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Everything posted by sothpaw

  1. I got some help figuring this issue out over on the Larian forums. It seems that the files that used to be in Documents now reside in %APPDATA% My game is running normally now. Now there is just getting mods to work with Vortex. Thank you, Djmr for your help with this issue. The thread: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=808915Post808915
  2. I can't seem to find any files or folders related to the game searching either Appdata, Localappdata, or, %Localappdata%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods. It doesn't seem to exist on my PC anywhere.
  3. I'm wondering if anyone has run into this. Or, knows how I can go about addressing it. Since downloading the update I'm having some major UI/Functionality issues. There are fields where there should be descriptions that only have a blank box. Certain options are missing altogether, and others disappear after clicking on them. When I make it in game with a character, the UI is crunched together and overlapping. Cannot access inventory or equip modes either. I've tried: 1. disabling then deleting all mods. My normal troubleshooting process (disable/enable one at a time to find the problem) was unsuccessful. 2. deleting the game, then reinstalling it. 3. deleting the game again, deleting anything left behind on the PC, then reinstalling the game and running it without mods or anything. Currently, this is what my character creation looks like in a nutshell. I'm at a loss on what to do. I can use some advice if possible. This is a clean (game/folders deleted, then cc cleaner, then reinstall) looks like:
  4. Is there a resource I've missed regarding instructions on how to install and use the existing mods for Baldur's Gate 3 on the Nexus? Stupid me assumed that since Vortex is working I would only need download and active them per other games. So far, nothing is working. I downloaded: Mudcrab Merchant Basket Full of Outfits Flaming Fist Armor and Shield Powerful Characters Improved Robe of Summer Golden Staff I was hoping there might be a step by step tutorial somewhere I can reference to get these working. The descriptions on the mod pages are very confusing regarding lines of code, and I'm failing to understand the meaning.
  5. I've not used Sim Settlements. Nonetheless, one of the things that scared me off from it is something you seem to be experiencing. Although I do not agree with UF4P being problematic, I have learned that when installing large mods that change a ton of things, it's best to check for incompatibilities. There is likely a patch or two you will need from Sim Settlements to run it without issue with other big mods. Best to buckle in and do some reading on the Sim Settlements page. Or bravely ask a newb question in their discord channel :) What specs are you running on your PC? And, if it helps, this is an alternative to using the High Res DLC. I've found it to be a wonderful, nowhere near as resource heavy, alternative. Vivid Fallout - All in One: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25714
  6. I mean, it's available on Nexus too. Did you check Nexus first before sending the user over to Bethesda? Here's the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24204 Moebedda, the mod I linked is very useful to fixing broken menus. Actually I didn't. I simply referenced what I used in the past and is in my mod menu :) Either way is more than fine and should solve the OP's issue.
  7. There is a mod on Bethesda.net called Settlement Menu Manager. When I had issues with categories in my workshop menu disappearing, this solved the problem. I'm sorry, I don't have a direct link. However if you search there it is downloadable. Or, one could use the mods option in the main menu of the game. This should take you there and you can download it. I used the holotape in game. It takes a bit to do it's thing. But you will get a prompt when it is done. Worked very well for me.
  8. Well... it quit again. So the game crashed when I attempted to modify an armor. That is a known issue to me, and my fault for not taking the time to fix the file. However, I'm right back to where I was before. The game goes to the main menu without issue. There is a brief pause going into the main menu where one can see the creation club option and news gray, then lighting up so to speak. Once I choose to either load a save file or start a new game however, the game goes right back to the spinning object, stutter, then CTD (save game) - or black screen for 30 or so seconds with the vault tec icon in the lower right portion of the screen visible and animated, then CTD. I spent my last night off tonight wiping my SSD drive of Fallout 4 and it's peripheral files, running CC cleaner to ensure there were no registry errors or dead in's. Then I redownloaded the game, reinstalled my mods. I started a new game as my save file backups were crashing in the manner previously described. I was able to exit the vault, pick up stuff then COC to diamondcityext to grab some weapons. However it's now crashing whenever I attempt to fast travel. I've no hair left to pull out. Has anyone found a solution for this?
  9. Just noticed something that was hinted at in your previous post, StormWolf01. You mentioned some things that got me looking in other posts in this forum. I noticed this post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6341151-f4se-causing-constant-crashes-on-main-menu-need-help-please/&do=findComment&comment=57123471 in it the user suggest deleting the Data/F4SE folder. I did this, and my game stuttered, but loaded! And I was able to walk from Starlight Drive in to Red Rocket, then Sanctuary. Of course I was missing the benefit of all mods that use F4SE. Now I'm wondering how to replace this folder properly so things do work.
  10. Thanks kindly for helping me find my modlist. Vortex doesn't seem to have a function I can use to share them. I do have some Creation Club content. And I recently downloaded a mod to keep the CC content from all populating at once. I don't think that's the issue though, as I downloaded this after I was experiencing this problem.
  11. So, I've been trying to figure out what is wrong, and having no luck. My fallout 4 is now crashing whenever I start it. It makes it to the main menu, but when I attempt to either choose a saved game, or start a new one it crashes while loading. I did notice that whatever is showing on the screen rotating while the game is loading will stutter briefly before CTD. I've tried a lot of things so far. And I've noticed that whether I'm trying to load the game with or without mods this happens. Since I know part of the process is listing my mods, here is a list of them: Also, this is my papyrus log: I'd like to solve this issue and be able to play my game. Little backround up to this point: had mods not working - sought help - couldn't solve destroyed everything by deleting it. Bought a new SSD redownloaded as much as I could (lost many great mods not available to download anymore) played the game without issue for a day. started crashing on fast travel or going anywhere near Sanctuary, Red Rocket, Tenpines Bluff - basically anything north of Starlight Drive In. Now game crashes on loading saves/attempting to start new game. pulled hair out. now here begging for help.
  12. So, I've been trying to figure out what is wrong, and having no luck. My fallout 4 is now crashing whenever I start it. It makes it to the main menu, but when I attempt to either choose a saved game, or start a new one it crashes while loading. I did notice that whatever is showing on the screen rotating while the game is loading will stutter briefly before CTD. I've tried a lot of things so far. And I've noticed that whether I'm trying to load the game with or without mods this happens. Since I know part of the process is listing my mods, here is a list of them: Also, this is my papyrus log: I'd like to solve this issue and be able to play my game. Little backround up to this point: had mods not working - sought help - couldn't solve destroyed everything by deleting it. Bought a new SSD redownloaded as much as I could (lost many great mods not available to download anymore) played the game without issue for a day. started crashing on fast travel or going anywhere near Sanctuary, Red Rocket, Tenpines Bluff - basically anything north of Starlight Drive In. Now game crashes on loading saves/attempting to start new game. pulled hair out. now here begging for help.
  13. In a new attempt at resolving this issue, I've downloaded and set up Vortex. After following the instructions, I am still experiencing this problem. This problem occurs both with and without mods installed. Any ideas? I'm out of them atm.
  14. Only remaining mods have been CC content. Everything else has either been disabled or deleted in my efforts to get to the bottom of this problem.
  15. Not sure what's going on here, but posting for insight and help. Whenever I attempt to trade items with a settler, or talk to any vendor, the game will CTD just before their menu opens. I am on a brand new playthrough. I do use a lot of mods, however: 1. I've disabled all mods and the problem still occurs. 2. I've verified files using steam. 3. Out of frustration, I've uninstalled, then reinstalled the game. This problem still occurs. I don't see much traffic about this issue on the web. I could use a hand figuring this one out.
  16. Is there anyone available who is familiar with Vis G, Vis Sorting, AKWR? I'm thinking that perhaps one of these changed the shotgun shells to 12 gauge shotgun shells or something of the sort. I know that in previous Bethesda games changing the name or reference point of an object will result in CTD. I'm thinking that this is where I should be looking? I won't have the time to play the deactivate and see what happens roulette until my next day off. I'd imagine that somewhere, this has happened to another. But a few quick searches on the subject came up dry.
  17. I'm aware that it's showing that on my mod list. However, not all of the mods are in an activated state. Esm and esp mods total out at 248 active.
  18. Hi there, I just got excited and downloaded the quad shotgun mod from the site. I was originally confused that my game would CTD whenever I attempted to fire it. However, with some limited testing, I've noticed that this is happening with *every* weapon that uses shotgun shells. I did notice recently also that my names on my ammo have changed significantly. For example, what was .308 ammo is now 7.62X 51nm (308). I assumed that getting the latest versions of AWKR, VIS-Item Sorting, VIS G would solve the problem, but it hasn't. Still geting CTD when trying to use my AA12, Combat Shotgun, Quad Shotgun, etc. So I'm hoping I could get some help on where to start and what to do. I appreciate any help. Thank You. PS: I can't look in FO4Edit to try and find a conflict. It tells me I have too many mods and shuts down. I do have a LOT of mods...
  19. Strange thing happened with my game today. I recruited Codsworth, then the next fast travel - he has a brahmin following him around. Can't get rid of the thing. Tried: 1. killing the brahmin - Codsworth becomes permanently hostile. And when you deplete his hit points, a new brahmin spawns when he gets up. 2. killing the brahmin in stealth - Codsworth is hostile, but doesn't attack me. Runs around randomly searching for enemies. Can't fast travel/rest/etc. So I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the brahmin without it respawning, or turning Codsworth hostile. Any suggestions?
  20. In response to post #39464010. #39464265, #39466000, #39467535, #39468865 are all replies on the same post. Out of everything I've had the opportunity to view - I am most supportive of the SKSE option. Since it's an outside program, it doesn't appear likely that a console user could make use of a stolen mod. It seems to me that on top of the aformentioned... many responding console users in the bethnet forums possess little to no patience. When I used to work with other mod authors in the Oblivion days, it would take weeks, sometime months to get something ready for release. That doesn't appear to have changed. What has changed it seems is the maturity and patience level of the user audience. It's disheartening to learn that the work put into creating mods is largely misunderstood by this new audience.
  21. Greetings, I'm of the opinion that this is a simple issue to address, yet haven't had enough time to research it. Thought I'd ask here. I recently got a steam copy of the game as a Christmas Gift. Since I already have other Bethesda titles and use NMM, I downloaded some mods from the site previous to my first playthrough. Didn't have any trouble using the .ini fix, however I downloaded two different armor mods and when I equip them, they are invisible. Tried checking for missing textures/meshes, but everything appears to be intact. Tried toggling archive invalidation via NMM function, armors are still invisible. I'm sure I missed something simple in my haste to play the game (limited time to play irl). Any idea what might be causing the issue?
  22. This solution worked for me when nothing else did. Thanks kindly for posting this. I was becoming rather frustrated with Hannibal and Co sandboxing at the Metro enterance. Thinking I was being proactive, I'd killed the slavers outright before escorting them on their trek across the Capitol Wasteland. Even though I realize this post is old, I'm quoting it because it may help another frustrated player having the same issue.
  23. Turns out I was on the wrong track. On the other forum, it was pointed out to me that the Steam version came patched up to 1.7. That user suggested there might be a problem with one of my mods. So, after disabling them all and starting the game via Steam Client one at a time, I was able to find the offending mod. Crisis averted lol...
  24. Googling around as well since I've not gotten any responses as of yet. Most entries I've read with a problem similar to mine point to patching the game. Even though 1.6 is what's recommended, I found version 1.7 on the Bethesda site and downloaded that. This isn't helping so far as the patch does not appear to complete. It hits 100% and then starts the game up on it's own. The game then crashes every time. This is a thread I've started over there as well trying to get some help: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1472549-cannot-install-patchstuck-in-game/
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