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Posts posted by rizon72

  1. Having played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim I ponder the question, have they dumbed it down?

    Yes and no.

    I like the fact they've removed some redundancy from the game. There were too many attributes, didn't like in Morrowind you had a skill for axe, blade and blunt weapons, not its one handed or two handed especially considering I like to use all of them. I don't lose points for using one over the other.

    On the other hand, magic has been completely destroyed in Skyrim. Aside from a few shouts in Skyrim, I don't use magic at all, except for enchanting armor or weapons. In Oblivion I used magic as major part of my weapon skills. I guess in Skyrim, I don't see a use for it much.

    How about the objectives. I know the showing of where and who to talk to makes people feel Skyrim is dumbed down, but I like how the objectives are listed in Skyrim (although you can turn that off so you don't see such things). Its easy to see what is active and what isn't, unlike Morrowind with that journal with pages you had to flip though. I missed many side quests because I just never knew they were there in Morrowind.

    I do get the feeling that in today's society younger players want a rich, complex universe and yet, be able to sit down and play the game in an hour.

  2. I have to agree. I've been out for almost 2+ years and one of my favorite Skyrim mods I looked up just today. Was amazed to see that not only wasn't it dead, but the modder had actually created new version and the thread was alive and doing well.

  3. You don't hear much about this because it shows the democrat party isn't as unified as the media tells us they are. They want to focus on republicans and telling us they are evil and bad and racist and sexist. (telling a lie often enough doesn't make it a truth)

    I knew this was going to happen. After Obama was elected the push was on for Hillary to be his successor. The democrat party elites have done anything and everything to make that happen.

    Sanders only ran to make a show of a choice in the democrat party. They have doubled down so much with Hillary there is no way they can go against her now even if they wanted to. They've invested too much time and money into her.

  4. I play Star War: The Old Republic, 8 of my characters are female, 2 are male. I find it funny that I get chatted up, invited to join a group, etc almost 2X as much with the female characters than a male one. And if I put my character in a skimpy outfit, that jumps up even more.


    One of my more recent characters I created not long ago I was invited over and over on the starting world by someone, then called a stuck up b**** by the guy (or gal). I had to laugh as it caused a sudden flame war on chat. I finally posted I was only doing the class missions (love that 12X).

  5. Ugh, this year has been anything but kind so far. Started with a nasty cold in January. When that was finished got a backache. That backache persisted for several weeks went to the doctor because I popping Motrin like tic-tacs and it wasn't helping. After a couple of doctors appointments, muscle relaxants, x-rays and pain pills they put me for an MRI thinking I might have a slipped disk (joy). Meanwhile I have no appetite, thinking due to the pain in my back, living off ensure.


    Then lost all feeling and movement below the waist, not a fun thing. Went to the ER, another MRI, then a CT scan of my upper chest.


    Doc told me I had an infection in my lung (which explained my being out of breath by just walking to the bathroom) and it had spread to my blood and then my spine which caused a collapse of two disks causing my paralysis.


    A six hour surgery later, 8 days in ICU, four more in the hospital before going to inpatient rehab for 45 days and then outpatient for 2-3 months and I'm almost back to normal.


    But its nice to be back, though I need to reinstall Skyrim and NMM as before all this it was acting up and messed up, nothing a clean install won't fix (though I had forgotten my password to Steam).


    Now I just have to do the reinstalls, and go through the mods and see what good stuff has come out in the past 5 months.

  6. For me it all depends on how the game plays. If I play the game through the eyes of a character, then male. But if its more of a third person view (where you're looking at your backside all the time) then its female. What can I say, if I'm going to spend hours playing a game third person I don't want to see some dude.

  7. Anyone who dares to stand up is quickly demonized by, not only either political party, but also the press. They attack the person, not the message because they don't want the message to be known. So attack the person, demonize him/her, and the masses won't listen anymore.

  8. There is so much one could say about the OP after reading the rant. I will only say this, I experience none of those problems, and signing up here was no different than any other forum I am a part of.

  9. The American public has moved on to the missing airliner which the media is covering almost non-stop. All done by Putin to distract the easily distractible so they don't notice what is going on in the Ukraine anymore.

  10. What about the group that doesn't want to be part of Russia, shouldn't they be considered as well? Because there is a group in the newly formed part of Russia, the Ukraine will take back a portion of that to protect those who don't want to be part of Russia and to protect their interests against a growing Russian influence.

  11. Like many things, this issue is immensely complex. Sadly its too easy for us to bend truths to fit our view of the world.


    I still see the USA as damned if they do something, and damned if they don't. A no-win situation, which brings up the question, which one has the least amount of damage to the future. Its almost impossible to tell.

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