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Everything posted by GileadMaerlyn

  1. You don't need nifskope for that, you need the CK. So, you want a different texture for bretons than other humans? (I didn't understand your question, but that's what I guess from the example, let's go with that, it'll be an example and you'll adapt to what you need^^) Why didn't it work? Because you created new texture files and the game didn't know what to do with them, so it ignored them. You need to tell the game that this race uses a new texture. First, put the texture where you want it (\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\bretonfemale). Then, go in the CK. Under miscellaneous/TextureSet, edit SkinBodyFemale_1, rename it (e.g. SkinBodyFemaleBreton) and click OK, it will ask if you want a new form, say yes. This will make a new texture set from the one currently used by the breton race, edit it, and change the textures to the one you added in the bretonfemale folder. Then, go under Miscellaneous/FormList, edit SkinFemaleHumanBody, and create a new form SkinFemaleBretonBody from it. Replace SkinBodyFemale_1 with SkinBodyFemaleBreton. Then, go under ArmorAddon, edit NakedTorso, and create a new form NakedTorsoBreton from it. In NakedTorso, remove the breton race in the list on the right (additional races). In NakedTorsoBreton, replace SkinBodyFemale_1 and SkinFemaleHumanBody by the one you created, and remove all races but breton. Do the same for NakedFeet and NakedHands. Then, go under Armor, edit SkinNaked, select the breton race and change NakedTorso, NakedFeet and NakedHands with the ones you created. Save and activate your mod, and you should be good to go. (should, 'cause I must say I never did something like this^^) EDIT: Ah ok, I tend to forget the title of the topic once I began reading it... :3 So you want you character to have a different body texture? Then, as Rustle32 said, create a new race for your character, and do what I said for Breton, but for your race instead.
  2. Just wanted to react on that. Don't install mods manually, if you don't know how to revert it, use NMM, it will allow you to uninstall any mod you installed with it, enabling you to easily revert to a clean skyrim in case you break anything. You can even install SKSE with it, although it's not really a mod.
  3. That's very dense... Not sure I understood everything you wanted. For the stormcloaks equipment, you need to find them in the creation kit (section Actors/Actor), go in their inventory tab and modify it. To use your mod in the game, save it in your data folder, and check it in your data options (in the game loader) or in NMM or other mod manager.
  4. A replacer doesn't show up in the data option, so everything seems normal here. Did you stop at the data option screen or did you actually go in the game and saw that undressed women didn't change?
  5. I doubt dismemberment has anything to do with that. Did you check blender's console after exporting? Maybe there was some errors.
  6. The dismemberment should be 32 as you used. For the distortion, it may be a weight problem, unless it appears at min and/or max weight slider. Why do you have 2 NiTrishape in a NiNode?! They should be at the same level than the others.
  7. Thanks, I'll look into it, though according to the wiki, that bleedout default stat is used for essential characters. Apparently, the bleedout is when an essential character gets out of combat and kneels to heal.
  8. Hi, I'd like to be able to detect if an actor is fleeing or fighting in a script, but I can't find any way to do that. First, I tried GetCombatState(), but both a fleeing or fighting actor is considered in combat. Dead end. Then, I saw an Actor Value called Mood. I thought that certainly a guy fleeing was in Fear, so I used GetActorValue("Mood"). Well, it turns out being in fear and running away screaming is not correlated for the game. Another dead end. Finally, I found somewhere that there was a function called isFleeing(), exactly for that, but it's not on the creation kit wiki, and I can't get my script to compile with it, I'm starting to doubt its existence. So, any idea? Thanks in advance.
  9. At first, making them non-hostile, yes. Then, if I have the motivation and the skill, I have a few ideas I'd like to try which would make a big mod (capture them? Enslave them? Ransom them?), but let's not get ahead of ourselves^^ EDIT: All I found was an ActionBleedOutStart and an ActionBleedOutStop, but I don't know what to make of it. When you edit it, all you have is a color... :huh:
  10. Hi, Sometimes, when you fight an enemy, he will crouch and shout "I yield! I yield" (or other things like that), but after a while attack you again, unless he fled far enough. I'd like to change that, but I can't find what triggers that behavior. All I found was the dialogue (flee subtype in DialogueGeneric quest, combat section), but I can't find what triggers it... I'm not very used to that, I did very basic scripting in Oblivion and Fallout, but not a lot, so I guess I don't have the experience to know exaclty what to look for. Could someone please point me to what triggers that behavior, so I can make a script to modify it? Thanks in advance.
  11. Maybe it's a weight problem, try it in game, with the weight slider being at minimum, maximum, and in-between. If it looks ok at min and/or max and not in between, that's the problem. (I don't know what weight does the CK use for its rendering)
  12. Hi, Sometimes, when you fight an enemy, he will crouch and shout "I yield! I yield" (or other things like that), but after a while attack you again, unless he fled far enough. I'd like to change that, but I can't find what triggers that behavior. All I found was the dialogue (flee subtype in DialogueGeneric quest, combat section), but I can't find what triggers it... I'm not very used to that, I did very basic scripting in Oblivion and Fallout, but not a lot, so I guess I don't have the experience to know exaclty what to look for. Could someone please point me to what triggers that behavior, so I can make a script to modify it? Thanks in advance. EDIT: This subforum seems kinda dead, so I posted again in the skyrim modding section who seems to have the same purpose (and more)... To moderators: I would have deleted this one if I could, feel free to do it.
  13. No problem for me. Maybe a link to Capeless Nightingale would be better then my profile.
  14. Ok, when I said to copy/paste the branch, I was talking about the body NiTriShape, not the root NiNode. Besides that there's a BSLightingShaderProperty that's here and out of everything who shouldn't be there. Fix that and it should work. Err... I don't understand you, sorry.
  15. Upload it on some file sharing site, or directly on the forum (you can attach files to your messages if they are less than 250KB).
  16. There's hole cause there's no body. You can add one by opening the body mesh (femalebodyastrid_#.nif for a complete female body, malebody_#.nif for the male one, but there's holes under the underwear area) and the armor one in nifskope, renaming the root node of the body mesh with the name of the root node of the armor (normally the name of the file), and then, copy/paste branch of the body from one nif to another. Gilead I have done this and the body shows up invisible. I know there is another step to do to get the body to show up but I do not remember what it was and for the life of me can't find it again do you or anyone know how to fix this? I don't see what would be missing. Perhaps you should send me your mesh and texture so I can take a look at it.
  17. _0 is thin version and _1 is heavy one, if they are identical, you break the weight system.
  18. You can use FOMM without fallout, just create a blank falloutNV.exe file somewhere and tell FOMM that's where you installed fallout. And for .dds editing, GIMP with .dds plugin works perfectly.
  19. There's hole cause there's no body. You can add one by opening the body mesh (femalebodyastrid_#.nif for a complete female body, malebody_#.nif for the male one, but there's holes under the underwear area) and the armor one in nifskope, renaming the root node of the body mesh with the name of the root node of the armor (normally the name of the file), and then, copy/paste branch of the body from one nif to another.
  20. Thanks! I'm with you up until this part. Last lane(line?) in block details is "Effects", I do not see "Properties" unless you meant that in a general sense. Anyway, I've tried a few things and nothing works. I've replaced "blank" in "Effects" with the NiAlphaProperty number, tried in several different places in the line. Am I just editing the wrong part, or not seeing something? If you could, please clarify that last bit? I either no effect at all, or the game doesn't load. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go (that's a screen of my capeless nightingale .nif):
  21. Nifskope can open Skyrim files, but you need to replace its nif.xml (in its installation folder) with this one. Then, you can add a property to the mesh so that the game will use transparency on it. If you still want to "alpha them away", it's perfectly feasible. To enable transparency, open the nif in nifskope. Select the NiTriShape where you want transparency, right-click on it and select Node>Add Property>NiAlphaProperty. A NiAlphaProperty node is created, change its flags to 4844 and its threshold to 128. Select the NiTriShape again, go to the last lane of the block details and in Properties, replace None with the number of the NiAlphaProperty. That's what I did to remove parts for my mods, since there's no full support for blender.
  22. Nice work AlphaDragoon, but anyone without my .nif will see black instead of transparent, I think, because the original nif does not support transparency. Did you try using your mod after uninstalling mine?
  23. Here you go. Btw, I didn't remove the cape, I just made it invisible. I will remove it properly when blender nifscripts are out.
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