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Everything posted by Artparker

  1. I think you meant interiors for me? Also I'll do exteriors, should the need arise. I'm really curious how the underground market is coming!!!
  2. I have SKSE running correctly and neither can I get the row boat to move nor find the means to move the larger vessel that I paid for and hired the necessary crew. In fact, when I jumped on the row boat and activated the button, it turned automatically and got stuck on the dock, it won't respond to me, made a collision sound twice and that's all she wrote. :(
  3. The burning mast would be a stage, like when Whiterun is attacked. So I would build all the stages, however, I'll have to do some research and experimenting for awhile to figure out how to create stages...as of now it's a mystery to me. If someone has the experience that would be awesome... As for the quest, can you get someone going on writing some dialogue up? Then we can put the voice actors to work :)
  4. If anyone has interiors that need to be made for quests they want to work on, please collaborate with me, as I can make any room to your specifications for the related quest(s). I haven't made any interiors as I don't know who or what is being worked on. MJAB98, (and other interested quest designers)
  5. You're not asking me are you? I don't know what to do with voice actors... On another note, have you contacted the former leaders of the City of Scum, there are a ton of resources that went into that, that we should be able to use for this mod. You reminded of this when you mentioned the Blood Horkers. That warehouse I modded in Solitude was suppose to belong to the Blood Horkers.
  6. Could you please message MJAB98, he's organizing modders...he's working on a couple of quest lines, so he can direct you on some dialogue, thanks! Also yes I use Live Another Life like crazy and had that in mind...
  7. Do we have a track list of what everybody has worked on thus far? If so, I'd like to see it categorized. Such as: Quests: (Modder's name - name of quest) Interiors: (Modder's name - name of interior) etc... I feel like some people have made some mods for this and they haven't seen the light of day, it would be good to get everyone on track. Especially if I'm going to invest more into this project, which I am. So if you've worked on something send MJAB98 or I a message with a link to your work or an update, thanks!
  8. Sorry if this spoils anything, but I don't know how to actually create the spoiler thingy...Anyway, here's some glimpses of something I whipped up today...part of the escape tunnel from Pirate's Cove (more to come): http://artparker.com/misc/tunneller1.jpg http://artparker.com/misc/backentrance.jpg
  9. I'm just posting this here to give ideas/direction about Pirate's Cove: Idea's for Pirate's Cove questlines: Backstory: You're a shipwrecked pirate, stranded without crew, without a ship, and most importantly, no booty! So what to do then? Your first goal is to get some booty, to attract some pirate scum! Quest One:1. Everything that glitters - You steal whatever you want, from where ever you want, from whoever you want until you have at least 5,000 gold and a high bounty in 3 holds. Once this is accomplished, you get a message from a carrier about a shady scumbag who has heard of your plunder and wants to join, he also knows of a pirate town, but you'll have to work to get there. Once you have a pirate pal, you both realize your hungry... Quest Two:2. Every Pirate Gots To Eat - Every decent pirate has a decent Chef You and or another pirate go into Windhelm (why because it's close to Pirate's Cove) to steal the best chef in Skyrim. The chef will be added or can be an already existing chef in one of the palaces. After gaining the chef, the chef can give you quests for meat and ingredients he'll need to keep your scurvy at bay! (Special item: Oranges) Once you have your chef, he will appear in the pirate cove, working their on his own will after being swayed by the massive amount of treasure he sees to be gained from working with you. After getting a chef, it's serious, you can go out and get more crew members if you have the UFO mod, or if you don't then, screw it and go solo or with your pirate buddy and go plunder till you've got enough to get a ship constructed. The ship will require more than just gold, however there are shipwrights and laborers in Pirate's Cove that you can pay to gather the needed wood and such. If Hearthfire is included in this mod, then we can get more tricky with what's necessary to build the ship, such as nails, glass, etc. Quest Three:3. Yarg, I needs me a ship! - Get 20,000 gold any way you can to get your ship built After you have a ship, the serious plundering begins, a line of quest can be made that focus on stealing women, specific women who are said to be the finiest, such as Carlotta in Whiterun, maybe the Jarl chick in Solitude, fine treasure and setting towns on fire if you so desire. After stealing women, they are converted into pirates back at the cove found wearing sweet pirate swag. Furthermore, inside the Underground Market there are merchant pirates who will buy specific stolen items, but of course, some of them may be in prison or elsewhere, they'll need to be brought back to Pirate's Cove (where they truly want be). Goal Quest: 4. Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of fun! - Plunder, plunder, plunder... Once you have a ship you can compete with the other factions in Pirate's Cove, specifically for the Pirate King's loungue and suite. The possibility for quests here is grand, there could be a fight between the two, but then that would piss off the entire pirate town for going against the one and only rule of who gets to be called the "Pirate King". The best route is to out do the current Pirate King by gaining the respect of the Nord, Argonian, and Khajit merchant pirate factions. Possible ways of doing this may be to capture people and put them in the underground market, where gallows and chains can be seen, either killing pirate enemies in Pirate's Cove on display or making slaves of normal people. It's suppose to be a place that creates fear and respect from the populace of Skyrim. It's part of being pirate scum. 5. The Bloated Eye Brewery There is a giant brewery for Pirate's Cove's drinking needs. There is a constant need for more brewing ingredients. The more you bring, the more they drink, the more the cove respects you. The fastest you become the Pirate King. 6. Skooma Factory Much like the brewery, but with a different result on the followers you choose as pirates from Pirate's Cove. More violence, etc...
  10. I'm not sure what you mean GodoFDwarfbane. Have you seen this pirate town yet? It's tucked away in a glacial cove as to be hidden from obvious sight. The size of it works for this project just fine, many interiors throughout on the roof system pathways. Most of the town is actually in an 'underground' area, with shanty type shacks set up inside a bigger dark and dirty dwelling space. The idea is that this town harbors all evil practices of trade. Skooma/moon sugar production facility, extremely valuable treasures horded in some buildings and even secret gang hideouts for multiply factions. All of this needs to be developed, I'm just a level designer.
  11. This is the nature of the 3D object made by Beth Inc. I guess they never intended for the roofs to be used by thieves...lol...with all joking aside I know a way to make it solid, I can place solid invisible planes in to prevent falling through, however if someone else has already started improving the atmosphere of the town, I'd rather work off the latest version. If you wouldn't mind taking a look through the last pages to see who was doing that, that would help me alot, I don't have much time atm to scroll through. Thanks!
  12. Ok, be my guest. :) Let's get things coordinated... On another note, is there anyone else that was on this board that made any progress, please upload some pics!
  13. I personally haven't been working on it, but being the original maker of the town, I would be willing to contribute if someone were to lead the project. I have no experience in coordinating modders and am not sure how to merge different versions of the same mod into one. I thought Andy was spearheading the revival of this mod/concept. Seems he's disappeared.
  14. I don't believe DLC should have an impact on this mod. I finally bought the DLC just a week ago and I don't notice much of a change. The game is fun again because I have new things to do and explore, but it shouldn't affect anything I've done before... The first thing I've noticed is Bethbugda has failed to realize a few major important things once again. The atmosphere in Raven's Rock f'ing sucks. Not enough people, even though it's desolate, it feels like Vanilla Whiterun. Where the screwhole are the miners who couldn't get out, why isn't there a place on the boat for me to place storage, cause Kynareth knows I can't hold it all or sell it to the local vendors. Holy Talos what the crab horker am I suppose to do..?! I'm ready to mod my own chest in the middle of the town because it's so ridiculous. Super stupid gaming in my own humble opinion, but to get to the point: LET'S HAVE A PIRATE TOWN with ships we can deploy and add storage to. Then this storage problem would go away. On a further note: DLC adds stuff to the game, but it doesn't truly add to the Skyrim experience in a way that most hardcore Skyrim players have enjoyed. I mean, try asking someone in Solitude if they want to eat an Ash Yam. They response will prolly be something like, "I'm an imperial, do I appear to be covered in horse dung and expired nightshade? Feed that Ash compost to someone in Riften." LOLOLOLOL
  15. The density of the buildings doesn't matter. The town is smalller than Riften + it uses less resources. Lack of population and objects. There is a couple slices of cheese lying around and 5 NPCs, most of which are missing in game for some stupid reason on my part. Maybe I should investigate the NPC side, but frame rate drop should be a non-issue TBH. It's super low impact. I think the problem lies in texture modifications. For example, I install a skyrim mod that changes all the major holds textures...I turned off the mod, but the textures are still there... I need to replace them because of two reasons. 1. The texures repeat in an ugly way, 2. they kill my graphics card, everything lags like f'ing crazy when I try to look at anything. So that's bullsh!t. I'll sacrifice the look for the old holds, because I can't f'ing move without feeling like I'm 90+ years old. My mod has zero impact on performance I guarantee that.
  16. Yeah, I was thinking about that. If you're working on any interiors, I'd appreciate it if you post a screenshot of the house/door (from the outside) just so others can know :smile: Andy, it might be a good idea to sticky this to the beginning of the thread along with some other basic rules to keep changes to the mod from conflicting. On a further note, I refreshed myself with Pirates Cove and realized a big part of this city is that it is inside. If anyone notices there are many large structures and in my mind I picture a large dim-to-dark interior space as the center for pirate sale/trade/scum/trafficking also the city lacks gallows and cages. Considering the atmosphere and how harsh it is, punishment or death by being left outside is brutal and very pirate-esque. I would think this large interior space would be taken on by a very good interior modder or split up by multiple modders who coordinate carefully on the consistency side. As far as I go, I have a single storage-room mod left over from City of Scum that can be used anywhere. Let me know if you want to see it Andy. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Cheers
  17. TaeRai: Really? That's very interesting considering it is only comprised of Skyrim resources only. Riften buildings and some ships. In fact when I first created this mod I was testing it with an ENB running and had zero problems as far as framerate. Are you using a mod that changes the textures by chance? I have a mod that changed textures of all the major cities and I've noticed a huge performance dropped sometimes, including the Riften buildings. Can anyone else confirm performance issues? I just assumed this was totally a non-issue. (Edited because I quoted the wrong person DOH)
  18. Thankss! That looks really sick with all the major attention to detail. Whenever I'm reading up on how to make 3D models I'm always thinking "man, how does Ghosu do this stuff..." Anyway I will definitely see about getting this saber into the game maybe as a unique weapon for a pirate captain NPC :O (??) And sorry guys I'm seriously swamped with studies right now, I only have time to come on once or twice a day to see whats going on. I know theres a lot to do for this mod to get rolling so I'm glad I have the whole winter off meaning lots of free time to focus on this project. I'm not new to modding (models, textures, CK) but I am new to organizing an actual project like this so we'll probably have to take it slow. So yeah if anyone has anything to contribute, even the smallest thing like ideas for NPCs or misc quest ideas would be majorly appreciated. Just out of curiosity, if more than two people work on a mod separately and make changes, assuming that neither 'modified' mod conflicts, can those two mods be combined as one later down the road?
  19. Dude that pirate sword is out of control awesome. One thing that's definitely missing from that pirate town is skulls and crossbones... could you make flags and doors and maybe even tattoo textures with skull and cross bones?
  20. I don't know who is going to lead this project, I have no idea how to organize it mod-wise. Perhaps Andy will be able to do that once he's done with finals?
  21. So bottom line is don't F with the Papyrus INI settings...OR ELSE. dun dun dun...
  22. There is interest in continuing this mod, see here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1253549-pirates-cove-trying-to-revive-this-mod/ However, it's not the 'same mod' but everything could translate, minus the tropical environment.
  23. Sorry, for some reason I never got notified or completely missed you're asking for permission! BY ALL MEANS, get this thing going...I never created interior spaces because I had no idea what direction to take the mod... It's kind of my frustration mod of "wtf no pirate cities" I'll build my own. I was in the process of learning how to create NPCs and get them to do fun things around the town, but when I go in game some of them freak out and run off somewhere, some of them do what they're suppose to. Anyway, I'd be willing to build interior spaces, I'm good at building, not so much at anything else mod related.
  24. I recently got this issue and realized exactly what the problem was because I had only made 1 single changed to the Papyrus section of my skyrim.ini because of this http://www.rcrncommunity.com/five-quick-skyrim-tweaks-you-may-not-know #1 says: if you have 6GB of ram -> iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=3000000000 so I have 6GB of ram and I added that in to see if my game would get 20% smoother. Instead I got the error this post is about. So I removed the line and everything is fine. What I would like to know is, what is that iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes= ??? suppose to equal so that Skyrim knows how to access all my RAM?
  25. Skyrim: Awesome, but unfulfilling. My free time: Lame, because of the above. Solution: Modding is crazy creative and makes me feel fuzzy...even though some people "want to stab themselves in the eyes with needles", I, however, do not. My skills: Creation kit is crazy fun, though full of bugs, scripts and navmesh errors, I still enjoy it tremendously. Enjoying things tremendously is a skill. Seriously I like creating complex buildings, moving textures and objects around in ways others may have never imagined. See my mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32632/?, and my first mod for example: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16967/? (it's very complex for a noob, i'm super cereal, it was a learning experience and a testament to my ambition.) I can't create quests, not because I don't have the aptitude, but because I haven't had the patience to learn it yet. So I stick with what I know: detailed level design. I also have recording equipment and play guitar (for many people often; many being more than 75), so I'm willing to do sound recordings which I'D LOVE to do, since I'm crazy eccentric. I think. Give me some direction and I'll give you magic. GO! *I follow through with my work*
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