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Everything posted by Sniperwhere

  1. Well, I'm glad you're understanding of it. I know that feeling from experience, that's why I called it out.
  2. so there is a relation between elk and fish... :P antler.
  3. erm.. elk? I don't know what a wapiti is...
  4. Scar Tissue... in my pants - RHCP A Day in the Life... in my pants - The Beatles Through the Fire and Flames... in my pants - Dragonforce Holiday... in my pants - Green Day
  5. Starcraft. to me, it is, and always will be, the best game ever made.
  6. Hey man. Thanks for adding me to your friends list.
  7. "Wishing for the impossible is the greatest gift of mankind. We're capable of change, and we're capable of creating the works of our dreams. Always shoot higher than you could have ever dreamed of accomplishing; that way, even if you miss, your dreams will come true. The grass may be greener, but living on a golf course has it's cons too." ~ Arman Nobari; good friend of mine. "Think in smaller terms. Don't think about changing the world, or being significant to the world. Think about how you are significant in the lives of those close to you, think about how your presence has changed them. Make your life eventful, make your life significant." ~ Joey Dearden; another good friend. "Live your own life and not the life they say you'll have." ~ Ryan Snyder; me.
  8. "Those who believe they are perfect are the ones who are truly flawed." ~ Me. "Not a monster, not a boogey man. Understand that it's just a person. Not worth devoting any nightmares to." ~ Johnny C.
  9. N, Morrowind, Resident Evil 4, Guitar Hero, Burnout Revenge, Oblivion, Battlefront 2, Soul Reaver. In that order.
  10. I wouldn't exactly say that any of them are trully scary, but those Ancestral Ghosts and the noises in their tombs did bother me at first.
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