.
  5. Rumor has it that FO4 is being released near the end of 2015. Thinking I might keep in under wraps and release a version for all three games at that time.
  6. Checking in to say the mod isn't dead, been writing lore. If things go well next week will post some models.
  7. I'm sorry for the absence, I've stuck in a cycle. Every-time I make a model it doesn't seem good enough, and I keep starting over.
  8. {Didn't know whether to put this here or the suggestions section.} Wanted to ask if anyone has made a mod to allow a person to eat/drink consumables and save the excess for later?
  9. Thank you for your efforts Derok, and good luck where life takes you.
  10. For Khajiit either http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39983/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24342/? both, if feeling really ambitious.
  11. artifex0 Gave the okay, and concidering FNV has a fox mod and Rae1Vixen has been looking forward to it in FO3. I will be attaching the feet tomorrow for Breezes working on the Arctic Fox. One thing I'm wondering though is does the fox-race mod head work for males, or should it be altered? *Edit* Came across this while looking for reference pictures. I think something like the Detroit one would work for a T51-b (especially Ashur's). And Nova could work with Enclave armor. What do you folks think? http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/011/5/f/the_paw_fashion_project_by_doran_eirok-d3gsw0x.png
  12. Haven't been able to contact artifex0 about his digitigrade foot mod. However I did find a guide on deviant art for drawing and posing them. So I'm thinking of asking Grimoa, if I may reshape these. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16976/? Otherwise it will have to be made from scratch.
  13. I'll leave that for you to decide, however I can give you my email if you want to send it as an attachment.
  14. Digitigrade needs to add bones to move right. So the first version will be plantigrade. The amount of toes and digits will be based on the natural animal. So for a fox that would be five digits up front and four in the back.
  15. Hey brother, I'm not sure why your waiting on me. Last time we talked you were working on the models. I don't need/use any standard armor/outfits for my anthropomorphic animals in the burrows, so this isn't a aspect that touches on my mod. But it doesn't mean I can't help out and make a separate resource mod you can draw from (as long as you realize I'm pretty busy, and the models and scripting may come along a bit slowly due to lack of time). If that's something you want me to do, list all the free to use resources we have and any you've personally received permission for (I'll have to PM the authors to do the same). I know we're looking at type 3 and breeze (which is fine since it's no different that using the vanilla body types when we're starting with a fresh base), but feel me in on additional details you think are important (outfits with a higher priority, if you prefer a script swap out or a workbench conversion etc). I'm also somewhat familiar with new races so I have a semi functional handle on making them. When I get home from work (or maybe while I'm here), I'll review the thread and see what points need to be addressed. Thanks for clearing up misunderstanding. I'll do what I can and update when it is time for placing in-game. Thinking of asking artifex0 to use the digitigrade Foot mods for the cat races http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43833/?
  16. Sorry, it took so long to respond. I haven't heard anything from Mr. Patterson on bodies and without those, all I have to show you are T3/breezes armor sans shoes. Think I will start on making plantigrade feet to put on the Canine models to get the shoes moving. If anyone has a particular reference or idea I'm open to suggestions. (would be Digititgrade, but not sure how to do a skeleton.) Sure can I get a test sample? (site isn't liking my link to DA so here is the example picture Vix.)
  17. Power armor is mostly hollow with the operator harnessed to hydrolic-servos. So the armor itself may just need a tail hole. May be good to have them adapt it at a workbench or have them take it to a scribe. That way there is an explanation why it fits. Could also include a quest to learn how to do upgrades to fit foot and hand armor.
  18. Going off the cut content for S'Lanter the average anthro has the intelligence of the average human. So from a developmental stand point they would rank 4-6 in thought complexity. Assuming they stayed in the facility they are created, then they have a highly knowledgeable leader. West Tek: Every lab is overseen by a Z.A.X. unit. I.E. ZAX 1.2 (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/ZAX_1.2) BigMT: As a partner of Greenway Hydroponics they had access to their technology. This could range to a team of pre-war scientists like the dome. However it is more likely to be like Diana Stone who would have appeared in VanBurren (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Diana_Stone) In FO3 we see how effective a leader a Z.A.X. can be with "President" John Henry Eden. The Z.A.X. in Anchorage would be programed for military and probably have an AI based off of a famous General. It would have access to any electronics and robots not destroyed in the blast, so they would definitely have customized T-51b armor. Although, it's more likely they scrapped using the bases equipment and made something Enclave level. My idea would be that when the base opened up following radiation quarantine they did the following. Recovery of any registered off-base equipment. Recon of the landscape. Assimilation of all non-hostile factions. Pacification of hostile targets.
  19. No problem, I'll address your posts in order. Arctic foxes would be located in Alaska therefore it would be unlikely for them to desire the long trek to D.C. Could be added as an Operation Anchorage related add-on though. If no other bio-science organizations are available, then West Tek could have an outpost there for the war effort.A facility like that would probably be located on a military base as to avoid bio-weapons in Chinese hands.BoS hasn't gone that far north, so they would be the strongest faction there. And have access to power armor and energy weapons.The last point fits in with the answer to the next part: My plan is to make two lore-friendly versions where certain species are available in FO3 and others in FNV. Determined by how close they are to the events, and whether it would make sense for them to travel there. However on each one there would be a version containing all of the species, for those who wanted to play with one not found in the location. As for updates I have the models made, but I've never made an armor/race mod, and I'm lost on what to do with them. (*Edit* I meant the armor pieces for type 3 and breezes male)
  20. Damian is doing the community a favor, not a job. Criticism of this sort is not useful, or constructive. It would be more useful to cut the first line and simply ask your question. What criticism? I was talking about khajiit bodies which weren't published by Derok yet, and that has nothing to do with Damian. He is doing amazing job. I must have misunderstood and I apologize.
  21. Damian is doing the community a favor, not a job. Criticism of this sort is not useful, or constructive. It would be more useful to cut the first line and simply ask your question.
  22. It seems that overk_ll has figured out how to stabilize the foxrace. So in the mean time pop in and give the mod some love. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55823/ Depending on what s/he does may leave foxes to him/her and use red wolves instead.
  23. Should be done prepping armor by the end of the week. Do you want me to add this one to the list? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38198/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D38198%26preview%3D&pUp=1
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