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Everything posted by TheSkoomaKing

  1. It will yes, as long as your Quest for it is running at the time of death. Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) ; place whatever you want your script to do in here! endEvent
  2. I am trying to make a regular Scene, but for some reason my scene just wont start. I´ve tried both MyScene.Start() & MyScene.ForceStart() None of them helps. And I am certain that everything else in the script is working, since I placed a couple of Debug.Notifications inside both script and Scene-Dialogues. Worth mentioning, I have both Dawnguard.ESM and Dragonborn.ESM activated for this mod, is there anything specific I must do with them before Dialogue works? Any help or advice is appreciated
  3. What you could do is; make a new quest, once that is done go ahead and make a Reference_Alias. And set the Unique Actor to Player. Then you can make a quick script with the Event Ondeath() function.
  4. i think its the space that is giving you the error, Race Property PlayerRaceAsen Auto try that instead :)
  5. the CK´s dialogue part is atm broken as of the new patch i believe. so in order for your new npc to say your new lines you must first---->Start the game and load a save while your mod is activated!----> Save your game---->load your game--->speak with your custom npc! Yes it is that simple really! :) hope it helps !
  6. Hello everyone! I have a quick question. i am trying to create a script on an activator, so when you activate the activator the player will play an idle this idle to be percise(IdleUseMeadBarrelEnter) here is the script: Scriptname _ScumIslandMeadFillUpScript extends ObjectReference MiscObject Property BasicTankard01 Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto Potion Property FilledTankard Auto Idle Property FillupIdle Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.ForceThirdPerson() Game.Getplayer().Removeitem(Gold001,10) Game.Getplayer().PlayIdle(FillupIdle) Game.DisablePlayerControls() Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Game.Getplayer(), "IdleUseMeadBarrelEnter") Utility.wait(3) Game.EnablePlayerControls() Game.Getplayer().Additem(FilledTankard,1) Endevent everything is firing but not the actual idle. i have also tried Game.Getplayer().PlayAnimation("FillupIdle") with no luck. do you know what might be wrong?
  7. Yeah i have to agree with ripple, there is no way your mod can delete vanilla textures
  8. @Domm5078 i guess the random events can be managable :) as for the swapping factions... will be a bit more complicated :)
  9. Have you looked at the VampireQuest Script? That is what I used to make my Demon Mod :) PM me if you need details
  10. @Xion209 well i couldt see it atleast! xD
  11. Im a proud nexus member and will always be! only uploading my mods to the nexus sites etc! keep up the good work and I shall go premium as soon as the money comes ! :) // TheSkoomaKing
  12. This sounds like a cool idea, im a modder myself and i could see myself doing this, I´ve made mods such as " Tame the beasts of Skyrim" and "Demon Form" so i know my way around the creation kit. Just send me a PM and we can get started :) //TheSkoomaKing
  13. Just static, dont need any animation or something like that :)
  14. Hi! I am trying to make a demon race, well the race is already finished but i want to add some cool wings to it aswell, So i opened both Malebody Skeleton and Vampire lord Skeleton, copy the branches and renamed the Nif file so it wouldt overwrite the existing one. I changed the skeleton inside the creationkit on the Demon race so it would use my new skeleton. But when i enter ingame it wont show, So I know there is something between there that i have to fix, but i just dont know what! Any information or advice would be very appreciated! :) //TheSkoomaKing
  15. you just made a simple typo :) all those 3 errors comes from one thing. You simply named your property "Decimus". BUT inside the script you have named it "Alias_Decimus". Remove the Alias_Decimus and it will work :)
  16. Have you tried Saving game and then loading it up again? I think it works because you get a dialogue bug when new topics are created. It works for me atleast :)
  17. ;Propertys Container Property Chest Auto ;Functions Function AddItem(Form akItemToAdd, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false) native Function WaitGameTime(float afHours) native global Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Utility.WaitGameTime(24) ; Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, false) Chest.AddItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) Utility.WaitGameTime(168) EndEvent Im not a master myself, but i think the chest property is unseen by the fuction. Try adding Chest = akSourceContainer do not know if it works but had a similar problem once and that solved it!
  18. I am not sure i follow what u mean here. Cause a Animal cannot really sneak so if you do like you said. or as i understood it anyways, you create a spell that works similar as the " Nightengale Perk" which makes you invisible once your sneaking. But as a said, since this follower is a animal he doesn't have any sneaking animation so he is not sneaking :). Is there any scripting way to make this work? btw sorry for late reply, have been Christmas and all that ^^
  19. (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_ToD01_02005697.psc(18,1): variable CourierQuest is undefined i think you just forgot to set properties here. That is why its undefined. Same goes for: "" (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_ToD01_02005697.psc(18,53): variable ToDFlyer is undefined"" set them correctly by going into quest tab, --->Script---->YourScript---->Properties-----> and there you should have them laying there :)
  20. Hi guys im trying to make a script for a specific actor. A Sabrecat for that matter. I want my actor to get a invisible spell everytime the player sneaks. I know how to, but i just do not know what event to use for the actor. Scriptname aaCatSneakingScript extends ObjectReference Spell Property InvisibleSpell Auto event onActivate(objectReference AkActor) if game.getplayer().IsSneaking() AkActor.Addspell(InvisibleSpell) Endif Endevent I choose Event onactivate cause i found another script that was placed on the npc itself that was using it. have no clue if its wrong or right, but this is the errors i get: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\aaCatSneakingScript.psc(12,8): Addspell is not a function or does not exist No output generated for aaCatSneakingScript, compilation failed. anyone know how to fix this?
  21. hmm, an example of what i meant would be this: Lets say you have a quest with a girl who wants to you to collect milk. you then want the game to tell the player about the objectives, like: " Get milk from the cow " if you open up your quest tab, there is a tab called " Quest objectives", go to it and have a look if you have actually given the player any objectives, as for your other problem, make sure that you´ve set the quest three´s start up stage to 0. Since it is 0 your setstaging to :) If i am abit unclear please pm me and i will try to assist you further :)
  22. make sure that you´ve set the right properties for the quests. example: inside the first quest, go to "quest stages" and then properties at the box down below the script box. There you type in the property for your next quest, in this case quest 3. and then in whatever stage you want the new quest to begin, you simply put: MyQuest03.Setstage(0) also make sure that you have a objective at the new quest, otherwise you cant tell if its starting or not.
  23. yeah even tried that to, but it does not work. But noworries, thanks a lot everyone for you help. I´ve for the record created a new script that deletes the AkTarget and places a Actorbase with the correct scripts etc. So that works! :)
  24. here is how the script looks ATM: Scriptname aaTameBeastScriptEffect01 extends ActiveMagicEffect import ReferenceAlias import Quest ReferenceAlias Property TamedBeastAlias Auto GlobalVariable Property AlreadyTamedGlobal Auto Faction Property CreatureFaction Auto Faction Property FollowerFaction Auto Faction Property PlayerFaction Auto Faction Property TamedBeastFaction Auto Faction Property CurrentFollowerFaction Auto Keyword Property Creature Auto Keyword Property ActorTypeCreature Auto Message Property FailMessage01 Auto Message Property failMessage02 Auto Message Property SuccessMessage01 Auto Race Property BearSnow Auto Race Property BearBlack Auto Race Property BearBrown Auto Race Property Goat Auto Race Property TrollIce Auto Race Property Deer Auto Race Property Mammoth Auto Race Property WolfRace Auto Race Property CharusRace Auto Race Property FoxRace Auto Race Property SpiderRace01 Auto Race Property SpiderRace02 Auto Race Property MudcrabRace Auto Race Property SabreCatRace Auto Race Property SabreCatSnow Auto Race Property SprigganRace Auto Race Property TamedBearBlackRace Auto Race Property TamedBearBrownRace Auto Race Property TamedBearSnowRace Auto Race Property TamedChaurusRace Auto Race Property TamedElkRace Auto Race Property TamedFoxRace Auto Race Property TamedFrostbiteSpiderRace Auto Race Property TamedFrostBiteSpiderGiant Auto Race Property TamedGoatRace Auto Race Property TamedMammothRace Auto Race Property TamedMudcrabRace Auto Race Property TamedSabreCatRace Auto Race Property TamedSabreCatSnowyRace Auto Race Property TamedSprigganRace Auto Race Property TamedTrollFrostRace Auto Race Property TamedTrollRace Auto Race Property TamedWispRace Auto Race Property TamedWolfRace Auto Race Property TamedDeerRace Auto Topic Property FollowMeTopic Auto Race CureRace Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) float AlreadyTamed = AlreadyTamedGlobal.GetValue() If AlreadyTamed == 1 Debug.Notification("You already have a tamed creature.") Return ; abort EndIf CureRace = akTarget.GetRace() if !CureRace.HasKeyword(ActorTypeCreature) AlreadyTamedGlobal.SetValue(0) ; Mark the spell as failed. Debug.Notification("Target is not valid for taming") FailMessage01.Show() elseif CureRace.HasKeyword(ActorTypeCreature) && (CureRace == BearSnow || CureRace == BearBrown || CureRace == BearBlack || CureRace == CharusRace || CureRace == Goat \ || CureRace == TrollIce || CureRace == Deer || CureRace == Mammoth || CureRace == WolfRace || CureRace == FoxRace || CureRace == SpiderRace01 || CureRace == SpiderRace02) Debug.Notification("Target is valid for taming") AkTarget.StopCombat() TamedBeastAlias.ForceRefTo(akTarget) if (CureRace == BearSnow) akTarget.SetRace(TamedBearSnowRace) elseif (CureRace == BearBrown) akTarget.SetRace(TamedBearBrownRace) elseif (CureRace == BearBlack) akTarget.SetRace(TamedBearBlackRace) elseif (CureRace == CharusRace) akTarget.SetRace(TamedChaurusRace) elseif (CureRace == Goat) akTarget.SetRace(TamedGoatRace) elseif (CureRace == TrollIce) akTarget.SetRace(TamedTrollFrostRace) elseif (CureRace == Deer) akTarget.SetRace(TamedDeerRace) elseif (CureRace == Mammoth) akTarget.SetRace(TamedMammothRace) elseif (CureRace == WolfRace) akTarget.SetRace(TamedWolfRace) elseif (CureRace == FoxRace) akTarget.SetRace(TamedFoxRace) elseif (CureRace == SpiderRace01) akTarget.SetRace(TamedFrostbiteSpiderRace) elseif (CureRace == SpiderRace02) akTarget.SetRace(TamedFrostbiteSpiderGiant) else ;Debug.Trace("[Dark Gift][Warning] " + akTarget + " is not a known race. Defaulting to Imperial vampire.") AlreadyTamedGlobal.SetValue(0) ; Mark the spell as failed. The race was not in the list. endif Utility.Wait(2) ; wait a couple of seconds for the race to change If AkTarget.GetRace() != CureRace ; test that the race has changed AkTarget.RemoveFromAllFactions() AkTarget.AddToFaction(TamedBeastFaction) AkTarget.AddToFaction(playerFaction) AkTarget.AddToFaction(FollowerFaction) AkTarget.SetFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction, -1) AlreadyTamedGlobal.SetValue(1) AkTarget.Stopcombat() (Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(FeedSpell, true)) (Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(AbandonSpell, true)) FollowMeTopic.Add() SuccessMessage01.Show() EndIf endif if (AlreadyTamed == 0) FailMessage02.Show() Debug.Notification("Target is not valid for taming") endif EndEvent SPELL Property FeedSpell Auto SPELL Property AbandonSpell Auto I removed the Aktarget = TamedBeastAlias.Getreference() as actor" and when i did the " Not valid for taming" vanished, but it doesnt seem like the alias is being filled,
  25. It would seem like it doesnt work, atleast the " Not valid for taming " is gone now since i put the " TamedBeastAlias.ForceRefTo(akTarget) " inside the script, but it would seem like it doesnt do something with it, no dialogue doesnt work anyway. Any more suggestions? :)
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